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Everything posted by TheGrandAvatar

  1. Interesting first day in the league with some of the results. Hope if any of you went to the matches that it was a nice day out.
  2. Found this just now and reminded me of the Halloween chat with the lovely members here. Someone did this art piece and I find it so amusing and very accurate. Hope it at least makes one of you laugh or smile.
  3. Burnley played some good football from the highlights. Least they started their campaign with a win. Hopefully Blackburn can do the same.
  4. Fell out of watching any soap opera a while ago. But will be watching the last few episodes of Neighbours. Even if it wasn't always my cup of tea. It was and has been a forever part of my life in the background always on TV. So I respect the efforts and it will be nostalgic in a way to see the end of it.
  5. It's a great movie if you take out the Halloween name part. Confused me the first watch around of it waiting for Myers to show up. But when you forget that it is quite a decent story and interesting moments. Think it was only bad because of it being part of the franchise really and some fans did not take to the new approach for the franchise. It should not have gotten the hate it did. On second and third viewings of it and looking at it from many ways I quite enjoy it. The theme song addicting to sing when I was a teenager coming up to Halloween. An evil corporation with a CEO bent on madness with masks and the plot device of the advert. Excellent. Props to the main actor Tom Atkins for his performance in the craziness of it all. Season of the Witch possibly should get a sequel or at least a reboot. Masks activated by social media or tiktok. Could work still. Mobile phones and smartphones would be an interesting plot device for the modern day. Interesting scenes of everyone pulling there phones out with the advert playing and then carnage.
  6. I have no idea why the plot was so bad of 5th and 6th film. Even the 4th was not great. But for some reason 6 and Paul Rudd get my trashy love everytime. It's the only one I remember well of them all. Even H2O. Have no reason to love the film either because it's trash. Speaking of slasher movies. Also the same with Jason. Issues with that series. Have either of you checked out the YouTube videos that break into the franchise?! You might enjoy how they study and talk about them.
  7. Yes the cut is bad and both versions are a mess with the plot. Think it's the charm of being the first movie that I watched and Paul Rudd in it. Not saying it's great. But is one I will watch anytime I can do.
  8. The 3rd kit is better up close and in person.
  9. The movie would have worked if it was not a Halloween film. Liked the idea behind it and could be redone with smartphone or go pro style filming aspect of today's advancement of technology since then and the way streaming is and apps to go live from. Keep the idea of it being in an old dark house setting with a slasher serial killer. Just not Michael Myers. There's a lot I liked and disliked about it. But enjoyed it for what it was at the time. The whole timeline of Halloween movies is weird with the amount of reboots or which one now we are told does not to matter in the grand scheme of thing's. Really enjoyed the 6th film with Paul Rudd and H20. But each has faults about them. Most of the franchise can be looked at having good and bad moments. Yet to get around to the new movies. Going to give them a watch in October.
  10. He was great in Conviction. Gritty crime drama where he played a former police man with dementia in the back drop of the story being told. He was also in an Amicus movie. From Beyond The Grave. Very fun story.
  11. Decided to purchase the game since it is on sale over on the PSN Store. Looking forward to having a little bit of fun on a wrestling game. The last one played of the WWE series was 16 and 18 or 19. You are all to blame EWB. Much difference between PS4/PS5 versions?! Has me wondering.
  12. I'm sorry for the mistake on the setting. Think because I was thinking of the Cassablanca line at the time. Which in turn made me think of France and not Vienna. Thank you @Hobo Yes The Stranger is another brilliant film with Orson Welles. Suspenseful. Believe it was the first time in history that footage was shown of the concentration camps from WW2. The clock tower sticks out in my mind as a really good set piece and addition to the film. @ToeA great selection. The Mummy films are actually pretty good. Sure you will enjoy them. Would recommend you check out Hammer Horror with their Mummy films. Personal favorite is Valerie Leon in Blood From The Mummy's Tomb. I was lucky enough to interview her about the movie a few years back for a project.
