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Everything posted by JasonM

  1. I don't want to care for achievements, but I still find myself twisting my own arm to play games in a certain way to get achievements, and I honestly don't know why. Maybe a sense of completionism, or just basic dopamines. It has genuinely destroyed my interest and desire to play certain games because I was too focused on playing that specific way rather than just enjoying the adventure. But I also struggle with games like TES/Fallout because whenever i'd stumble upon some mid/late-game dungeon through random exploring it would immediately kill any interest I had to continue, like an instant disconnect and further inability to get back into it. I also get way too engrossed in trying to 100% a game I enjoy, even if it means killing my enjoyment. I want to get all collectables, even if they're completely inane and the reward at the end isn't worth the grind/detour required. I have often found myself going "Before I continue the game proper, I want to get the collectibes", then by the time I got the collectibles I completely lost my desire to play further, and as a result never finished the game. On the flipside I can also not push myself to collect such things AFTER i finished a game, because I want the full experience and nothing else... Anyways, long rant, but tl;dr for me is "It's complicated".
  2. End of an era, Nicholas Latifi definitely ranks somewhere among the racing drivers of the sport.
  3. It's why I always roll my eyes when there are people complaining that racing 'nowadays' isn't exciting enough, when you can count on one hand the amount of seasons that had true wheel to wheel racing. Most times it were a handful of drivers or two manufacturers driving into the sunset and the rest being lucky to pick at the scraps. The biggest difference is that nowadays there's drs and more stringent technical directives to at least keep that semblance of parity. And the reliability of cars is through the roof, meaning those good cars will get results when in the past there was always a chance of engines going poof. So the best races often were when something freakish happened to throw the grid in disarray or force drivers towards parity like a big crash or monsoon conditions
  4. It's mostly regarded as such because Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman were the writers on Return as they were on Secret and LeChuck's revenge. Curse and Escape were made by different teams, and whilst I don't know enough of things to more deeply explain the lore details, the purists just feel that anything after 2 is the 'Dragonball GT' of the series. As in, the same franchise but diverging from the original authors' vision. Imo, 3/4 are good games in their own right, but I can definitely see that people felt those games were lacking compared to what came before, and that return is something of a return to form.
  5. I also do some rewatching sporadically, and I generally stick to watching 'firsts', Alonso's first Championship, Mika in 98, 07/08/09/10 because that's probably the most random F1 ever got in terms of consecutive winners. Anything after I actively seen. Also freak races like Panis winning Monaco, and Ayrton lapping the entire field at a drenched donington, stuff like that.
  6. Definitely an enjoyable watch, not editorialised to the degree something like drive to survive is, and a lot of it focuses on the community aspects of the club rather than whipped up locker room drama. It's also made me further envious of Ryan Reynolds and how funny and charming he is and how easy he makes it seem. Also a mate of mine is born and raised Wrexham, so it's an interesting watch knowing that I already got a lot of the stories first hand from his experience and vision of things.
  7. I think for now I am certainly sticking to Motorsport Manager and even Grand Prix Manager 2 for my racing manager fix. F1 Manager looks great and has so much potential, but also has some absolute duffers in terms of bugs and just general design choices. Seeing people get 1-2s with Haas or Alfa in season 1 is a bit too mad for me. Motorsport Manager is hard to customize outright, but working your way up with a create a team felt like a proper multi year adventure. And in GPM2 just staying solvent as a backmarker was a monumental challenge in its own right.
  8. Every year I have low expectations of the Jets, every year they manage to look even worse than that. Fortunately i'm a Ravens fan.
  9. Not through Roll20, but I have found a pretty solid group of people through /r/LFG_Europe (since i'm a Euro and all), it can be a hit and miss and it's definitely getting a bit lucky because the demand is so high, but i'd try it there.
  10. Time to go into this release cycle hoping they'll change/add the things I want to add, get frustrated they don't add/change the things I wanted them to, and then still buy it anyways like the mark I am.
  11. What about poor me, having to waste my time with that competition that barely covers the cost of travel.
  12. I was vaguely interested in legion around the time it came out because I loved wd2's general vibe, but eventually decided against it because the release was so buggy. How does the game hold up now @TheGrandAvatar?
