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Status Updates posted by C-MIL

  1. I’m sorry to the soda - it was refreshing!

  2. Happy 27th, man... whether you bring back WCW or not. :P

  3. Does the baby have ears yet?

  4. Now you, you look like a mystical hillbilly.

    1. tristy


      John Morrison on a bender.

  5. You're disrespecting me by being an alcoholic who's full of hot air.

  6. Happy birthday yet again.

    And happy belated birthday for when you see this in another month...

  7. Perhaps you’d like to accept the challenge of a former world champion who has wrestled white tigers into submission...

    1. Hewey


      But can he split somebody's wig?

  8. Big Daddy knows people in high places.

    1. Gazz


      Because he's dead?

    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      "Big Daddy" always makes me think of Rogue Trip, and the amazing, amazing Big Daddy rap from that game.

  9. It makes me furious when people go too fast.

  10. Unconscious sleep.

    1. GA!


      Randy has voices inside his head. They all seem to write for The Asylum.

  11. Fashion advice from the tooth fairy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LL!


      One time I went to a Baby Gap. The rest is just a blur. Long story short, I'm on some websites.

    3. CraigOrion


      Film made $111,877,020.

    4. New Damage

      New Damage


  12. GTL? I’ll make it BTL... Beat The King!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. C-MIL
    3. Kaney


      Cole laughed after he said it and said something about messing up, that he meant to say BTK.

    4. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      I'd wager a guess that none of the children, and probably a good majority of the adults that watch Raw have no idea who "BTK" is, anyway.

  13. k0rcie.jpg

    12 full issues. I'll upload 'em for you. :)

  14. You look like yer a couple vitamins away from a chemical disaster!

  15. You look like a bowl of Fruity Pebbles.

    1. Gazz


      Fruity, fruity, fruity Skittles!!

    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      How appropriate...you fight like a cow! No, wait...

  16. How long’s Mark Henry been here? Twoirteen years?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. C-MIL


      If the chaimber was a poi-eatin' contest, maybe he'd win!

    3. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      You're talking out of your elimination chamber.

    4. New Damage

      New Damage

      Yo, guys, settle your tea kettle.

  17. Cody Rhodes…and my grandmother. She was dashing.

  18. What can I say about Daniel Bryan that already hasn't been said about the color white, paint dryin' on a house or falling asleep to a boring movie?

    1. Mancuerda


      White is right! Daniel Bryan is right! You're SO right!

    2. TEOL


      Because if it's not Kerwin White, it's not right.

  19. It stands for rectum!

    1. IDOL


      CorRe or CoRre?

    2. C-MIL
    3. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      This was the best episode of 'Out of context WWE line' yet.

  20. Would you want to get hit in the face if you spent as much on facials as Cody?

    1. ThrillhouseMAX


      Why would he spend money on facials when he can just watch some online for free?

    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Why would he spend money on them when he has Layla?

    3. Rocky


      She's attracted to his femininity.

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