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Everything posted by Berober

  1. My latest dream is to own a pub and set up a tap just for milk...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skummy


      Your dream is bad.

    3. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      I now hate berober. :(

    4. Berober


      Why do you people not appreciate the glory that is milk?

  2. Starvinho, it tells me that we need the league name to join, I hope I'm not just doing it wrong...
  3. Yeah, well that fell through when Norwich offered me £500,000 for him. There was no way I was gonna pass on that.
  4. So I've decided to do my FM2011 Aston Villa game, and my target this time around is to make Moustapha Salifou a leading Premier League star. Wish me luck...
  5. Man, every time I see the word Mertesacker, I think it says Motorcycle
  6. Guys. Hold everything. Torres scored in a pre-season friendly. http://www.chelseafc.com/page/LatestNews/0,,10268~2391413,00.html
  7. Terraria Seriously, if anyone else has this game, I'd love to do a multiplayer game one day, but until then I'll just live in "Test World 2" for the time being.
  8. I'm in, and hopefully since I'm in from the start I will see it to the end!
  9. I'll take you for a ride...On my Garbage Truck...

    1. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Truck, truck, truck.

    2. Ruki


      I'll take you to the dump, 'Cause you're my queen!!!

  10. bill, I would honestly be interested in that, so if you do, sign me up
  11. Bit Very late but still: Sounded like an entertaining game, I was too busy watching Bourne Identity and coping with yet another World Cup loss for England...
  12. I think that should have worked, they do go to live emails cause it went to my live, but linked it with my google, just tell me if it didn't work.

  13. Summ, have you had a Google+ invite yet?

  14. https://plus.google.com/100468775372158181462/posts?hl=en

    I don't really wanna post it up again after I edited it onto the Google+ thread so could you just stick that on the list too please? Thanks.

  15. Lovely two wickets for Dernbach though, changing it around for the second.
  16. 1-1, huge strike from the French, right off the top left corner.
  17. If Black Dynamite is to be believed, then actually Little Jimmy is working undercover for the CIA. So there really IS a conspiracy!

    1. Kaney


      Anaconda Malt Liquor! Gives you...a little dick.

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