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The Donators
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Status Replies posted by Draevyn

  1. Paging Sousa to the Dome....We Need More Hoganomics or something of the ilk

  2. No more love on the run.

  3. i remember my first batista

  4. i remember my first batista

  5. i remember my first batista

  6. Here comes the Ax, here comes the Smasher. The Demolition, walking disaster. Pain and destruction is our middle name.

  7. Jeff Jarrett in Royal Rumble shocker.

  8. He's bold and he's cocky, he struts like a king. There's no way to stop the Rude Awakening!

  9. I hate it when people no-sell my jokes.

  10. Why hasn't El Matador Tito Santana returned to manage Los Matadors!!!

  11. Eating ham and watching lucha? Good way to spend a night.

  12. So I've put Double Dragon up on Youtube...anyone want to watch it?

  13. Okay guys while I'm gone Cloudy is in charge.

  14. Someone told me they hated Napoleon Dynamite today. How is that even possible!?


  16. Not digging the new trend in The Ring where people reword the same two points of argument so we get 3 pages of derivative gruel to wade through... wait... maybe that isn't so new after all.

  17. Making my first attempt at watching a pre-06 WM. What is the best show to watch?

  18. Making my first attempt at watching a pre-06 WM. What is the best show to watch?

  19. I am here on official Anti-Drug Coalition business.

  20. Damn, homie. You was the man, homie.

  21. Bought a new laptop today, when I'm downstairs the internet is fast but as soon as I go to my room (second floor) internet goes to shit. Never had this problem with my old laptop.

  22. EWBattleground - worth reading?

  23. Battleground - worth watching?

  24. We're hanging out naked together!

  25. You have three days. If my twenty billion dollars are not delivered by then, the hostages will die, and the world will hold you responsible

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