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Meacon Keaton

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Meacon Keaton last won the day on April 24 2021

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About Meacon Keaton

  • Birthday 07/01/1985

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Hall Of Famer

Hall Of Famer (12/12)



  1. You have to love Verdugo taking the Red Sox to the woodshed. Shove it up your butt, Papelbon!
  2. He's like their third best starter now.
  3. I hope Jacques Villeneuve stays off my television moving forward.
  4. The real punishment would be forcing him to go back and play for the Pirates again.
  5. I really thought Horner was just issuing lip-service when talking about Checo. I figured he was just trying to keep Perez from having a mental spiral like he did in the second half of last season. I'm quite surprised he's staying on. I thought Carlos to Red Bull would've been brilliant, but if they really don't want to rock Max's boat with their second driver, I guess this does make sense.
  6. I'd be ok being placed in a medically-induced coma at the age of 39, simply so I could take a break from Doing Things.
  7. Aaron Judge is good at baseball playing
  8. I guess it's time to start considering a PS5...
  9. I don't know how I'm just learning about this mode in the NBA games, but I'm going to buy 2K24 tomorrow and play this. I wish other sports did modes like that. Do teams draft players based on the IRL drafts or from hindsight? Like in '84, does Bowie still likely get drafted before Jordan or does MJ go #1, Hakeem/Barkley/Stockton go 2-4? (Also, my lawd what a draft class)
  10. Newey to Aston Martin. Stroll still consistently finishes 8th-12th.
  11. I think the best quarterback in the draft was the fifth one selected. Two spots before we picked.
  12. was optioned back down to AAA.
  13. As much as I despise the QB-pushing prick, I agree.
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