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Status Replies posted by IDOL

  1. With all these returns in the WWE lately I'm crossing my fingers for Billy Kidman.

  2. Seriously Hollywood? Did we REALLY need a "gritty" Little Red Riding Hood?

  3. I needed a cigarette after that promo.

  4. Just to be clear, anyone spoils the SuperBowl in their status, they'll get suspended

  5. It stands for rectum!

  6. Did anyone out there know Mark Henry is dyslexic?

  7. Anyone out there, who was Austin's first feud or title defence after he won the title from HBK?

  8. How didn't I see Arrested Development before, it's absolutely amazing. Tobias Fünke is one of the greatest sitcom characters ever.

  9. How didn't I see Arrested Development before, it's absolutely amazing. Tobias Fünke is one of the greatest sitcom characters ever.

  10. just applied to work at Starrcade

  11. I think my favorite feature of SvR is that when you play online against a CAW, it always looks extremely stupid and has super maxed out stats and hits moves like RKOs and Vertebreakers as normal moves.

  12. Welp. My copy of SvR11 freezes every time I try to join a game online.

  13. My roommate is 20 and is getting Halloween care packages from his family

  14. I would like to once again advocate for the use of the Ignore button, EWB. It's a trip, man.

  15. About to form the iSociety while banished to Uplink in the Pop Prom. Let me be your leader... who's with me!?!?

  16. I can't decide if I want Madden 11 or NCAA 11.

  17. I'm sensing a lot of anger and tension on EWB lately.

  18. Well, I'm officially done with the Ring.

  19. Well, I'm officially done with the Ring.

  20. you come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found... a GOD?!

  21. Hey, where's my rematch buddy?

  22. Use EWWAREHOUSE.INFO for all of your TEW 2005 needs. Because I made it. Okay?

  23. name an item. Drink if Shawn Michaels owns one.

  24. is consistently getting royally screwed by TEW.

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