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Schlitzbrille last won the day on March 30 2021

Schlitzbrille had the most liked content!

About Schlitzbrille

  • Birthday 02/10/1991

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  • Pronouns
    Manly man
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  • Interests
    Doing this and doing that

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Schlitzbrille's Achievements

Main Eventer

Main Eventer (10/12)



  1. I see you there $12k tequila, I can literally buy a nice used car for that price
  2. Taylor Swift as musical artist, good but not my alley at all. Taylor Swift as transcendent god-queen of humanity, no.
  3. The Jon Snow Show: Five seasons of wandering ASOIAF Himalayas
  4. I liked that part where the handegg man that throws the ball was selected first
  5. I dunno, GT3 and LMP machinery on Monza and Spa sounds tempting as shit and highly innovative
  6. So AC2 has a name now. Can't wait for the mod scene and the six hundred M4 GT3 releases (not that that's my scene, sign me up for the odd shit)
  7. Children with your great-aunt who's young enough to be your daughter
  8. I'm Team "fuck Jae I for skipping Rhaenys" (but in this case, Black out of principle)
  9. I agree. Steven Richards should be the replacement instead
  10. https://www.gog.com/en/game/alpha_protocol It's back
  11. https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/tinto-talks-2-march-6th-2024.1626415/ Totally not EU5 dev diaries underway
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