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Moses Julep

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Everything posted by Moses Julep

  1. I'm amused by the whole Pedro thing because his whole argument in wanting to leave Barca was that he didn't want to sit on the bench anymore, therefore: A/ Pedro is either delusional or swindled into thinking he's going to start for Chelsea B/ Pedro is being an astronomical amount of money to sit on the bench at Chelsea, in what may be one of those early Abramovich-era Chelsea moves where they just buy a player to keep a rival from getting him. C/ Pedro is a liar. D/ All of the above.
  2. The Mueller rumours were always funny to me because the dude plays like Rooney and in the same position as Rooney. I mean he's better than Rooney at this point but I still don't see Rooney going anywhere.
  3. Of more interest to Jimmy would probably be that the show is written by David Simon of the Wire.
  4. Good to know he's gonna be that player we wind up signing during the last hour of transfer deadline day.
  5. Show Me A Hero is lovely. I'm loving the acting.
  6. Boring and by the numbers. Feels like an extension of those wannabe Mad Men period shows like Pan Am and the Playboy Club. Basically watch it if you're bored.
  7. So are we gonna get another Tobes style video explaining how we pronounce this dude's surname? Also give us another signing Lineker!
  8. Great, now let's sign some players. Lineker, make it happen!
  9. Yeah, in a world where Raheem Sterling costs 50 mill, I'm sure Everton can milk Chelsea for more than 25 mill for Stones. Particularly given that it seems Jose is going through the whole FM "oh you pay well against me? I sign you" thing
  10. I've started watching Mr Robot. I assumed it would be bland or awful and procedural because USA network, but it's actually cool as shit, even though I can see the twist coming from a mile away I think. Still, fun show, cool characters and it even looks nice. Time to binge.
  11. I'd like to think this is an elaborate troll by LVG to drive the media insane and have people go "who?" ... no not Jim Neidhart sorry.
  12. I like how Delph is now saying Micah Richards convinced him to join City, it's like oh let's leave on bad terms and throw the new guy under the bus too
  13. While I think Benteke is great, I do think Villa play to his strengths a lot, especially since Sherwood took over. Unless Liverpool slightly alter their style to be more of a crossing team to accommodate him, I think he'd probably do better at Man Utd. Having said that, I do think Lacazette is much more rounded and pacy player and Lyon is much more of a "pass the ball to Lacazette and let the dude run and score" kinda team as opposed to playing to his strengths per say. It's still a gamble spunking a ton of money of him though, because l don't know how well he'd cope with the pace and physicality in England, something something Tuesday night in Stoke.
  14. It's not so much that it happened, it's the cheering for it to happen I've been watching UnReal. I expected it to be awful because Lifetime but I saw a few critics raving about it so I gave it a shot and it's great. I love that it pretty much shits on reality TV, that it's not really black and white in terms of good and evil and that the lead is an actual female anti-hero. It's not mind-blowing or anything but I'm having fun with it.
  15. I'll always have a soft spot for Boulahrouz for the time Robbie Keane made an ass out of him
  16. Beach House, Destroyer and Mac DeMarco leaking in one day? This must be what Christmas feels like.
  17. Back in the old days when coverage was really awful in North America, there were a few pundits that pronounced it Less-esther, I was always really amused.
  18. Well at least you waited until Nigel Pearson left And you're in wonderful company with Benji!
  19. Plus a lot of the men's team are just ridiculously unlikable, I for one still get a semi from thinking about John Terry crying in the rain after missing that penalty.
  20. I hope that money is put to good use, like signing Tobes.
  21. I really get the sense that Sterling moving will turn him into this generation's Shaun Wright-Phillips.
  22. Just because I'm curious as to whether or not I'm the only one that feels this way, Danny Ings is a painfully average striker that was only wanted (linked?) to Europa League level clubs because he's English, right?
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