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Everything posted by LittleDaniel

  1. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    Man, I almost went to that. Then I decided to watch musicals on youtube all night. They're always fucking awesome though. Its more a lack of funds issue than one of apathy.
  2. Zero - Hawthorne Heights...ten plus times? I understand you're from Ohio and I assume they are too (I really shouldn't remember that their big hit was "Ohio Is For Lovers") but...ten times?
  3. Frank Zappa and the Mother of Invention's Freak Out!: Mister America, walk on by, Ain't got no heart What will you do if we let you go home? A year ago today Motherly love When I won your love Wowie Zowie You didn't try to call me Any way the wind blows Got no place to go You're probably wondering why I'm here Well I'm about to get upset Help, I'm a rock Suzy?
  4. Oh, so go to songsterr.com. On the home page is a list of beginner songs. Pick the ones you like?
  5. Honestly though, all you need is to be able to play the main rock beat (eighth notes on hi hat throughout the measure, bass on the first and third beat, snare on the second and third). Then, while jamming, make some variations on this. But most bands really just use the main beat throughout almost every song in their repertoire. Plus drum fills. Know the whole "roll across the toms" trick that everyone does. Once you can do that and consistently keep a beat, you're good. Unless you want to play hardcore, but with only one bass pedal I'm assuming that's not what you're looking to accomplish. If you absolutely need some songs, I'd suggest old hardcore punk, stuff like the Dead Kennedys, where, even if its just the simple drum beat plus fills it goes fucking fast (but without the silly multiple bass pedals).
  6. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    This weekend I get to see Los Campesinos/Johnny Foreigner this weekend. Then I get to see Matt & Kim and Spraynard/Break the Habit/some Fest bands next weekend. Then I've got to decide if I want to go to a show on Halloween in NYC. So fucking stocked, I love October.
  7. 1. Maria Bamford 2. Eugene Mirman 3. David Cross 4. Mike Birbiglia 5. Daniel Tosh 6. Zach Galifinakis 7. Dana Gould 8. Michael Ian Black 9. Mitch Hedberg 10. Lewis Black
  8. ...wait, what the fuck? I didn't notice him at all until the end. Oh well, an excuse to watch it again!
  9. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    holy shit why did i not investigate Crywank further when i fell in love with "welcome to castle irwell" on one of yi's thingies. sweet fuck boys, if any of you live near Manchester and decided not to go see him/andrew jackson jihad/kepi ghoulie/apologies, i have none, then i don't know what to make of you.
  10. Last week we had Brittany being Britney. This week we had Britta and Annie oil wrestling. Thank you Hollywood, thank you.
  11. The fact that Friends is popular in Britain while Seinfeld is not shows that Britain just doesn't have taste. /runsandhidesfromthefriendsfanatics
  12. Did this actually turn out decent? Whenever I saw commercials for it, I thought it looked terrible. Are you sure you're not letting your (understandable) love for Julie Benz cloud your vision?
  13. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (I know, I checked facebook before I said anything)
  14. No, no, I refuse to believe that, I'm going to just assume you're five. And Bored to Death has Jason Schwartzman, Zack Galifinakis, and Ted Danson. And its on HBO. If you get a chance, I'd definitely watch it. I'm going to wait until Netflix starts streaming season one, myself.
  15. You've never seen Seinfeld? Are you a toddler?
  16. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    I knew that The Max Levin Ensemble are going on a UK tour with ONSIND, so I checked out the Durham date and you're right, there's Fashanu. Also, I guess this means the new Spoonboy album isn't going to come out anytime soon...
  17. Without any spoilers, should I watch all of HIAC or just the US title match?

    1. C-MIL


      Just the U.S. Title match.

      And John Cena's match, if you're interested.

    2. TEOL


      Yeah, the Cell matches weren't bad, but they weren't anything you haven't seen before. I quite liked Cena/Barrett though.

  18. Can we give it to me? I'll post a recording of me singing a Slipknot song.
  19. Can we give Corey Taylor's spot to Freddy Mercury?
  20. Bluey's mobile phone thread reminded me: a while back you were asking me about GoPhone stuff. Tomorrow the rates go down. Not sure if it does this automatically, so you're going to want to go into a store or call 611 (if you still use AT&T). The simple rate plan is going from $0.25 a minute to $0.10 a minute.

  21. What do the people recommend I check out from Nick Drake, he's a name I hear often but have never really investigated.
  22. While I love the fact that Brittany had more lines, I felt like all the musical numbers were more stand-alone music videos rather than devices to carry along the plot. The most poignant example of this was the Brit/Santana number, which...showed us that they can sing and are attractive, but we already knew that. What I heard from someone else when I presented this was that "well it was all fantasies, no duh it didn't carry along the plot!" To dispute this, in case people (beyond the one person I know) really think this way...Artie singing the Safety Dance. Now thats a fucking fantasy sequence.
  23. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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