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The Dominion
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Everything posted by RPS

  1. Maybe because you are one of the strongest countries economically.
  2. I totally agree Media 2.0, and I think that was the main point of the show. To point out the fact that all of the "smaller" countries in the world know so much about America, but America knows so little about the small countries. Perhaps it isn't America's perspective that is disturbing, perhaps it's OUR perspective about America that is disturbing. But hey, I am reading too far into this.
  3. But OMG THE DJ LIKES GUNDAMS SO HE PUTS THEM IN EVERY MUSIC VIDEO HE HAS EVER MADE!!!! ← You know what GoGo, you've changed my ways. The Gundams in the video make Linkin Park the greatest band ever. I'll go out and buy their CD's and listen to their music religiously.
  4. Seriously, you should have just stopped talking now. Because If you honestly believe Canada left the British Empire in 1790, than you now NOTHING about Canadian history to begin with. Absolutely nothing. You clearly don't understand the point of the show. It is hilighting the fact that Canadians know so much about American history, politics and culture, yet Americans have ZERO knowledge on Canadian history, politics and history. That we are neighbours, that we import and export billions of dollars too eachother and that we are apparently allies in this world and you still are completely oblivious and ignorant to us, and we are so aware and interested in Americans. Jesus, if you don't know anything about the issues than stop posting in threads that you are clueless about.
  5. Because each and every band member is devoid of any musical talent or creativity whatsoever.
  6. Actually, that's a pretty inaccurate phrase. And how many times did you play the sympathy card that one September a few years ago...... Wow, did you learn history or did you just oversimplify a few centuries there. Hey, there is that pretenious and ignorant attitude once again!
  7. The majority of your country elected George Bush. Therefore he represents your country. It is called democracy. He speaks on behalf of Americans and you are American. And judging by your shared attitude towards Canada, he does speak on behalf of you.
  8. The fact of the matter is that when George Bush, the President of USA doesn't even know the Prime Minister's name, the man who leads the country to the North with whom you export BILLIONS of commodities to and as well border on is pathetic. Its deplorable. You can try and defend your stance on this issue and say that you don't need to know anything about Canada, and that we aren't important. But the fact of the matter is, we aren't England, we aren't Iraq, we aren't Japan. We are Canada and we are your neighbour. We aren't going away and we aren't going to be silenced. If you seriously think America can just be ignorant towards Canadians, than you are wrong. We bring a lot of money to your economy through importing, exporting, tourism, etc. And we benefit in the same right. Talking To Americans isn't making fun of Americans, simply pointing out a very important fact. Why is that Canadians know more about Americans than Americans know about Canadians? It isn't as simple as "Americans are Idiots" or "Canadians are Unimportant."
  9. Hahahahaha. And you wonder why people drive planes into your buildings.
  10. George Bush, your president, actually refered to Jean Chrieten as Jean Poutine. I'd say that is pretty good footage if you ask me. Or how about asking scholars from University amongst other various politicians?
  11. I buy a lot from music chains here in Canada, as well as buying vinyls online at interpunk.com and from stores like Zap Records, the Village, and have gotten a few at Hot Topic.
  12. Give me some links giving bad reviews for the song. I have heard bad reviews for the album, because it does indeed suck. Putting that aside, I have the sense to realize when someone releases a good single. And if you can't define success as being both critically acclaimed and expected by the masses, than what do you define as "success"? Seriously, do you even listen to songs before commenting to them? She is making fun of generic pop stars. Duh! The appeal comes into play with Mike Skinner and a lot of the production. His songs are down to earth and realistic and so is his personality. It isn't overblown gangsta rap and it isn't overblown socially conscience rap, the Streets seem to find a realistic stage from which to come from. Plus, I enjoy listening to Mike Skinner, he is a humorous guy. And the production behind the Streets is great. It seems on each track the Streets put forth an effort to make it sound different than the one before. Mainly it's an album I can listen to without thinking "wow this sounds like that other song..." Anyways, CD I cooked up today. 5 Minute Songs 1. Black Sabbath; "Iron Man" 2. Chemical Brothers; "Block Rockin' Beats" 3. Refused; "Refused Are Fucking Dead [Remix]" 4. Michael Jackson; "Thriller" 5. Moneen; "What Did You Say My Eyes Are On Fire?" 6. The Clash; "Police and Thieves" 7. Broken Social Scene; "Cause=Time" 8. The Specials; "Ghost Town" 9. The Distillers; "The Hunger" 10. Dead Kenndys; "Riot"
  13. A) Gwen Stefani is ages ahead of Simple Plan and Linkin Park. Fact. B) What Are You Waiting For is getting high critical acclaim and is well respected by the masses. If you ask me that pretty much sums up a success song. C) I had to include a good song that was quite long and wasn't a rock, metal, punk song. I toyed with the Chemical Brothers, but they didn't really seem to fit the equation. And as a footnote, I like the fact you avoid the fact I included Led Zeppelin, the Streets, Doors and Refused and just had to note the fact I listen to Gwen Stefani. Just found it amusing.
