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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I'm stupid and never really looked into specs I needed for certain games and that, like I bought Tiny and Big which is an absolutely beautiful game but it's always crashing even though it runs absolutely fine apart from that, and the Tomb Raider games are annoying as all hell to set up with a controller.
  2. Although yeah I'd recommend picking up one of the older Tomb Raiders if you don't own them already also, considering the first 6 are up for only £1.25 at the moment. they were 44p earlier and I'm not sure why they aren't that cheap now, considering the daily deal for the new Tomb Raider game is still ongoing...
  3. I picked up VVVVVV, McPixel, DLC Quest, Psychonauts, Tomb Raider I and II for about £6... the summer sale is great.
  4. I don't watch Glee but considering his age, this is really shocking. It's a serious shame seeing as he was only 31. He recently went to rehab voluntarily for substance abuse, so it'd be awful if he died due to substances. R.I.P.
  5. I'm obsessed with Extraordinary People documentaries... HELP.

  6. I might have been a little drunk, but I genuinely cried at the Game Grumps shit today.

  7. If you think you're behind... you've got another thing coming when you see my track record, I'm still at From Russia With Love...
  8. I might watch Monday's festivities, although it's not exactly the best idea considering I have 2 and three quarter hours of exams the day after...
  9. Totally just rediscovered my love for Mr. Bean..

  10. If you still refer to your age as "and a half" then you're a child. As a 32 half-year old, I believe you are wrong.
  11. 9 has the mini-stars and coins, yeah. where everyone travels in one car. it's a fresh idea, it just didn't go down great.
  12. So true. Man, fuck Mario Party 9. "Let's take out 90% of the mini-games that they will play. They'll LOVE that." Bastard. It's awful, but I suppose, at least they decided to take it a different route.. I mean, 1 - 8 have exactly the same ideas and all that, I mean, the mini-games are different in each, and there are small changes in each, but the idea of everyone going round together was fresh, but it just didn't go down very well.
  13. completely unrelated to everything... but, apparently, Mario Party 1 wasn't released on Virtual Console due to that blistered thumbs shit, but it's not like people would even be able to use N64 controllers for the game if released, and the controllers nowadays are much safer and haven't been known to cripple people's hands...
  14. spoilered cos of size Loving the picture of Justin Angel.
  15. His name is Robert Pattinson.

  16. Completely fair point. I suppose I was never really behind it because my idea wasn't original by any stretch of the word, I guess, if I could manage to come up with something more original, I would probably roll with it. It's not over for definite, and I never personally brought it to a close, I just hadn't uploaded a video in months so it's pretty much on hiatus, and, seeing as I have exams coming up in a couple weeks, it'll probably be back after a couple months, if ever, now. Well, as much as that reply might have been great, it sadly makes no sense in the context, seeing as the kid is me...
  17. I didn't know where to post this.. but yeah. I've pretty much given up with these lets plays, even though I got a video camera for christmas (haven't used it and don't know what to use it for) I've uploaded a new video yay I found this on a video yesterday. It's now on youtube. yeah. I know, again, wrong place to put this, but I didn't want to make another thread about something on my youtube channel. Also, I don't really know why I'm posting it here at all, but I guess I hope you appreciate it? And, yes, that kid is me.
  18. You mean Harmon?! yeah, that's kind of a fair point. However, the season has just gotten better as it's gone on. This week's episode was great, and the puppet and double-date episodes were brilliant too.
  19. Could I possibly get the WWE Payback logo? For TEW2010, if possible. thanks!
  20. My FireRed save just deleted itself. fuck.

  21. Season 1 of The Joe Schmo Show, I've finished watching all 3 seasons of the show, and I've got to say, it was absolutely fantastic.
  22. Ferris Bueller says hello! He was in that? Well if he was in that include that. My point still stands though but yeah, I do have to agree with your point..
  23. egoraptor's dad just tweeted me. does that count as a claim to fame?

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