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Everything posted by Hellfire

  1. But it's like family guy! With Black People! And less funny! seriously, fuck that show.
  2. A couple more movies that I had picked up and never watched until recently. I watched these all 3-4 days ago, but didn't post 'em til now. Traffic - Awesome movie. Movies involving Drugs are usually about the drug dealers, but this didn't glorify it like some do a fantastic cast and showed all sides of it and how it effects people, from the US Drug Czar all the way to house wives and Police Officers in Tijuana. Really cool overlapping of characters, not blatantly, but one character is walking down the street when another drives by, or ones going one way on the highway and another is going the opposite direction. I believe this movie started that sort of fad, seen in movies like Crash, although I could be wrong. Anyways, if you haven't seen it do yourself a favor and check it out. Freedomland - I love Samuel L. Jackson, I'm not going to lie. This wasn't too bad, but the ending killed it. I liked the premise though, girl gets carjacked with kid inside car, racially charged environment and you gotta find her before all hell breaks loose. Samuel L. Jackson is his usual awesome self, Julianne Moore is decent as the mom on the edge of a breakdown and Edie Falco, who everyone knows as Carmela Soprano does something different here. Still, the last twenty minutes or so just kill the movie. Out of Time - Just like Samuel Jackson, Denzel gets a pass on pretty much anything he does. I didn't know what to expect coming in and picked this up on a whim, mainly because its listed as a film noir movie staring Denzel. Pretty good though, nice twists and turns (some of which you see coming and some which you don't) and the secondary characters were pretty fun. If you can find this cheap or see it on TV, I'd give it a shot.
  3. I tend to buy movies in bulk, leading to me having a ton of movies still in the packaging sitting around. I decided to start watching them. Michael Clayton. Loved it actually. I tend to like movies with more action, but this kept me involved and I cared about what happened. Corporate espionage and backstabbing. All sorts of goodness, and George Clooney is awesome as usual.
  4. Fuck, Owl City has to be the happiest band ever. I feel like smiling when I'm listening to it.
  5. Hellfire

    Gaylist 2009 - #6

    You're slipping. There are people that I've actually heard of on here. Sad. So very sad.
  6. I couldn't get into the show for some reason. Watched the first season and just...nothing. Is the second season any better?
  7. Absolutely. That fight with the terminator right after that was awesome too.
  8. I'm pretty sure that the Five-Point-Palm-Exploding-Hand Technique doesn't involve strangulation of the balls.
  9. Bangkok is a fucked up place. Look what it does to people.
  10. I thought that Sharon Osbourne skinned Ozzy and started wearing him as a suit to bleed a couple more bucks out of him.
  11. Hellfire


    I'm sure Tom will come around eventually and stop sounding like a douche or at least I hope so. The Secret Show sounded alright though, I hope they go into the studio after the tour, I'd love to hear some new material sometime in the future.
  12. Now that its the summer, I usually wake up to something by Incubus, 311 or Sublime. I like music that makes me think of summertime and most of those will do that immediately, I dunno why.
  13. Jesus Christ, that seems terrible. I mean really...terminator landscapers? Terminators should be doing only one thing and that is fucking up people, not pulling weeds and mowing grass. The Skynet city being a real city just boggles the mind too. How are they supposed to make Skynet, who wanted to destroy everyone and dropped a fuckload of nukes, into an organization that wants to save mankind. I'm just amazed. Maybe next time they will hire people that aren't fucking retarded and have actually watched a terminator movie to write the script.
  14. Unless she killed herself in a humorous way or something, I don't think its really breaking news that she died.
  15. Lies! There will be no badmouthing of GI Joe anywhere in this vicinity (that is, unless it comes out and is terrible, then by all means rip it to shreds.)
  16. I know nothing about Star Trek. I've never watched an episode all the way through and have never seen the movies. My buddy wanted to go see this and having nothing better to do, I went with him. Damn good decision. I had a blast watching this, they introduced all the main characters and gave them enough backstory to make me care about them. It had some great action scenes, was funny and even made the villain look somewhat sympathetic and gave a reason for his attacks, which most movies don't do. Am I going to go watch the TV show? Probably not. I will however buy this on DVD and go see the next one in theaters as well. The Writers and Director should be commended for taking something that has a dedicated fanbase and making it accessible for the average fan while not losing the hardcore fans.
  17. As I told a friend, the movie was explosion porn. The plot brought the characters from one explosion to another. It did exactly what it was supposed to do though and I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I hope the next one does a bit more plot wise, without losing all the awesome special effects from this one. As long as you don't go into it expecting it to be an oscar winning movie, you'll have a good time and enjoy it.
  18. Its one of my most anticipated movies, but I'm just trying to keep up with everything thats coming out. Can't think about movies coming out in a couple months when there's good stuff coming out now. It makes my brain hurt.
  19. I'm grabbing this tomorrow. Can't wait to start pounding peoples faces in.
  20. Terminator Salvation - Not too much in the way of plot, but man were the explosions great. The post Judgement Day landscape was awesome and Arnold "cameo" was nicely done. Hopefully the next movie will have a big more plot wise though. 7.5/10 from me
  21. Looks pretty good. My first thought was "Its like Robert Downey Jr. is playing Tony Stark in the 19th century." I enjoyed that though, so I'm definately going to forget its coming out until I see the commercials on TV and go see it in December.
  22. They should just replace everyone with Gus Johnson. Problem solved.
  23. Hellfire

    New Linkin Park

    It does have almost the same start to it as What I've Done. I really like What I've Done though, so there's nothing wrong with that in my opinion. Good song though.
  24. I don't remember any of their names because I just don't care. Only thing that's important is their body and technique. Just like in real life.
  25. I started watching Eastbound & Down but got bored of it. I'm not sure why. Premise is entertaining and the main character is awesome, but I just couldn't get as into it as other people. I've heard of Party Down, but don't know what its about and haven't seen any episodes. Might have to give it a look. I just started watching Castle, mainly due to Nathan Fillion. Fun little show, I'm only like an episode and a half in but I like most of the main characters, Castle, the daughter and his mother, Cop chick is alright but I don't care about her yet. Fillion is carrying the show though, he's always fun to watch.
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