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Status Updates posted by Universal

  1. Confession: I liked the Dungeon of Doom

  2. A friend who has barely watched any wrestling is over a decade wants to watch a Pre-2000 PPV. What's good?

  3. "To be honest with you Vince, you know the old expression. Where there is DDP, there's bound to be Booker T."

  4. I had somebody say to me last night "Remember when the whole McMahon family was involved? Like Shane and the Alliance? Those were the days!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Whtie Dolphin

      Whtie Dolphin

      Except not really because then how would a casual fan figure out Steve Austin joining up with a bunch of scrubs in order to beat the WWF.

    3. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Just think, in ten years, people will look back to now and say 'Remember John Cena? Those were the days.' Actually, Cena will probably still be around in 10 years.

    4. The Lusophone

      The Lusophone

      What TKz said. I knew nothing about WCW or ECW and loved the Invasion storyline.

  5. Wake me when it's WrestleMania.

  6. There's only one thing that I hate, and it's a bunch of crap...

    1. LUKIE


      Hating on TNA now Universal? Geez man, make up your mind!

    2. mystikz


      iiiiiii haaaateee rap. raaaap is crap.

  7. Flying to Japan to see Curry Man defend his Fired Championship against Cody Deaner.

  8. 15 years ago today Hogan turned heel.

    1. Beefus of Bethesda

      Beefus of Bethesda

      Strangely enough, Hogan's Heel Turn is going to be on TheStr0 today, possibly tomorrow. the "You Want a War?" speech was last night.

    2. C-MIL


      I WAS THERE!

    3. Meacon Keaton
  9. I heard a rumor years ago, that one idea kicked around for a WCW reboot, was to literally open the show wth Sting getting out of bed, and having everything from 1996 to 2000 turn out to have been all a crazy dream. That idea is so stupid, it's amazing. God, I love pro-wrestling.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TGWL


      TNA is all apart of stings dream. He's somehow broadcasting it to all of us.

    3. brenchill
    4. GA!


      TNA is a figment of Sting's imagination he's used as a way to cope with WCW's death.

  10. Miz on the weather channel at 7:20 eastern time.

    1. Slogger


      I'm the Miz...and the weather will be CLOU-DY!

    2. Mx. Canadian Destroyer

      Mx. Canadian Destroyer

      It's like having your name in the phone book. Everyone reads that thing!

  11. Heading out to a Festivus Dinner tonight. I am told I have been pre-challenged for the feats of strength. Great...

  12. WWE seems to be making better use of the 3-hour RAW slots lately.

  13. How does Christine O'Donnell sleep at night.....like, without masturbating?

  14. Lions got robbed.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. EddieG
    3. OctoberRaven


      Oh boo fucking hoo. The Dolphins would have made the playoffs last year but half the team got benched due to injuries. The Lions are lucky they can't be demoted to Arena League.

    4. OctoberRaven


      And if they DID have to go to Arena League they'd still lose every game. But hey, don't be sad. At least your team isn't the Jets.

  15. Just read an old news letter with a Disco inferno interview where he said he was in the room with Shane McMahon and Jeff Jarrett during the final Nitro as they watched Vince bury Jarrett on RAW, and it was a 'funny' moment.

  16. Posted another full TNA impact episode for my diary. Let me know what you guys think.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DMN in the House

      DMN in the House

      If I recall, we both kind of liked it...

    3. GA!



    4. NobBe Nobbs

      NobBe Nobbs

      Yes, Mr. Sherman, everything stinks.

  17. Finished the 1st show of my diary and it's posted.

  18. Working on his first diary.

  19. Get Up Bubble Gum! Let's kick his ass!

  20. I have a terrible reputation.

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