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Everything posted by LittleDaniel

  1. Its the only reason GoGo voted for Ella Fitzgerald.
  2. Her tits are adequate. But at least its not the girl from Flyleaf. That was phrased awkwardly (as the girl from Flyleaf is cuter than the girl from Paramore). I found out about these two bands at the same time, and Flyleaf is so much worse.
  3. I'm not even going to try to fix that terrible embedding.
  4. Jon Lovitz is, unfortunately, in many things.
  5. Man, if Darnielle didn't make it, I'm guessing none of my pics made it.
  6. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    Andrew Jackson Jihad's set was all electric. Weird. It really sucked for the first half, when it was just the one guy up there with an electric guitar singing his songs, but then he got a back band for the second half of the set and it was fucking amazing. Picture that doesn't show off nearly how large the crowd was, but its the only one I can find. Some of the couch crew (people I met while sitting on a couch waiting for Paul Baribeau to play last week) are in this picture, so it excites me. New favorite venue, easily. Spoiler'd for largeness.
  7. I haven't seen it, but I heard it was confusing and my huge Supernatural fan friends were not too into it. Then again, they're not that bright, so maybe it was only confusing to them.
  8. On a brighter note, the new Community episode was awesome (although I don't like Betty White) and can be seen on Hulu. The show starts out with Donald Glover in Spiderman pjs, can you ask for anything more?
  9. No no, I think we all understood that, what I believe we're talking about is the cliche "I'm walking through the hallway, singing my heart out, while no even looks my way. Oh, now I'm in an empty auditorium, and now I'm standing outside a window of some sort, looking in, can you tell I feel alone yet?" scene starring Rachel near the end of the episode. Definitely agree about Emma though.
  10. My favorite part was easily the opening five minutes, but this episode there weren't really things that made me cringe the way they did in the first season. Well, except for Rachel's solo. I just hate the "walking down the hallway, singing, but no one notices" scenes. And for the rapping. They really are not good rappers, but at least Will refrained. As for new characters: I love the Beast. Football Player can be fun if his purpose is what I think it is going to be. Sunshine had an amazing voice...so yes, of course she has to leave immediately.
  11. Oi, what kind of sound file do you want? Wav, mp3, etc etc

  12. 1. (of the Mountain Goats) 2. Regina Spektor 3. 4. (of the World/Inferno Friendship Society) 5. Joanna Newsom 6. (of Neutral Milk Hotel) 7. (of Gogol Bordello) 8. 9. Leslie Feist 10. Captain Beefheart Here's what I do instead of writing my paper that's due tomorrow!
  13. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    Ughh, that reminds me, the original show was Paul Baribeau/Iron Chic/Dead Mechanical, but Paul pulled out of the venue that show was happening (basically, one member of the collective that runs it sexually assaulted two other members, but the collective voted to not kick him out). Would've been an even better show, but having Paul talk to me in the middle of his set was still amazing.
  14. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    Paul Baribeau's fucking awesome live. The support was great too. http://www.myspace.com/busmansholiday - such a funny band with such sad songs. http://www.myspace.com/jakelazovick - Sounds like Spoonboy, give "Telephone Lines" a listen on here.
  15. It was split into two parts. One part was while Tim Curry was on screen, which was excellent. The other part was when you were waiting in anticipation for Tim Curry to come back on screen, which built tension (not particularly for the plot, but just because you want to see Tim Curry again). Part two made part one seem even better than it was. The formula is flawless. Thanks.
  16. Pennywise the Dancing Clown says otherwise.
  17. Speaking of wishes, you know what I never understood? Genies! They tell you to wish for anything you want and then they add some terrible twist. Like you wish to jump high so he turns you into a frog. Why? Who gains from this? The genie? Where's the benefit? You should be fighting genies, man, not me. I'm not the problem; genies are the problem.

  18. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    Next week: Paul Baribeau! September 25th: ANDREW JACKSON JIHAD IN MY FRIEND'S BACKYARD (almost literally) October: LOS CAMPESINOS AND POSSIBLY THE FEST Fuck I love my musical life right now.
  19. LittleDaniel

    L33t Thread 2010

    ...okay, based on that name alone I need to check this man out.
  20. It looks worse to me. At least in the last trailer they showed off a tope, here there was just restholds, strikes, and the occasional arm drag.
  21. Keeping with the theme of children shows, what is the name of Steve's brother on Blue's Clues?
  22. Why would you want to be backstage for a dance festival? Shouldn't you be out in the crowd...dancing?
  23. This is so hard, but I'm going to try to stick with this list. 1. "The Catcher in the Rye" by Salinger (I am either a stereotypical teenager or a murderer) 2. "Slaughterhouse Five" by Vonnegut 3. "The Sound and the Fury" by Faulkner 4. "Invisible Monsters" by Palahniuk 5. "Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" by Murakami 6. "Wise Blood" by O'Connor 7. "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Adams 8. "Fahrenheit 451" by Radbury 9. "1984" by Orwell 10. "Harry Potter" series by Rowling (solidarity metalman >_>)
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