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Everything posted by TheGrandAvatar

  1. Wasteland 3 is very fun to play. Building up the characters, exploring and tinkering around. Most of the charm for me is trying to tame animals. 😅 But really enjoyed the story of what has been played out and the ways it can all go. Hope you enjoy it yyourself.q
  2. Joseph Seed stole the show in the opening minutes of the game when I did get a chance to play it a while back. The opening scene was very a tense confrontation with going into the compound of the cult and hearing the creepy singing happening around you that added a sense of dread to it all. Always liked the Far Cry series since Far Cry 2. Not had much playtime on 5. Which is sad. So shall progress some more into it. Thank you for the responses much appreciated are the thoughts given from you both.
  3. The biggest victory for Brentford in the top flight since 1938 and it's over United BBC Sport are saying. Watched the highlights on MOTD. Horror show of a first half.
  4. Is Far Cry 5 and the DLC any good? Played the opening when it came out and enjoyed the opening moments and few bits I did play. But never really picked it up fully.
  5. This just makes me nervous for when it's Monopoly night at the Krabby Kingdom.
  6. Sunderland are out and Rovers still in. Should be a good game with Bradford. Hopefully a win and not another early exit as usual from the cups.
  7. You'll be watching power washing videos late at night on YouTube next.
  8. Not really. If I get them for a game that I'm enjoying it is cool to see. But not one for trophies anymore.
  9. It was pretty fun. Found myself interested how the dialogue was spoken by them with the sounds of the language to the subtitles used. Almost felt a little more emotional. Honestly enjoyed my time with the game and the animal quests. Taming or going on a big hunt and building up the camp was a lot of time spent enjoying the little bits I could. It felt more survival without guns in a sense. Give it a go. The story of being out in nowhere at those times and being separated or alone with having to craft to survive is what made it for me. Had to think what would I do in those times.
  10. The screenshots look really good from the game. Excited to give it a go in the future. Should be fun.
  11. Always enjoy the tales you all tell in here. Sorry if often annoy some of you on the game. It is quite fun to hear what is going on. Kind of like being sat in an old tavern learning the gossip of the local land. Rumours of other distant land adventures in time from fellow adventures of all kind. I do have some books I got from the charity shop yesterday with an adventure dice game about them. Will post some photos this week for you all if you would like me to do? Also sorry to be a further bother or annoyance and make anyone dislike me. At the moment I am fiddling with a few aspects from the table top variety of character creations. As I can modify the build each time to the rule set. Was just wondering if someone could help if I have questions and wouldn't mind me sending them a DM and if possible having installed some wisdom into me, if not make a friend to chat on this stuff with. It is okay if no one wants to do or ignores this post and me. Just wanted to ask and just being friendly. Sorry if I do thing's wrong. Have a lovely week all of you.
  12. Oh nice. I am glad that you have been able to enjoy coming to the game at a late stage but very fun for you in the experience. The packs have been really decent weight. At this time of the year for the final stretch all special cards are put in packs again with a higher drop rate. Usually mostly on untraceables. So it is Christmas for cards. They have removed some of the SBCs that used to be good to put duplicate high players in of leagues and earn good packs. Sure if you keep grinding or unlocking packs or buying them with whatever method you have used that you'll amass the one's you need. Lot's in my club too. Actually too much. But just about enjoying some fun play really for the last couple of weeks. Are you enjoying the team you have put together and learning to play okay with them and tactics wise?! I have stuck with the same players as I know how each controls and where they are stronger and weakest.
  13. I might have to give it a go and try to complete the SBC for him. Club is stacked though for attacking options. Edit. Just seen it was an old SBC. Still he's always been an OP player has Pato.
  14. I'm still doing the odd few games on the player career when I feel like it. Agree can be easy to OP the player. Have been only training once or twice a month. That is only of the team has won more games than they have lost. Over on FUT. Figuring out how the team can include Kane, Ronaldo, Grealish and Salah. It would mean going from the 4-3-2-1. Prefer the three midfields being there and don't fancy putting Kane or Ronaldo in place. But need a decent striker and ball-player. Maybe Grealish would be better as a non starter as an impact sub. Same with Salah. Less of an attack and more defensive midfiled.
  15. RIP. Loved her character in the show and how it inspired future generations and what it did for her and others. Just sad thinking about some issues recently in the news about her and her son. I hope she is at peace.
  16. Proud of them. Have played really well all tournament. Hope it inspires another generation of Lioness and Women Footballers with highlighting the game more and showing football is for all genders.
  17. Tensions are rising in the Vardy household.
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