  13. Do we have any old school horror fans here? Universal Monsters to Hammer Horror and Amicus. I love the old horror movies the best. Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney and his son Lon Chaney Jr are rated highly on my list for their work at Universal Studios. Dracula will always be Lugosi in my eyes even when I have seen Christopher Lee play him more. The Wolf Man is still my favourite of the lot. The tragic plot of a man in love who wants to do no harm. The sympathy that Chaney makes you feel is often the one thing I remember about the film. Might seem silly some of these films to a modern audience. Without them we wouldn't have the films we do today I guess. Black and white movies are treat now and again to watch. Something enjoyable with a good atmosphere and not too much colour to distract you as the viewer. Allowing you to focus more on the characters and acting with the story. The 3rd Man is one I will always go back to watching for Orson Welles and Joseph Cotton. The noir style of filming is what made me appreciate the characters and plot a lot more. Some very good scenes in it with the setting and historical information it presents from France in WW2. Speaking of Hitchcock. Sky Arts are going to be showing most of his work at the end of the month. Psycho, The Birds, Rope and Rear Window. Should be good performances from classic actors and actresses with visuals of times gone by. Murder Mystery Night soon. So I am going to be checking 'Knives Out' when I can find the time. It has been on the watch list for far too long.
  14. The 3rd was a lot of fun. But the whackyness of IV was a pure delight to play in a lot of ways. Saints Row have mostly had a decent soundtrack through their history of the games. So looking forward to what tracks could be included this time.
  15. How is Stray? It look a fun cute game. Few people have purchased it which is tempting myself to get it. Hope you enjoy it. 😊
  16. At least you can spot yourself in the crowd. 😅
  17. Agree. Shade of pink is great. The pattern spoils it. Could make the pattern white and might not look so bad.
  18. Oh. I'm so interested in the new Saints Row. 1-3 have a lot of good memories about those games and the fun mission variety with the crazy characters and story.
  19. Tbf it's been much boring for the fans. Usual early goal, second half collapse, a 75th minute comeback only for the away team to snatch a winner in 90th minutes. Comes down to fatigue and how the AI set up the formation and sign players. How was Korea?! Can be annoying when you are loaned out or sold. I tend to only play a few matches here or there on a player career. See if I can train the player any better, or how he would fit into the team. RPG element of it is fun if you can add it. Usual time on the game it is FUT or Career Mode.
  20. Spending a boring first half of the year in career mode at Blackburn Rovers. Player career mode. Enjoying it and making a created player fit for National Team of Scotland. CAM. To that he sometimes switches in for Dack. Often comes on late in the game. Diaz working on the wing helps. However. Danny King. A take from 'The Wildcard' Denny King from TEW. He is now the manager of Manchester City. Looking forward to using Grealish and Sterling. Going to sign a young prospect as striker and a main new team front man. Kane is someone I want to use at City if I can get his cheap enough. Dropping back from striker into midfield and use his passing and physical to pass onto Sterling or Grealish. Take onto the wing then and ease in back to Kane or the CAM. All about tactics though and how well all will mold into the team. Few changes are needed.
  21. Would you add Craig Bellamy to that list? I never understood why he left Blackburn to join Liverpool and then end up at West Ham and then City before ending his playing days at Cardiff. His move to Liverpool while possibly something he wanted so he could play at a bigger level. He might have been more suited staying at Blackburn another season or two to get more game time to become an even better player. Loved Bellamy early in his career. Really solid player. Could have been a lot more. Chelsea would be Shevchenko. Such a loss that his potential did not get a chance to show in the Premier League.
  22. This is going to make me go back to watch Nick Hancock's Footballing Nightmares on YouTube now.
  23. Tread Softly Stranger. It is still one of my all time favourite gritty British Black and White suspense noir drama at it's best. The story, setting, cast and performance still add up to a tense performance from each cast member that leads out into the final scenes. The ending is one I remember fondly. Think a Colombo episodes borrowed the same plot idea at one stage. Diana Dors standing out in all her glory of being a femme fatale early in her career. The British Monroe. Bonus fact is that Carry On Legend Jim Dale sings the theme tune for movie.
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