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Everything posted by Toe

  1. I'd be probably in for a bit after 9pm EST
  2. Toe

    The Horror Thread

    I've seen the promos for that but haven't seen it. Maybe I'll check it out tonight!
  3. Toe

    The Horror Thread

    Host is a really fun, very "of the times" horror movie on Shudder. It's all based in a Zoom call, but it's effectively creepy. Watch it with the lights off and headphones on for a really fun time!
  4. Toe

    The Horror Thread

    That was the point though. Everyone was tired of making Michael Myers slasher films, so they wanted to turn the series into an anthology with a new Halloween story every year.
  5. Toe

    The Horror Thread

    Now that it's October, I'm sure some people are going to start watching a ton of horror movies. I started with "The night NO ONE came home!", AKA Halloween 3: Season Of The Witch. As I kid, I kind of wrote this movie off and usually skipped it, but over the past few years I've really come around on it. It's a great looking movie, the music from Carpenter and Howarth is fantastic, and I really enjoy the story. Plus, it takes place on Halloween so it's great for getting into the right mood for the spooky season.
  6. Can someone throw me a link to the Discord server? I tried using the previous one but it's expired.
  7. UPDATE - I bought the game! Hopefully I'll get to play with y'all tonight!
  8. I'll be picking this up today, and would love to play sometime tonight!
  9. I might pick this up on Friday. It just looks so simple and fun.
  10. Hey, we all lived so it all worked out in the end!
  11. I don't know. I think this has a lot more buzz around it then John Carter did. I really enjoyed Arrival and Blade Runner 2049, so I'm pretty excited for this.
  12. Toe

    The Horror Thread

    I am a fan of the original, but also went into seeing the new one with some hesitation. I came away from it pleasantly surprised. Brad Dourif's performance as Chucky is impossible to replicate, but Mark Hamill does a great job with the role.
  13. Playing at the bottom of the map in Africa is a bit of a free-for-all and can be a lot of fun!
  14. My first try at the game saw me playing as a single county in Ireland in 867, and within the first 10 years I was the only Irish leader left. The King Of Sweden had swallowed up half of Ireland and a chunk of England, and I was only able to survive by having a ton of kids and marrying them off for alliances. It was fun but frustrating.
  15. Toe

    The Horror Thread

    Yeah, I'm a huge Friday The 13th fan and I really loved Never Hike Alone. The less you know about it the better, because it has some fun surprises in it. They also have a sequel called Never Hike Alone In The Snow releasing on October 13th!
  16. Crusader Kings 3 is awesome. Right away, it's easier to get into then CK2 but just as deep. I can't wait to see where they take this game in 5 years.
  17. I love Samara Weaving. She's the highlight of this, and great in Mayhem and The Babysitter. I was delighted to find out she was in Bill & Ted Face The Music.
  18. She was Parvati in The Outer Worlds, and that was my favourite character in the game.
  19. I think the links expire pretty quick. Try this! https://discord.gg/GgYzcj
  20. I'll even be the healer so everyone else can be something cool!
  21. If we get enough people to play, I already have an idea for the character I'd want to play!
  22. Ah, I see. Same reason I hated Risk as a kid - I still have nightmares about playing it on the Genesis.
  23. Hey, I know one or two people who don't like it and that's OK. One person is color blind (I am too, but not as much) and they have a real hard time with distinguishing between the different cards and routes.
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