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Status Updates posted by C-MIL

  1. Your bloodlust knows no bounds. Consider our relationship terminated.

  2. How many more of my childhood heroes must die for your amusement?

  3. Why sully the names of good men in your zeal?

  4. This is your most ill-fitting name since Scott Steiner.

  5. And happy 20th, as well.

    Also, a belated happy 19th. :)

  6. Why are you No Money?

  7. Happy birthday, man. Hope you have a great one. :)

  8. It's a term that defines someone or something as also having a very C-MIL attitude.

  9. You are 23 today which means for the next 365 days you will be the Scottish Michael Jordan. Happy birthday. :)

  10. Happy 30th, man. Have a great one. :)

  11. Indeed. Happy birthday. :)

  12. Happy birthday, man. Have a great one. :)

  13. A quarter-century old today...

    When somebody said that about me on my 25th, it made me feel old. I hope I've made you feel as old as I felt.

    Have a great birthday. :)

  14. Happy 21st, man. Have a great one. :)

  15. Happy birthday, man. Hope you have a great one. :)

  16. Congratulations on reaching the quarter-century mark.

    Winning nanwarnimo too.

    You have much to celebrate on this day. :)

  17. 38 special. Hope you have a great birthday, man. :)

  18. Thank you very much. It certainly was a ___ one. :)

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