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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Acuna Jr is a human cheat code in this game, just like Trout. If I played every game of the season, I would smash the home run record with either of those guys.
  2. I think the game takes the players stats into account when negotiating a deal. I've seen Kevin Gausman ask for $20 mil a season as an 84 overall pitcher.
  3. Having got the game on my PS4 and watched my brother play on his XBOX some more, I now notice some of the frame rate issues people were talking about on the XBOX. Sometimes it will stutter just as the ball is being pitched, making hitting more difficult. On a better note - I've noticed that I just crush sinkerball pitchers in this version of the game. Even with a terrible line-up like the Pirates, I am able to hit a ton of extra base hits. It doesn't matter if the pitcher is one of the best in the league or a terrible long reliever - if they throw a lot of sinkers, I'll score double digit runs every time.
  4. It's felt like it was coming to an end soon for awhile now. It will be exciting to see where they go next and what kind of one-shots they do in the mean time.
  5. Yermin Mercedes is eligible for arbitration after this season, so putting up good numbers will boost his pay by millions. If I'm in that situation, I'm swinging away.
  6. Ugh, yeah - you're probably right. Imagine explaining all this nonsense to a person that is just getting into baseball.
  7. It really sucks that the White Sox have a really fun roster and a terrible old-man manager.
  8. What encountered did it?
  9. My brother was playing on his Xbox One and it had some frame rate issues in cutscenes, but it was fine during gameplay.
  10. If I'm the opposing manager, I want to get the umps to check Ohtani's bat after that. Not because I think he cheated. I'd just want all my guys to be using that same brand of bat. What an amazing sound.
  11. Almost forgot to tune into the Jays opener, but I've got it on my 2nd screen now.
  12. I like doing an encounter with a shady individual who got some magic items that just "fell of the back of the carriage". They'd be low level stuff like minor potions of healing, and maybe one big item that has a chance to be fake. Another is a travelling food stand selling something that's really weird and giving the players a chance to RP it. Bonus points if your party thinks its cover for a Hag.
  13. Does that mean the XFL could come back as a 3-down football league? Or is it just going to be a promotional thing, with some players playing in both leagues?
  14. I've rented a few movies on my PS4 over the last year, so losing that feature would be a bit of a shame.
  15. TSN just threw out some stat about McDavid reaching 500 points in the same amount of games as Sidney Crosby, and it just made me think that I've definitely not given Sid the credit he deserves.
  16. Yeah, DMPC is almost always a bad thing. I can forgive a DM if they don't know every rule (especially if they run several different systems), but it's pretty easy to search "opposed grapple 5e" online and get the result within seconds.
  17. If that means I don't have to see Brian Burke on my TV anymore, then I love this move.
  18. This is probably different, but looks like a lot of fun.
  19. I was wrong - Vancouver was just as bad tonight. Its great having Matthews to cheer for. I think the only player better right now is McDavid, and they play different kinds of games.
  20. Despite being down by 2 already, the Canucks have looked better tonight.
  21. My total exposure to the Canucks is from last night's game against Toronto. What happened to Vancouver? Losing Markstrom can't be it. Did they just expect big jumps from their young players a little too soon? I've watched most of the Leafs games this season, and Toronto had no trouble creating chances at will all night long.
  22. I was hoping for a PC version since I just got a new computer a few months ago. Hopefully the PS4 version isn't a big step down from next-gen.
  23. Yeah, the Jays sneaking into the expanded wild card game just to get thumped by Tampa didn't feel particularly exciting to me.
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