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Everything posted by Horus

  1. Just watched James Cameron's Aliens for the first time the other day, because it was one oclock in the morning and nothing else was on, and needless to say, it lived up to the hype. Ripley and Newt is the most touching mother/daughter relationship in the history of horror/sci-fi cinema, Lance Henriksen being Lance Henriksen, and all kinds of action fluff. Its a shame the other installments have the entertainment value of drying paint.
  2. Has anybody else came across the rumors that Guillermo del Toro has come to an agreement with DC, and is working on a Justice League Dark movie that is already leaps and bounds ahead of schedule of an actual Justice League movie? If this is true, my interest in DC related movies has been resparked, I've never picked up a JLD comic, but when it comes to paranormal related comic book films, its hard not to have faith in del Toro that if anything, it won't be completely horrible.
  3. I'm thinking about reading the Ulitmate Spider-Man comics starring Miles Morales, anybody else reading these? If so, are they any good?
  4. This post isn't so much about a movie thats coming out, but one I'd like to see come to life- Cloak & Dagger. I know they're pretty C/D list characters, but a realistic, grounded movie with a gothic feel could be good, kind of Marvel's answer to the Crow. Keep them away from superpowered people as much as possible, and I believe the approach would be fresh enough that the movie wouldn't completely tank, and odds are would at least gather a cult following. Mind you, Marvel is going to have to burn through alot of other characters before a Cloak& Dagger movie would ever be greenlit.
  5. Yeah Dawn's been a wreck for most of the season but this time it looks 10x worse. Who knows maybe Malcolm gets lucky another week with Dawn taking herself out. The only options I see winning right now are Malcolm, Andrea, and Cochran. I don't know why, but I think Cochran can pull it off since he really isn't on anyone's radar and he's smart enough to maneuver a few deals when it comes down to the final four and him not being considered a threat to win. He's my dark horse for sure. This, it to me atleast was pretty clear Cochran was 90% mugging for camera time and 10% actually playing Survivor, and well he made a good enough character to warrant a return, who would have thought that Cochran would be playing a completely flawless game at this point. South Pacific Cochran and FvF is like comparing night and day at this night.
  6. Anyone else catch Bates Motel? It seems kind of promising so far, mind you its only two episodes in. Outside of the outstanding directing and of course, Anthony Perkins, I was never a huge fan of Psycho, Norman always came off as too much of a wimp to be considered a serious villain for me, but maybe this show will change that.
  7. Magie is on Law and Order next Week. Along stie with Billings of the Shield. Pretty much this, won't even lie. Mind you, I thought pretty much everything in DOTD '04 was great for a modern zombie tale, although I appear to be in the minority on that one :/. I know he had to die before the Govonor came along, but damn it would have been great to see Shane in this season.. Even if he didn't make it til the end, his downfall into complete insanity would have been a tad more epic with the death of Lori and the birth of Judith, but on the flip side of the coin it would have have been total over kill. Also, I won't even deny it, last nights episode really tug at the heart strings, Michael Rooker as Merle was naturally so easily to hate, in the I love to hate you type way and as soon as he released Michonne it was pretty clear his journey was over - despite what Rooker himself says, I just took everything else Merle did as the ulitmate act of love, he gave his life to hopefully give Daryl and the rest of the crew a fighting chance.. Theres no way the character thought he was going to go on enemy ground and walk away. I've seen some people say it would have been perfect if Merle put up more of a fight, but I'm not going to mourn on that to much, he was drinking/drunk by the time he made it to The Governor and his men, still took three of them out, it took two hence men giving him a stomping and then finally the Governor to put him down, it was still closer then anyone else besides Michonne as gotten and this all came from a man with one hand. The ending was perfect in the sense of for whatever reason you didn't want to see the good Governor bite the dust before, you do now, and anything else should and will be a dissapointment. The final scene with Daryl and Zombie Merle was perfect, it was what they where going for with Shane's death scene last season times ten. For a show that in all reality has every right to be a silly gore fest, they seem to produce some of the most intense and emontional moments on television at the moment.
  8. Somethings been bother me about this show for awhile now, and I was just wondering if someone could answer this quesion. So at the end of season two we learn that Jenner (?) told Rick that those whom are still "living" all carry whatever it is that turns people into walkers, thats fine and dandy. Enter into season 3, Lori gives birth to Judith - but shouldn't have Judith been born a walker by that logic? Lori/Shane/Rick are all carrying the genetic makeup to be passed on to Judith before shes even an actual living being. Its kind of like a baby being born HIV + by proxy of the mother being HIV +. Was this ever explained? Is it just a plot hole, or am I just over thinking?
  9. Eric Matthews from Boy Meets World, he went from the big brother who went from worrying about the normaltroubles of high school life, to a water downed Joey as the show 'matured'.. to finally becoming a borderline mentally challenged parody od himself. By the time the series finale came along, he was just a pathetic thing to watch.
  10. I was more pointing to South Pacific was an example as he wanted to show that not all Hantz are completely batshit insane then this season. I can't shake the feeling that theres alot we didnt see, where people, not just Phil, pushed and pushed him. I don't know if it was just missing is children (which was a low blow for Phil to bring up, even in Survivor), the elements, or the people he was playing with - but something we didn't see definitely pushed him over the edge, was the point in the end I was trying to make.
