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Everything posted by hugobomb

  1. Nastase apparently decided to double down on his dickishness today, throwing verbal abuse at both Anne Keothavong and Johanna Konta during Konta's Fed Cup match, being ejected for apparently calling the pair of them "fucking bitches" and sending Konta off the court in tears. Twat. For the record, having left the court 3-1 down in the second set, Konta returned and won the next five games in a row to win the match 6-2 6-3. WAR KONTA!
  2. It get worse when you realise the Minardi Fernado drove at the start of his career managed to finish 4 out of six cars in the first three races
  3. Eh, at least then when I want to punch my side's manager in the face after a bad performance, John Terry won't make me feel guilty about it.
  4. FINALLY!! Shouldn't have been brought in in the first place, should have been fired weeks ago. At least he did the vaguely decent thing in resigning since you have the feeling he would have survived to the end of the season no matter what. Only problem is who do we bring in now? or more's the point, who the hell will take the job now?
  5. Not really. The thinking on the fans part is that the new owners wanting to bring in their own man to wipe the slate clean from Yeung' mob.
  6. Which is infuriating as a Blues fan because of how well placed we were the day before we sacked Rowett. Surely if Zola gets us relegated that's him done in England
  7. If I'm being cynical, I'm guessing the clubs medical staff are owed more in back pay than the one off payment needed to bring in outside staff
  8. Fucking Zola. 2 in 24 awaits unless something remarkable happens.
  9. hugobomb

    Doctor Who

    I really liked that episode. The Doctor/companion set up felt very natural and Bill came off FAR less irritating than the trailers made her seem. If she remains like this for the whole season then it'll be a shame if she only does the one.
  10. He's been suspended. You know, until they think people have stopped paying attention at which point they'll bring him back because if they didn't sack him over the Hillsborough coverage they sure as hell won't do it over this. It'll take a stake through the heart to finally get rid of him
  11. He's saving us from relegation! Much like me setting a man on fire, putting him out and calling myself a hero.
  12. The hell has happened to Reading today? 6-1 down at half time! Also Blues are losing to Derby, Rowett getting his revenge so far and taking Zola's record to 2 wins from 22 as things stand. At least Barnsley are doing us a favour so far
  13. "I'M NO ONE'S SLAVE!" There, all caught up
  14. hugobomb

    Doctor Who

    I'm less worried by that then I am by the idea that they may be trying the whole "Human/Dalek" shit again
  15. Holy shit, there's a live Crystal Maze experience that looks awesome! How has this been around for a year without my noticing? Must go to it at some point in the near future!

    1. Lineker
    2. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      After tickets @hugobomb? I may know a man.

    3. K


      A couple people on EWB have done it I think. Start a thread and ask.


  16. Remember, Vardy says it's "hurtful" to claim the players forced Ranieri's sacking. This suddenly improved performance is obviously just a massive coincidence
  17. As are Premier League strikers at the thought of 64 year old Ricardo Carvalho.
  18. The fact that Jaguar became Red Bull is even more astonishing considered how shit they were. Stewart were a well run side who sold at the right time, Jaguar were a proto BAR/Toyota with how much money they threw at F1 and getting fuck all for it
  19. I loved Ready Player One. It managed to weave it's love letter to the 80s into the plot brilliantly without just being "Hey remember this thing from the 80s?!". Stayed clear of Armada, all reviews I've seen say it's self indulgent bollocks
  20. I work night shifts so I read to pass the time. Still not expecting to hit this target but want to get somewhat close
  21. I've taken this challenge as well, set myself a purely notional 75 books in 2017 target.
  22. Balls, there goes my entire strategy for pulling off any decent results with a weak car, i.e trying to make one stop less than everyone else and not jumping into the pit lane at the first sign of rain/the instant said rain stops. Also gaining several places on the last lap when people run out of fuel. Though if the AI is smarter then they shouldn't piss off into the distance during the first stint since they'll be trying to get more laps out of their tyres so it could even out a bit Though at least I'll have a better chance at getting decent lap times in during practice and qualifying!
  23. What the fuck blues? 7th in the table, 6 points clear of the villa and well placed to push for finishing in the playoffs if we spend some money in January and we sack Rowett after the unbelievable job he's done turning us around after the shit show that was the Lee Clark era? Fucking ridiculous!
  24. Prompto is awesome full stop. It's probably because I like photography as well but he's my favourite of the four main characters thus far. I fully agree that the music in the car is a great touch. I mostly pay the 10gil as fast travel when I have the option but when I do need to drive to a quest/hunt it's not a chore thanks to the music. Level wise, the main question is suggesting level 19 and I am currently level 37. Whoever posted that rare coin tip has my thanks, nothing like have a bunch of imperial mooks dropped on me so I can cast 1 spell, then mop up the survivors with melee attacks (Prompto's gravity attack is great for bunching them up for the slaughter ) and getting 2-3k experience, repeat two more times then book into the 1.5x bonus hotel to call it day.
  25. I went to stay at the 2x hotel, until I saw the price, 10k is fucking silly money when there's that 1.5x one for 300gil. Love this game so far, 12 hours in and still in chapter 3, the sidequests and hunts are far too distracting. That and, after suffering through 13 and it's bullshit limits to levelling up, the freedom to mooch around for a few hours/days then start casually slaughtering anything on the main quest is joyous.
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