  14. LadyDavinator = .5/10 One good song and even than, the taste is pretty undiverse. You jump from listening to really bad nu-metal to really bad pop-punk, perhaps two of the worst fads in the music business. Tristof = 7.5/10 I dig your CD. You switch it up a bit, you go indie rock, heavy metal, plus you got Buckethead on there. Big Buckethead fan myself, I must say. CD of Epic Songs 1. Opeth - The Moor (11:26) 2. Refused - Tannhauser Derive (8:07) 3. Led Zeppelin - Kasmir (8:32) 4. Frank Zappa - Willie The Pimp (9:14) 5. Gwen Stefani - What Are You Waiting For Remix (8:01) 6. The Streets - Empty Cans (8:13) 7. The Doors - The End (11:42)
  15. I'll limit this list to musicians, since I could care less about every other "celebrity" status profession. 1. Joe Strummer 2. K-OS 3. Jim Morrison 4. Andre 3000 5. Tom Waits 6. Justin Timberlake 7. Ben Harper 8. Henry Rollins 9. Damon Albarn 10. The Beastie Boys
  16. 1. Death From Above 1979; "Your A Woman, I'm A Machine" No doubt in my mind, an album of this caliber belongs on the list. Not only did this record surpass all my expectations, their success came from left field. Why the hell are all of these trendy hipsters getting into this stuff? They did have an old record, many who think that it is better than this. 2. K-OS; "Joyfull Rebellion" Damn those Canucks make great music. When B-Boy Stance came out, I knew K-OS was onto something special. Not that Exit wasn't great, because it was a superb album. But this really shot into the mainstream with that sizzling autumn hit, Crabbuckit. First he conquers Canada; next he will conquer America. 3. Beastie Boys; "5 To The Boroughs" Who knew three old men could rap? And he knew after a 4 year hiatus they'd come back and people would still want to hear them rap? They still used their humor but the music was almost... retro? This wasn't the Beastie Boys on Ill Communication or Pauls Boutique. This was very simplisitic and was all about the rhymes being dropped. 4. The Go Team; "Thunder Lighting Strike" I must admit; when my friend told me about this band I had doubts. I laughed at them first, off. But than I actually listened to the songs and found myself... dancing. Because this stuff is very danceable and fun. Take it to a party and you will see a smile on everyone's face. 5. Green Day; "American Idiot" Who would have thought that Green Day would be resurrected? Not me. I thought the album would flop. Come on, the Billie Joel almost admits to being a faggot and in this day and age, that can get you blacklisted. American Idiot, the single, got every body worked up especially in a time where there was so much angst and hatred from one side of the population towards George Bush. And than, almost in timed fashion after Bush won the election, they release Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Does anyone else see the great timing? And 6 grammy nominations for the boys must feel good. Has punk broken the mainstream? Nah, but this is as close as it has ever gotten. 6. Alexisonfire; "Watch Out" How can a record with almost ZERO radio-play go gold? Lets add to the fact, it isn't a major record release. And they are a screamcore outfit? Lots of touring and MuchMusic. Watch Out would have been a lot higher if it wasn't as mainstream as it is. I love the album, so true. But the band has changed a lot since their debut. And I don't really like the change. But nonetheless, it was a great release and for all of you kids around the world, OUR band has arrived. 7. The Streets; "A Grand Don't Come Free" 8. Dizzee Rascal; "Showtime" 9. The Hives; "Tyrannosaurus Hives" 10. My Chemical Romance; "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge"
  17. U2 in the past two albums have defintely been playing it safe. Right know they realize experimenting with sounds isn't a good idea, they want to play it safe and making sure they keep their reputation intact. With that said, it isn't a bad album, but it isn't a good album. U2 knows how to keep people just satisfied while making them salivate for more and more. I'll continue to buy their CD's in hopes that they do something new and fresh.
  18. And I am sure Primus have a friend called Harold and he is from the rocks. Point is, when writing you create characters. Christina's father may or may not be abusive, but she is singing a song to represent a certain population or to tell a story she thinks has some of relevance. And at the end of the day, if is true or not doesn't matter. If the music still affects you, than don't let the author or truth bother you. Take it for what it is an entertaining perspective on life.
  19. So many people have this scattered view of a musician. A musician is someone who plays music. Just because they don't write said music doesn't make them any less of a writer. If something affects you deeply, than who cares who wrote it?
  20. Because we as individuals worship these musicians and we create certain standards for them to fullfill. Their are certain people who will expect that musicians wrote their lyrics because it becomes personal to them, they almost develop a relationship with the musician and believe it to be true. People see it as almost a point of legitimacy, that puts extra meaning towards the lyrics. But really, it is the standards that we as a collective whole create. Because honestly, I think that is an added bonus that someone writes their own music, but as long as they can still sing the part, can still rip a guitar solo than it still means the same thing.
  21. RPS

