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Everything posted by Hobo

  1. Chelsea, managed by a star player from their 2000s team while performing like their mid 90s teams. Its a nostalgia overload.
  2. Theo Walcott is the AJ Styles of Football
  3. Uptown Girl is alright but Id counter that Sleeping With The Television On is, in perhaps, the greatest Billy Joel song. Honestly think Billy Joel may have peaked with Glass Houses. Most of Leonard Cohen's songs are the best songs ever written and I'll stand on Bob Dylan's coffee table in Townes van Zandts cowboy boots and say that.
  4. I could be wrong but I think in this case it was someone who was a successful musician in their own right having a crossover hit and then just going back to doing their usual thing. Which happens sometimes. Some of my favourite artists are essentially one hit wonders in some way. Warren Zevon (best known for Werewolves of London), Randy Newman (better known for his soundtrack work, in particular with Pixar and Toy Story but also had a novelty hit with Short People) and Loudon Wainwright III (whose biggest hit was the song Dead Skunk). My girlfriend's dad is a massive fan of Dean Friedman whose biggest hit were the songs McDonald's Girl and Lucky Stars.
  5. We'll have to see how today's result affects them too. It is interesting thing to me that Newcastle, Brighton and Aston Villa are teams not used to being in the mix at this end of the table. The challenge will be keeping up the pace for the remainder of the season. Maybe Newcastle are slightly different case here though, I'm not sure.
  6. Hobo

    Star Trek TV

    I've finished Picard and ... meh. There was a point where I thought this could have been pretty fun but the last two episodes just killed it stone dead for me.
  7. Yeah, I can see a world where Liverpool get fifth. Any higher would require Liverpool to be a lot more consistent than they have been this season. I'd like to see them give it a good go. On paper, it's a squad built to get 90 points in a season or more. If they could finally start playing like that they'd be in with a chance. If they can do that is the question.
  8. We watched Street Fighter (1994) last night. It's more fun than I remembered it being. 90% of that is Raul Julia. It's really weird that Adrian Cronaur (the guy Robin Williams played in Good Morning, Vietnam) is in it basically doing his radio schtick. Also re-watched Lucky, one of Harry Dean Staton's last movies where he basically plays himself. I liked it the first time but I loved it on the second watch. David Lynch is so funny in this movie as Lucky's friend Howard who has lost his pet tortoise. Then we watched Harry Dean Staton: Partly Fiction which is an interesting documentary about Stanton which is included on the DVD for Lucky.
  9. Hobo

    Star Trek TV

    I'd like to see them make a new show set on a new Enterprise with all new characters set in the same universe as TNG. Then they can have guest spots for whoever they want if they want to. Im at the point where id rather one or two episodes guest spots from old characters than watching the characters from 25-35 years ago for a full series. I love Patrick Stewart but Ive kinda hated watching him at 82 in this setting. What Im describing is probably what lower decks but live action. I don't know as ive not seen any of it.
  10. Hobo

    Star Trek TV

    I'd have been happier if they had let them linger tbh
  11. Hobo

    Star Trek TV

    I did not like that episode of Picard.
  12. This probably fits more here than in the movie threads. I watched Patrick H. Willems' movie Night of The Coconut last night. I haven't watched any movie produced by a YouTuber since, well, the Channel Awesome movies really. This is actually quite good. It's fun and knowingly silly. Sometimes the sound mixing isn't perfect and you can the cast mainly not professional actors but it's a really easy watch. It never drags and you can really see potential in Patrick H Willems as a filmmaker. It did remind me quite a bit of making the handful of shorts I've made.
  13. watched All Quiet on The Western Front/Im Westen nichts Neues (2022) last week. I've neither read the novel nor watched any of the other adaptations. I thought it was really interesting to see a WWI story told from the perspective of the Germans. It's a really great-looking movie and really sells the horror of war. Although I did question the accuracy of some of stuff and, upon further research, had it confirmed. It didn't take anything away from the movie though.
  14. Watched Das Boot the other week. I enjoyed it. Its very intense.
  15. Oh I don't really care. Ive never seen Jude Bellingham play a single second of football. My point is that Liverpool have used similar lines multiple times for players they ultimately signed. Its a common PR strategy they use when negotiating transfers.
  16. tbh Liverpool ended all interest in van Dijk months before signing him. Danny Ward was going to be given a chance to be Liverpool first choice keeper then Alission was signed. It was reported in July 2020 that Liverpool were "no longer interested" in signing Thiago. There is every chance this actually increases the chances of Liverpool signing Jude Bellingham.
  17. According to wiki he was Technical Director and later first team coaching at Fulham in 2013-15.
  18. That kinda turned out as I'd expected it would. Arsenal may just be lucky to have gotten away with a draw. A bit of a shame Liverpool hasn't been that fired up more times this season. Although it feels like they've barely play at home which might be a factor in that.
  19. I had a slight inkling that Arsenal might have a bit of a wobble at some point in this game I hope that wasnt the end of it
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