  13. Kane and Lynch was super janky on release and I can't imagine having gotten much better in the years since. I'd suggest googling for a controller fix of sorts. I'm sure you're not the first to run into these issues. I remember it being a games for Windows live game, which attests of its age, but might also explain its further jankiness.
  14. As @Adam mentioned, here's the rumour from Chris Medland, one of the bigger and more legit sources for paddock news/rumours.
  15. Absolute shambles from Alpine. Just no words in how much they fucked up their future because they don't know how contracts work.
  16. On something of a whim I bought Ghost of Tsushima on Wednesday. I know it'll probably end up on pc eventually but I finally got tired of waiting on it to happen. So far 30eu well spent because I have been LOVING the game and I'm not even that far out of the prologue. The setting, the presentation, and of course the gameplay are all exactly what I wanted and more, it's just such a freaking cool game to pick up and play. I don't think perfect parties into an instant kill counter will ever tire, or mowing someone down during a standoff. There's a lot of Arkham style of "counter and kill gameplay" games out there, but Tsushima just feels fresh from the word go.
  17. Ok so I found out that there's endless amounts of seasons and the game will generate F3/F2 talent as time goes on. That definitely has me much more interested and i'll be on the lookout to pick it up. Part of me finds it a bit disappointing there's no 'create a team' option to add a 11th manufacturer onto the grid, but I assume that it's partly because of licensing and a lack of resources during development, I can see it happening in future editions, though. One neat thing I also saw is that portraits dynamically change the suit depending on what team they drive for, someone I know decided to go crazy and fire Russell/Hamilton from Mercedes and hire Hulkenberg/Sergeant instead, and their portraits were updated. (although unrealistically, there were no teams instantly pouncing on either released talent, but I can see teams hire them at a later point). Also the presentation looks absolutely top notch, with the ability to check out replays of things happening quite easily and even with a prompt giving you the action to quick switch to an unfolding situation, really cool, and it seems like Frontier went above and beyond on a lot of aspects.
  18. I am intrigued with it, but admittedly will hold out until I see some reviews and other news about the depth of the game itself and its longevity. I want my management sims to be able to go off many many years into the future, so I kind of want to see that in this too.
  19. I haven't played 6, but I have played 1 2 and 4(?) and all I can say is 'maybe'. If you like your tactical jrpg to be very zany, a little short but with the ability to devolve into extremely deep post game grinding and character building then this game is definitely something you'll have fun with. You don't need to have to played past games although you'll miss some references. If you want to spend hours building an unstoppable level 9999 character that has been 'reborn' many times over so that he can do damage numbers into the millions, then this game is definitely worth a play. Also on the plus side, the actual story mode doesn't need excessive grinding to get through in a reasonable time, which makes it quite user friendly compared to other jrpgs
  20. Just finished Wasteland 2 for the first time, I never played the first one because I wasn't even born when it originally came out and even the remake is too crusty for me to jump into, but I really enjoyed the 50 hours or so it took me to go through the game. I think I pretty much did everything I had to do, and somehow mostly canon too reading back on the divergent endings. It wasn't perfect, it wasn't mega hard or super thrilling, but I almost never felt frustrated in the game other than my loot goblin tendencies causing the entire party to be overweight a lot of times because I had to pick up every random piece of crap strewn about... But that's more on me, less on the game. I do feel the adventure itself was more fun than what inevitably became the main plot. Not that it wasn't good, it just didn't grip me and I was more engrossed with the worldbuilding and the people inside of that world, even if a lot of reused portraits took a bit of the luster from the world when there were multiple plot sensitive NPCs with the same picture in different places, but since it was originally a kickstarter game, some jank is to be expected. I also saw that Wasteland 3 is on game pass, so I might pick that up sooner or later and seeing if that game improves upon 2, there's a few things i'd like improved, so i'm cautiously optimistic.
  21. Videodump of all the F1 Manager videos, and it's definitely super intriguing.
  22. Not a jab, but I am surprised it was still going. I checked out around season 2/3, but also in general it feels the relevancy of the arrowverse fell off the cliff after the end of Arrow and the inability of the other shows to elevate themselves. Not that Arrow had been good at the end, but it was still coasting on a lot of early fans the other shows never really got.
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