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Everything posted by Hellfire

  1. you make this whole state look bad.

  2. Drive was another show that I was interested in but was doomed from the start by its timeslot. I think the show could have gone for 3-4 seasons and been interesting along the way, but they put it up against Dancing with the Stars and Deal or no Deal and it got destroyed in the ratings and got pulled after like 3-4 episodes. Fucking Fox.
  3. Your wish is my command. There's been tons of shows that have been taken off the air way too quickly, whether due to low ratings, no support from the channel its on, a strange concept that didn't catch on or simply being on Fox . I'm going to quickly take two that I know will get said. Firefly and Wonderfalls are two completely different shows but are excellent. Such a shame that they were taken off air. Firefly was a show that I honestly didn't know what I was getting into at the start, which I think made it even better. I knew Joss Whedon had created Buffy and Angel, but I had thought they were chick shows and had never watched them going in (I've since watched all of Buffy and have started watching Angel. Apparently, I was completely retareded.) The whole Cowboys in Space thing works well, theres a whole universe there that would have been interesting to check out as seasons went on, along with most of the characters that didn't get enough time to be fleshed out. I have another one that might not get talked about though. Kings. It came out with a lot of hype, apparently was supposed to be the big new show but bombed. I was bored and checked it out, as it had a pretty interesting concept (the king david story in an alternate version of present day) and was fascinated. I don't think its been canceled yet, but its been all but killed already and its a shame. I'm really interesting in hearing what some of you come up with. I tend to forget shows after a little while unless they are fantastic, so I'm sure there's some good ones out there that I just can't remember and this will jog some good memories about shows that passed well before their time.
  4. and I can honestly see you dying in a fire. Could just be me hoping though. Anyways, the family guy formula was funny at first, but when you try to stretch it over three different shows, spanning multiple seasons, its going to fail. There's only so much wacky cutscenes you can take before it goes from funny to annoying.
  5. I don't know like 3/4's of these bands and that's how I like it. I'll have to give this a listen later on, most of these have been worth it.
  6. Hellfire

    True Blood

    Fantastic Episode, I'm liking this show more and more every time a new episode comes on. Spoiler: Click here to view That shit at the beginning of the episode was fucking crazy. Some kind of minotaur maybe? Anyways, Sookie almost dying, Bills blood not helping and both Bill and Eric having no idea what the hell attacked her was interesting, as it shows that there are lots of stuff out there that even the vampires don't know about. In fact, the first ten or 15 mins were great. Lafayette! I'm glad he's not dead and they finally got him out of the basement. He's too awesome to waste down there. Him coming home and crying was a nice touch and maybe they can send his character on another direction. Jason was one of my favorites in the first season, but since he's doing the whole cult thing this season he's pretty dull. I did like the little things here and there that show he's still kinda dumb like smacking his head against the window after he woke up from the nightmare. I'm not sure what to think about Eric at this point. I mean, he seems like a decent character but they haven't fleshed it out very much. I'd like to see more of him. I actually thought that the teenage vampire chick was going to kill that kid, who I kinda like. He's almost too nice. I guess not though. Interesting to see what happens though, I hope they don't just go with the glammer route again.
  7. Knowing - 4.5/10 Nicolas Cage is a terrible actor. I fall into the same trap over and over again though because he stars in movies that seem interesting to me, so I say to myself “maybe he got better, maybe he won’t make me want to jam rusty screwdrivers into my eyes after watching him” but the result is always the same: I turn the DVD off, shake my head and say "Nicolas fucking Cage got me again". He's done it again here. This could be a decent movie. It’s actually pretty a pretty creepy thriller and the “whisper people” randomly appearing get you trying to figure out what exactly the hell is going on. The accident sequences are absolutely the best part of the movie though. In most movies they show the accident, throw a fireball up and cut back to the main characters reaction, but this one went all out. People on fire (Cage yelling at one of the people on fire was hilarious), explosions, burning bodies. I was really surprised how far they went. In fact, I would have given this movie a 2/10 if the action sequences weren't so fantastic. Unfortunately though, explosions don’t make up for a movie in which there is really no reason to give a shit about any of the characters. - plane crash scene from knowing The Spirit - 3.5/10 Now that I’ve had a couple days to process this movie, I’m changing my rating. I’m not saying that this is a terrible movie; in fact there were a lot of things that I enjoyed about it. Frank Miller used the Sin City type film style that might annoy some people but I loved it when they used it on that movie and I still love it now. Samuel L. Jackson played himself, much like he does in lots of other movies but it usually works, and it does here as well. Evil Samuel L. Jackson is always a fun time. Scarlett Johansson looked damn good and her character was great. That's the good stuff. Bad stuff was definitely the dialogue. Good lord that was terrible. Some of the lines made me actually feel ashamed for watching this. I get that it was based on a comic strip that I’ve never read, so I have no real background on what any of the characters talk like, but The Spirit, The Octopus and especially the Police Commissioner had some especially bad lines. If you liked Sin City enough, are a fan of Samuel L. Jackson, have a lot of time to kill or want to see Scarlett Johansson in a nazi uniform, give this a go. Otherwise, just avoid it.
  8. That is horrible. This week has been awful. Billy Mays was the shit, he sold the most useless things and people just ate that shit up. Just an amazing sales person and a funny guy too.
  9. I joined this about a week or so ago, but didn't really do much cause I couldnt figure it out. Now that I've figured it out its a pretty interesting game. Most of my fighers suck and look like carnival freaks to boot.
  10. Another Hitman movie? Kane and Lynch Movie? Hitman 5? That my friends, is awesome all around.
  11. I know people that have told me that he ran away to supermodel island, where he's joined a supergroup featuring Tupac, Elvis and Kurt Cobain. Album's going to be out next year sometime.
  12. While Michael did have a lot of problems, probably stemming from a fucked up childhood, you can't deny that he was a fantastic entertainer that made some amazing music. Having said that, the allegations that he had will always be mentioned whenever you bring up his name, whether they be true or not. I'll remember him for the entertainment that he provided me and not for the bad shit that he may or may not have done.
  13. Hellfire

