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Everything posted by LittleDaniel

  1. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    I was going to put this in the Like Thread, but I think this is a more appropriate venue: http://www.silversprocket.net/blog/?p=1757 NEVER SLEEP ALONE! NEVER GET LAID!
  2. Well yeah, I'm a complex individual. Or an idiot.
  3. Shiiiiiiiiit, the skinheads have stopped being "gangs" and started becoming "organizations"? Next you'll want me to treat them as if they're real people...
  4. So, all I know about The Wire is that its set in Baltimore, and I'm assuming they use gangsta/street thug type characters, since that's really all the media talks about from Baltimore. My question: will this show make me paranoid as I walk down the streets of Baltimore?
  5. I was saying you need to try to find something to do at 1:20am. Doesn't have to be tv. Have you tried going to the local [insert local store here] and striking up a conversation with the cashier? Is it weird that "strike up a conversation with a random employee" was my first instinct, and not, say, go get shitfaced?
  6. Find something to do! You're limiting yourself by thinking "well, it's late, there must not be anything going on." ...and to make this relevant, at 1:20am over here Craig Ferguson is on, he's pretty much all the tv I've been watching this past week. That, and random things that are on for the hour or so before him, I've got time to kill.
  7. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    Yeah, the plan right now is to ask my punker coworker about the bands on night one, definitely go to night two, then head to Philly the next day for Passion Pit/Toyko Police Club. Good weekend.
  8. LittleDaniel

    DLS vs Pip

    I've got to disagree with Skummy on this, just had my first full listen to the CD and a couple tracks really stood out to me. Mostly "5 Minutes," "Cauliflower," and "Cowboi," but also "Inert Explosions" just because it's so damn similar to "Rappers Battle" off of Angles.
  9. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    I'm thinking about going to Insubordination Fest, a local festival here in Baltimore. But, I've only heard of two bands on the first night, so I was wondering if there's any other bands on there you fellows know of. First night: Second night (I'm probably going to this, but figured I'd post it anyway):
  10. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    Yeah, I got the Imperial Can CD and I really just wished I was listening to Ghost Mice...
  11. As a fan of Tara and Anya, . As for MARKING OUT, I was in a room with four Supernatural fans (who once yelled at me because I took so long watching seasons one and two, and therefore keeping the DVDs from them) and the collective response to the one character that I didn't know was a collective "meh." However, if you're talking about the character that I DO know from seasons one and two, then it was definitely nice to see him again, although the others in the room weren't MARKING OUT in the least. EDIT: Was that vague enough for everyone?
  12. Yeah, they did. And I haven't seen the show since the end of season two (before last night, that is), so I had noooooooooooo fucking idea what was going on.
  13. As long as they have enough E, that's fine with me.

  14. I came here to haunt you, but now that I see you're from Philly I have a question: Ever been to "The Mann" up there for a concert? Is the place any good?

  15. Hey, hey Meacon... Scarface is terribly overrated.
  16. I just found the Scarface plot really boring. Probably because I never liked that movie, but oh well, the hippity hops definitely made up for it!
  17. Andrew Jackson Jihad - Ummmmmm....Brave as a Noun. Or maybe Survival. Belle & Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister Frank Turner - I Knew Prufrock Before He Got Famous Jimmy Eat World - Either Sweetness or this one slower song they do that used to make me really sad, think it was about death, haven't listened to them in a few years now Paramore - That first one they put out Pennywise - Bro Hymn Queen - Fat Bottomed Girls. Although I prefer the bluegrass cover version I heard a month or so ago.
  18. This is the only place, eh? Also, going down the page and -1'ing everyone but yourself just looks kind of sad.
  19. How would you define yourself then? Because, out of all the posts I've seen of you, 100% have been about raves. I could understand if this were a forum about raves or ecstasy or idiocy, but last time I checked...
  20. Honesty, the saddest part about this whole thread is that you seem to define yourself solely as one who goes to raves.
  21. So if I want to castrate you for your grammar, I can do that?!
  22. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    Tickets for the benefit show which Jeff Mangum is playing were seventy five bucks, and sold out in twenty minutes. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/badabing/the-chris-knox-benefit-concert?pos=1&ref=spotlight I TOLD YOU, OBSCENELY EXPENSIVE.
  23. This Film Is Not Yet Rated - A very interesting look at the movie industry. I hate silly X/10 ratings, so I'll just say check out a synopsis, and if you seem interested you'll probably like the movie. ...and yeah, its four or so years old by now, and most of you have probably seen it, but...
  24. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    To someone who normally spends five dollars on concert tickets, thirty dollars is obscenely expensive <.<
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