  11. I'm going to miss Brandon, I think out of all the Hantz's we've seen on reality television, he's the the most stable one, and quite frankly, alot of hatred he gets is underseved. Think about, hes trying to be his own man and hes always going to be compared to, and labeled as Russell Junior, and if South Pacific showed us anything, he doesn't want to be Russell Junior. He might of pointed out what everyone already knew, but in leaving he gave the fans a huge advantage point. Now, if the six of them can move foreward and really come together as one, they have a clear target - thats more then they had before. Also, I'm guess the tribes get rearranged next week?
  12. Is it wrong I think Michael could channel his Henry character and slaughter all of Woodbury single handedly? Only someome else pointed ouf the movie already -,-
  13. ...um thank you for ruining my fantasy with Alyssa Jones. Excuse me as I Office Space my 50 copys of that DVD.
  14. ....What dafuq? I really hope the book is thrown at this guy, and he gets the help he needs in prison. Theres nothing wrong with being passionate, but this is just...wow. I really about the world our children will go up in.
  15. Maybe I'm just seeing Abi through rose color glasses because quite frankly, I've become bored with Malcolm and Denise, its Kim, but this time two of them. Great player(s) but with personalites of a rock for the most part. As far as RC and Artis, meh, it is what it is, maybe there into the verbal abuse thing :s. Must say RC seems like an extremely class act, makes me feel even more horrible about the bullying, alienation and finally betrayal by Skupin. She needs to come back for a reunion season. Actually, if she brings the shells, and Abi brings the coconuts, i just hope they go crazy attacking him on finale night :/.
  16. I'm going to hell, but Abi is quickly growing on me as the unlucky hero ever sense Denise gave her the verbal smackdown, followed by Pete's exit. Whether it was actually necessary or not, her "I have the Idol" play tonight was great, simply for the fact it shows shes growing as a social player, and the previews for next week just build upon that, by the looks of it. Its a shame with Malcolm having is place pretty much locked, unless a major blindside happening, and Denise being a threat lying in the wings all the time for Immunity, that its all probably too little, too late. The reunion does need more Abi smacking Skupin with coconuts though. But thats because the guy just completely made me feel like a fool on Twitter, after I've done nothing but praise him. Speaking of Twitter, RC was telling me that her and Artis became really good friends at Pondersa. and her and Pete called a truce. Any that watches these videos, can you confirm RC and Artis are now BFFL?
  17. How is it a nice little "FU" to fail to get yourself an advantage and then vote with them anyway? Christina isn't being vengeful, she's just being bad at Survivor because she's a recruit. Hell, she was wearing Alicia's dress at the auction. And yeah, Troy not immediately bidding $500 shocked me too. He left the door wide open and was just lucky that Christina was dumb and clearly has no endgame. ...Because she should know by now, that no matter what she does, she isn't going to win? Its been beat into her head throughout the season, mostly pre-merge. No matter she she did at that last vote, she was going to have the advantage over what other group was left, at least as much of advantage one in her position can get, siding with either Troy or Kim wasn't going to do much harm to her endgame no matter what, because again, she has to know she has no end game, none - once the alliance is done with her, shes gone. At least sticking with the girls, and Troy remaining as public enemy number one, the focus is off her for a bit, and now with impending impulsion within the girls alliance thats being teased, she may buy herself some more time, but again, as long as public enemy number one is still around, shes an extra vote, no focus is on her, and she worms her way further then what shes had any right to. Maybe I'm just reading into this too much, and she is playing a horrible game.
  18. She's been treated like shit in every tribe shes been in thus far, I thought it was a nice little "FU" back to the girls clique who made her an out cast during the first week or so. Maybe the others should have waited out the storm before spending cash, why should it have been up to someone who, from the vibe I get, knows she isn't going make to the finals anyways, to help further people who will be there long after shes gone?
  19. I wont lie, between this last episode, and the preview for next weeks episode, I'm fully supporting Troy at this point, mind you its probably sign now that hes used his idol he'll be the next one gone, but I'm a sucker for a underdog story. This season has been a strange one in the sense, that pre-merge it was pretty dull unless Colton was on screen, they where editing it to make Alicia they second fiddle villain, and just about everyone else was a wall flower. Post-Merge as been way better then it had any right to be, Kim has really surprised me with her silent but violent game play but to be honest, if her, Chelsea, or Sabrina end up winning (mostly Sabrina), I will be highly underwhelmed. Oh yeah... and Tarzan clearly went to the Phillip Sheppard School Of Survivor and passed Playing Crazy 101 with flying colors, but that's been stated already -.-.
  20. Wow, just wow. Part of me is happy for her, and I called it earlier in the episode, keeping Sophie over Rick was a huge mistake.. but wow Poor Coach, he played a near perfect game (although he kind of got sloppy in his decision making once he had to turn on alliance members), and I kind of feel bad for the guy.
  21. Considering who hes up against, is that such a bad thing?
  22. Brandon Hantz made this FTC, easily. YES OR NO will always be chillin' to me now, I was seriously expecting him to flip shit the more Albert just to talk his way out of the question.
  23. Being voted out three times, that is something to be proud of. Never before, never again. Way to go Ozzy. Now, Albert for the win. I believe in ya, you bumbling fool -.-
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