    True Blood

    I'm really hoping they turn Lafayette into a vampire, not having him on the show anymore would suck. After watching the last episode, I'm not sure whats going to happen though.
  14. Staind. I wasn't a fan of them until I saw them live. It was an outdoor concert and after being sunny all day, as soon as Staind came out it started drizzling. The atmosphere was depressing as hell, which just added to the performance. My recollection of how awesome they were might be a bit skewed though, because The Dropkick Murphys came out after them and blew me away.
  15. Wasn't he fucked up? A stroke or coma or something like that? I remember hearing he was suing some hospital over his treatment or something.
  16. I thought it was supposed to be a comedy. Napolean Dynamite was fucking terrible. I dunno how anybody could think that was a funny movie.
  17. Since the thread I posted earlier has gotten some attention, lets do the opposite of it and be positive now. What are some movies or TV shows that you have seen that either had a bad reputation or no fanfare that ended up being awesome? My pick? Running Scared. I randomly picked it up at Best Buy a couple years ago for like $5, mainly because the cover looked cool. Fucking awesome, bloody and somewhat disturbing movie. It made me like Paul Walker, which is saying something. This led me to purchasing another movie.... Into the Blue ...staring Paul Walker. I should really stop typing, my respect for myself is slipping with every keystroke. Seriously. Anyways, I really like this too. I love a good treasure hunt movie, Jessica Alba looks phenomenal in a bathing suit, theres awesome scenery, guns, some bitch gets eaten by a shark, I mean c'mon, how can you go wrong? I also like Timeline and Eight Below. The connection? Paul Walker. I hate myself. >_< Now that I've admitted my mancrush on Paul Walker, I'll open it up to everyone else. What movie/TV show surprised you?
  18. Requiem for a Dream is one of the most depressing movies I've ever seen. It's the type of thing that would make you want to kick puppies. Even thinking about it is making me feel depressed. Fuck that movie.
  19. Never got into Lost or Heroes either. I've tried to get into Heros a half dozen times, but I can't get past like episode 3 or so. I just stop giving a shit and watch something entertaining.
  20. So for the past couple of years, whenever I asked people about good TV shows to watch, one of the shows that came up was Freaks and Geeks. I kept putting off watching it, but without fail it kept getting brought up as an awesome show. Reviews online kept telling me it was awesome and it had a huge cult following too. Finally I said fuck it and started watching it. Kinda sucked. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone else had something like this, with a show or movie that kept getting hyped up for you and fell flat. (I'm sure I'm going to get hate for not liking Freaks and Geeks too. I got through 8 or so episodes and just didn't give a shit about any of the characters. I like Jason Segel and Seth Rogan too but there was nothing there)
  21. How long do you think the fat one can run in place before he starts sweating bacon grease?
  22. I've got around 130 DVD's (and counting) but I've watched the special features on like three or so. I just don't care about the making of a movie or the commentary tracks, I just want to watch the movie.
  23. Curious Case of Benjamin Button - I'm a sucker for Brad Pitt, I think that he usually brings the goods and David Fincher hasn't put out a movie I haven't liked (I've seen everything except the Aliens movie he did). I like stories that don't have happy endings, not everything should be all warm and fuzzy too. This is the type of story that can't be happy at the end and they captured that well. Overall I'd give it an 9/10. Definitely worth a watch. Watching this movie made me think about life, about how many people don't actually achieve true happiness in their lives and end up dying wishing that they had done or seen something. If a movie makes you think like that, you know that they've done a great job.
  24. Hellfire

    True Blood

    So I'm all caught up now. Still love the show, but I hate starting to watch shows early in their runs, now I have to wait every week to watch another episode. What does it say about this show (or me) that I burned through an entire season in less than a day?
  25. Police Officer, any action movie. Do all sorts of crazy stunts, kill a shitload of terrorists, save the day at the last second and get the girl (who's usually a 9 or better. Hell I'd take two 7's if it comes down to it.). Even when there are a dozen lunatics with AK47's and you have a pistol, you know that you're going to kill all of them and only take a single bullet to the arm or shoulder along with a couple of cuts and scratches that will make you look even more badass. Movie Police Officer = All sorts of win.
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