    Sum 41 (HOLY SHIT)

    My, how Sum 41 has grown up since Makes No Difference. And so have I grown up. We're All To Blame is a step up from everything they ever released in terms of showcasing their true talents. So I bought the album. I was shocked; this wasn't the same Sum 41 from Half Hour Of Power. They defintely have grown up. With that, I don't think the record is good, it is decent. Maybe I'd say a 6 out of ten, which is an average. They have shown leaps and bounds, but they still haven't reached the stage in song-writing that I expected from the album.
  22. RPS

    Shuffle and Post

    Out of 2007 1. Sublime; "Rivers of Babylon" 2. Sham 69; "Sunday Morning Nightmare" 3. Devo; "Too Much Paranoias" 4. The Specials "Monkey Man" 5. William Shatner; "Thats Me Trying" 6. Dizzee Rascal; "Stand Up Tall" 7. The Clash; "London Calling" 8. B52's; "Rock Lobster" 9. Descendents; "I'm Not A Loser" 10. Deltron 3030; "Time Keeps On Slipping"
  23. It is so tough to choose a one and a two, you know what I mean? The top three on my list are inter-changable as I own every CD [and in the Clash's case, I own every vinyl of theirs] and think they all contributed to music in their own way. But today, I just happened to like Refused a little bit more.
  24. 1. Refused 2. The Beastie Boys 3. The Clash 4. The (International) Noise Conspiracy 5. Dizzee Rascal 6. Death From Above 1979 7. Del Tha Funkee Homosapien/Deltron 3030 8. Primus 9. The Streets 10. Broken Social Scene HONORABLE MENTIONS : Pansy Division, The Specials, The Ramones
  25. I thoroughly agree with picking up books, as my dad has a few on the punk-scene in general. I do believe a friend of my uncle's is releasing a book about Punk-rock with a section on the LA Scene next year. I'm invited to the release party, so whenever it does come out I'll tell you the name and probably link you to a site where you can buy it.
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