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Everything posted by hugobomb

  1. Stuart Bingham is currently 4-1 down to Ali Carter and potting nothing. Curse of the Crucible looking like it may claim an early victim this year. Also Marco Fu is 5-1 up against Peter "GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!!" Ebdon and has just scored his 400th century break, quickly followed by his 401st
  2. I assume since it's only a five place penalty, he'll just start last behind the Manor that crashed and didn't set a time. Not 100% sure though. Did Alonso and Button have to start from the pitlane last year when they were being handed absurd grid penalties?
  3. I like how they tout paying £6.99 to watch Sky Sports for ONE DAY as a great deal.
  4. Yeah for me, The Dragon Reborn is the absolute high point of the series (with The Shadow Rising a close second), the next few were good if not as good, then things slowed down during books 8-10, a lot was still be said but a lot less was actually happening in each book. Things picked up during the last stretch as Jordan brought the series into the end game before Sanderson finished it off. Also, IIRC I think I started that Wheel of Time thread in the build up to A Memory of Light, so that I could re-read the series before it came out. Then I discovered Leigh Butler's re-read on Tor and just read that instead
  5. Now THERE'S a selection headache! How do you whittle down those thousands into one 23 man squad?
  6. Gotta love how he bitches about F1 not being the pinnacle of motorsport anymore for all of last season and now he's trying to stop the fastest driver being on pole. But of course radically changing the sport for no good reason is fine when he does it
  7. At least this year they seem to have the problems that crop up for everyone at least once in testing rather than last years "The car's finally working!! Turns out not only is it unreliable it also horrendously fucking slow! "
  8. Blackburn I think finished 7th or 8th after they won the title
  9. WAR BROAD! South Africa 83 All Out. England only need 74 to take the series.
  10. It would be so simple too. Whoever finishes bottom of Division 2 plays whoever first top of the minor counties in a 4 day match. If the Minor County wins then they are added to Division 2.
  11. hugobomb

    Doctor Who

    Admittedly all I'd do with 3 & 8 is switch them round because outside of Capaldi being great there wasn't much to shout about. For me the bad stuff in 3 was worse than the bad stuff in 8 and having Blink in it wasn't enough to make up for that. Really it came down to the fact that I hated those two Dalek episodes more than Kill the Moon & Forest of the Night and felt that The Doctor Jesus stuff hurt it's finale more than a weak second part hurt 8's finale. If it weren't for the Doctor Jesus, 3 would have had an excellent finale and I'd be a lot more torn on preferring 8 to it.
  12. hugobomb

    Doctor Who

    The major disagreement I have with that list is Series 1 being so low. It was certainly better than 2 (and far more consistent) which is a few places too high since while all Series have one awful episode, 2 & 3 had two dreadful ones (Love & Monsters plus Fear Her for 2, that Dalek two parter for 3 and that Shakespeare one which wasn't much better) yet only 3 gets ranked so low. Plus Series 8 was not worse than 3, for starters there was no Doctor Jesus bullshit going on in 8's finale. Series 4 however I fully agree with, I had the same doubts most people had with Tate joining as a full time companion but goddamn did she knock it out the park.
  13. hugobomb

    Doctor Who

    To be fair, most seasons Hell Bent would have been one of the better episodes (not the absolute best but better than average), it's just that this season has been a lot stronger and coming off an incredible penultimate episode made it look worse than it would normally do. Still isn't a fitting finale. For a season that seemed to take a lot more risks it was a very safe finale and a backwards step, which unfortunately will sour people on the season as a whole since all the progress that was made writing wise was seemingly forgotten in order to shoehorn a happy ending into it. Great season overall, just a shame about the finale.
  14. Have any of us compared homosexuality to paedophilia? No, therefore we win this one. He can knock us the fuck out but the moral high ground is ours.
  15. hugobomb

    Doctor Who

    Who was the last companion to die on screen (discounting Jack obviously)? Adric? Great episode, far better than the first part.
  16. hugobomb

    Doctor Who

    One thing that has just occurred to me, isn't Rassilon still President? They said the council were in session during Day of the Doctor (trying that whole "destroy the universe" we saw in End of Time). If he is still President, then The Doctor could be kind of fucked once he finds Gallifrey.
  17. hugobomb

    Doctor Who

    I'd say punishing him would be a tad harsh seeing as he saved them from that whole Time War thing but then again these are the people that forced a regeneration on him (i.e. killed him) for pissing them off so who knows.
  18. hugobomb

    Doctor Who

    Didn't RTD do that with Waters of Mars? Ten proclaimed himself Time Lord Victorious after changing a Fixed Point and Adele whats-her-face shot herself to protect the timeline, showing Ten that he can't just say "screw the rules" just because he's the last Time Lord.
  19. If you select "Add all players from" a certain nation you should be able to manage the national team of that nation
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