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The Donators
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Everything posted by Krabby

  1. Ahh got it, thanks. What was revolution>?
  2. whats the deal with 1 and 4 but no 2 or 3?
  3. Taking the wifey to Hugh Jackman's concert this weekend!
  4. Sounds like there was an active shooter situation? 😢
  5. I can drive a ball 300 yards I'll have you know! The issue is that it's 150 yards straight and then 150 yards to the left...
  6. Yessir - it really could use a couple of things like a mini-map and a better free range camera. What didnt you like about it?
  7. Fired up the ol 360 yesterday while the daughter napped and wife was playing on the PC - finally started playing Operation Darkness after buying it last year at a Gamestop
  8. I'm with you Fork and and I especially hate seeing primarily Single Player games that are awesome spend big money and time on primarily multiplayer experience (Ex. Elder Scrolls Online and Final Fantasy XI/XIV - I'm not an MMO guy so I am biased but still lol And yes, Micro transactions as well. Games that get released 1 episode at a time - just finish the game
  9. If he put up 1300 rushing yards and 500 receiving yards with about 10 touchdowns...someone would call. His biggest crime according to NFL owners is his yards per carry went from like 4.5ish to 3ish.
  10. Eli's gonna be pouty either way, may as well start Jones if he is ready
  11. I mean, I hope they lose that game, BUT...those are pretty sweet jerseys
  12. I may have to do that! I have Xenonauts as well and that has been ok in the little bit I have played.
  13. I'm super excited for it, bought it 2 years ago but found out my pc couldn't handle it but now we are good to go!
  14. I am playing on Marathon mode and I am fairly early in the game (my guns all still use bullets, like the peasants we are) - I am rolling with 3 heavies with grenades, 1 assault with a grenade, and 1 assault with nano-fiber armor (which is the only one at nickname level yet) - trying to meticulously sweep each area before I approach the ship, so far, so good...
  15. Yeah I am kind of dreading that - although I am on the mission I fear the most at the moment; the whaling ship one...
  16. Playing through XCOM again, this time with the Enemy Within mod and a bunch of the second wave options - want to play my way through again before embarking on XCOM 2
  17. Any chance for a Diablo Mobile-esque announcement or moment?
  18. If I was stranded on an island and had one tv/dvd combo and could take only one boxset of TV Show DVDs with me....it would be Scrubs. That is all.
  19. We watched Someone Great last night on Netflix - it was really good! Enjoyed it a lot - gave it a 7 out of 10
  20. He'd be an arena league stud, show people he can still play and generate some hype - the longer he goes without playing the less likely it is that he'll get signed, conspiracy or not
  21. Ahh yes, McNabb, king of the worm burner pass
  22. Submitted my refund request to steam, hoping they see it my way
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