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Everything posted by thatblindgeye

  1. Finished Arkham Origins and I both enjoyed it but was also disappointed by it.
  2. Ah, okay. Was thinking about grabbing the game since it's on sale on Steam (and will be until tomorrow, since they do that "yesterday's deals" thing I think), but from what I've heard from the people in my D&D group, it's a good game but the creation stuff was far too time consuming for them. Even though it's less than $10, I wouldn't want to get the game if it was too difficult to actually download someone else's story.
  3. With Shadowrun Returns, is it easy to download other peoples' created stories or whatever? It seems like that would be the main reason to get the game.
  4. Does it have something to do with the Marvel license running up for them or something? I think that's what a friend mentioned regarding it.
  5. That happened to a friend of mine. Ended up getting like $50 million. Luckily I really tend to play in private sessions now. Has there been any word about the jerry can thing getting fixed? Assuming it's a widespread issue, whenever I try to use the jerry can I just drop it. I tried holding left trigger to aim and then right trigger to pour and then only right trigger, but I just drop the thing and it's really annoying.
  6. I think I'm just going to restart Fire Emblem on the mode that doesn't permanently kill characters. I think that's what's been keeping from getting back into it, is spending half an hour in battles only to lose a character I really like and exiting the game to redo the battle. Should I have played any other Zelda games to get into the newer one(s)? I have the original and Link's Awakening DX from the virtual console on my 3DS. I really can't get into the first one because it just drops you in a world and all I know is I have to go to a bunch of dungeons and it just seems really boring and far too annoying to navigate.
  7. I can hop on now. Mine is 1418-7764-5015
  8. I'm probably one of the few that doesn't mind Ash (I understand why people hate him or whatever, but it really doesn't bother me too much) and I don't mind Red acting like a goof. Considering he really acts like a goof when he is just starting out on his adventure, it doesn't seem like a big deal. He does become less goof like throughout the episodes, though. And around what time would you be available, berober?
  9. Yeah, I don't think anything like that was mentioned, but could that just be the assumed reason for why he did it at that point and not any sooner? It seems like "JARVIS is it done yet?" has been done a couple of times in the movies already, so I could buy that as to why he waited until the end to use all the suits at once. You guys talking about Harry Potter being a good series to get kids into reading and shit and I just read the books this past Summer
  10. With Iron Man 3, couldn't it just be chalked up to "JARVIS are the suits ready to be mass deployed and AI controlled? No? Okay." sort of thing? I can't remember most of the movie so maybe something in it just dismisses that as a possibility. That Back to the Future one posted is something I've ALWAYS thought about. Still a really enjoyable movie, but definitely a big plot hole. Time travel, though, so eh. As far as Banner, I took it as him being able to control his anger, but there still being things that force him into The Hulk. He might be able to subdue his anger to keep from transforming under most circumstances, but he's aware that being in an enclosed location like an airship could go bad if something were to force him to transform (like it did). I dunno, it never bothered me. Him saying that he was always angry and transforming at will was one of the best moments in the movie for me.
  11. It took me this long to actually press down on the d-pad while in the garage Has anyone taken a stab at the creator thing?
  12. How exactly do you pay to get your car out from the impound? Is there something in contacts that I'm missing? Other than that, I think the thing I'm most enjoying from the patch is the ability to run in the apartment and garage. That, and the fact that if you go into your garage and press down, it shows stats for the cars above them (and whether they're insured). Might have been there already, but I've never noticed it. I really hope the next patch fixes an issue where you're in an invite session with someone/people, do a mission, go back to freemode on the vote screen, and get put into separate sessions. That has happened probably 70% of the time I'm playing with a friend, even if we do a closed crew session. Makes zero sense. Also, for some reason I'm unable to request my personal vehicle via the back button. Regardless of how far away from it I am, the option is always grayed out for me.
  13. Just finished episode 4. Needless to say, I'm really hoping episode 5 isn't too sad. Debating whether I should get 400 Days or not, because I've heard people it either wasn't that great and/or it was really short. It's only $5 on Steam, though, I think so eh.
  14. Finally getting through the first season after finishing the first episode back in July. I really like the game but also hate how I question my decisions after the fact (which I do like for the atmosphere of the game). These are my decisions thus far, after finishing episode 3 just now. Once I finish the remaining two episodes I want to go back and try making different decisions to see how the story turns out.
  15. Well, onto another question. I'm doing a one month trial of Gamefly since I would get 2 discs at a time. One game I'm renting is Arkham Origins (enjoyed the other two games, but definitely not something I would buy again), but I'm not sure what to rent for the other. I've heard Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider is good, but I'm not sure if I would have the time for two story based games. I was thinking of something I could just fuck around in like WWE 2K14 (despite having no real interest, the 30 Years mode sounds interesting and I always enjoy creating characters). Do you guys have any general suggestions as to what games you think would be a good rental?
  16. Is the first Gears of War any good? That's the one that's free this month for gold I believe, but I don't want to download it if it's really not good.
  17. Depends if we're talking strictly games and whether or not it's favorite to battle with or just in general (looks and such). Definitely would have to think about that, even though a couple generations are easy picks (Charizard from Gen 1, for example).
  18. 1) Assassin's Creed 4 2) Pokemon X/Y 3) Animal Crossing New Leaf 4) GTA Online 5) Fire Emblem Awakening (would probably be higher if I ever get around to getting further in it)
  19. I need to play the two Zelda games I got from Club Nintendo. I got the first and Link's Awakening, but I'm not sure if Zelda games are really for me (mainly because I haven't actually played them yet).
  20. Only a month until Pokemon Bank is available and I can transfer all my stuff from Black and Black 2 to my X version. Then I can again proceed to not work on EV training anything ever.
  21. Yeah a bit, but luckily one of the first two has the final plan (fire barrel storage), or at least it did for me. Still haven't gotten the Mediterranean Sea area unlocked yet, though. Also, I got 100% on all main missions, giving me that 50g achievement. Now all that remains is the "Reach level 55" in multiplayer achievement and the one where you have to play all game modes, use all abilities and all ranged weapons at least once in multiplayer achievement. Got all the game modes played, which has me more interested in playing Assassinate once I get Poison unlocked. Don't much care for Deathmatch I think it is, where you play in a drastically smaller version of the maps.
  22. Finished the story just now. Okay, so apparently the final three treasure maps you can only get by sending your fleet out on those missions. And I'm just really slow because you don't NEED the fire barrels for the Fleet missions and your ships will fire cannons at some point. For anyone who wants to know, these are the missions for the Fleet that you have to do to get the final three treasure maps: The Empty Cellar Missions’ in Eastern British Colonies Scarlatina in Eastern Canada Great Reputation II in Mediterranean Sea
  23. Now that I have all forts defeated, all locations discovered (minus Black Island), all underwater wrecks completed (fuck them simply for trying to actually navigate in enclosed areas), all Uncharted fragments and chests acquired, and all Assassin/Naval contracts finished, I can actually get back to the main story. Assuming I don't spend the time with the treasure maps I have
  24. Luckily I haven't experienced that, but I haven't done the out of animus stuff unless it was required by the story thus far.
  25. The out of animus stuff is pretty nice, partly because of how different it is to how the previous games did it. I really like the first person view over the third person view. I don't just feel like Ezio in a different skin outside the animus. I actually feel like a completely difference character. Sorry, Desmond.
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