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Damian WayLNKe

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Everything posted by Damian WayLNKe

  1. UConn is shitting bricks right now. It sounds like they'll have to wait for someone else to leave the ACC now.
  2. That other kid is going to be a psycho.
  3. Shawn and Eric need to be eccentric millionaire characters or I'm not watching.
  4. Just threw 8 interceptions against the Chiefs in a 28-20 loss I would have won easily if I would have kicked a FG every time I made it to the 30 yard line.
  5. The only teams ranked between 15th and 26th that didn't lose this week were Boise State, Kent State and Northern Illinois. The winner of Kent State/NIU has a decent shot of being in the top 16 and finishing higher than whoever the Big East ends up with.
  6. MAC Championship game could be for an automatic BCS berth and Oklahoma might get the last at large bid.
  7. Speaking of Walking Dead, does anyone know if there's talk of getting the rest of the episodes free through Playstation Plus? I feel like they were just getting us hooked.
  8. I had a slow start against Cleveland, but then noticed Torrey Smith burning the coverage on the right side of the field. Flacco now has the passing yards record for a single-game (or at least that's what the announcers said)
  9. Just bought tickets to see Ty Segall at the Black Cat in January.
  10. The only way I found was to have them share a championship and then people contending for that championship will appear on both shows.
  11. ULL up 20-13 on Florida with six minutes left. Louisville is knocked off by Syrarcuse and Northwestern/Michigan currently in OT after Michigan connects on a batted Hail Mary pass to the ten-yard line with eight seconds left which resulted in the game-tying field goal.
  12. Go into the calendar, highlight Raw and hit the button for editing (I believe it's square on PS3). This brings up the championships being used for that show.
  13. Just had a pretty cool moment. Tried to go for the Diving Elbow with Punk using a Signature, but by the time I jump Cena is already up and catches me for an Attitude Adjustment.
  14. I was able to do the 2 elbow drops, but I can't figure out what HBK's submission is. Anyone know? Edit: I think Bulldog is reversing any attempt I make at a submission move even though I've completed all the other objectives. Finally got using X without any direction to work. I guess that's the general submission move for everyone.
  15. Managed another ridiculous comeback in OT vs. the Eagles. I threw 5 interceptions in the first quarter which didn't end up hurting me that much. I threw 4 TD passes in the fourth quarter and won on my second possession in OT.
  16. Once Upon a Time just had my favorite episode so far. Spoiler on who the episode reveals the previous identity of.
  17. Just rent it...they'll probably be closed by the time you have to return it anyway.
  18. Wow, just used an onside kick successfully for the first time (that I can remember) to complete a comeback in Madden. Took a 9-0 lead in the first half. Bengals for some reason go for two on their second touchdown in the third quarter to make it 15-9. They then score another in the 4th and fail on the conversion to make it 21-9. I hit Ed Dickson off the line for a 81 yard TD pass with 21 seconds left (21-16). Jimmy Smith recovers the onside kick and I complete a 52 yarder to Tandon Doss on the next play to go up (22-21). I fail on the conversion and Ed Reed comes down with the interception on a Bengals hail mary pass after they got a bullshit call where the receiver was going out of bounds while catching the ball at the 50 yard line with 8 seconds left and timeouts still in their pocket.
  19. Extra innings for game 4. Edit: Scutaro gets the go ahead RBI in the tenth.
  20. George A Romero's Martin is a great vampire movie, but it's probably not going to give you the creeps. The Strangers was the last movie that really creeped me out to the point that I was looking out my dorm room window and checking for people in masks wondering around.
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