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Everything posted by Hellfire

  1. I've pretty much caught up on all the shows I have been trying to catch up with lately, and it's left a big open spot. In the past couple weeks I've caught up with The Unit, Fringe, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Criminal Minds, The Office, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother and various others. Now I ask you wonderful people of the interwebs to tell me of more shows that are somewhat similar or not similar that I haven't checked out. I'm looking for pretty much any suggestions as long as its an entertaining show. Everybody should watch Kings too. [/shameless plug for awesome show that's pretty much canceled already]
  2. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_YPCf8JFgUdI/Sgox...00-h/nypost.JPG pic of the newspaper. Not taken by me obviously, but its a very good pic of it.
  3. I don't know if anyone else heard this, but I read that the Observer (creepy bald guy in the suit and hat) shows up in every episode. Fringe already got renewed for another season, or so I've heard. I gave up one Dollhouse, but I heard good things about the second half of the season so I'll have to go back and watch it. Spoiler: Click here to viewAlso, maybe I am dumb or missing the obvious, but was that supposed to be The Twin Towers at the end? Yep. The Newspaper had some different headlines from reality too. The one I remember is Len Bias winning the NBA MVP (He died of a cocaine overdose right after getting drafted in real life if you didn't know) and the Stock Market being suspended. And just for the hell of it, here's the observer showing up in random places. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG6JIBSYwJw - NFL Game - American Idol - NASCAR Kinda funny, cool way to promote the show.
  4. Bringing this back up from the dead here. First season ended and I have to say I was impressed. The last couple episodes were wonderful, I missed them so I watched everyone on Hulu in the last couple days. Was anyone else watching? What'd ya think?
  5. Everyone thinks its about ego already, you're just catching up to the party now. Farve's whole image is fabricated, everything about the guy is pretty much a lie. He's an egomaniac that will keep doing this "will he, won't he" dance until he actually cannot play anymore. What little respect I had for him left when he held the Packers hostage, then it became contempt when he joined the Jets. Now? I just don't give a shit about it anymore. I know his game, and what he's about. He gets off on the publicity. So yea, he'll come back, have a shitty season and disappear for another six months.
  6. Books definately. I remembering borrowing tons of them from the library when I was younger.
  7. I think the C's may be trying to kill me with these buzzer beaters and overtime games. All tied up though, so I think I'll survive til next game.
  8. He's going to drag it along for months before signing, have a decent start before faltering at the end of the season and then tearfully retire. Haven't we seen this already? Farve bores me.
  9. Just listened to the whole CD. Wank.
  10. Hellfire

    Sitting at gigs

    I think it depends on the venue as well. The gigs that I sat in all in the same location, a small arena, with the balcony having a better view than most of the floor. If it were anywhere else, I'd say the floor is much better. So year, location is key.
  11. Hellfire

    Sitting at gigs

    It's not horrible, but standing near the stage is much more fun. I've sat at concerts before and had a good time, it all depends on the atmosphere really.
  12. Hellfire

    Acoustic Artists

    This man knows what he's talking about. They have a shitload of stuff on Youtube. I'll add Mike Hale again, in case someone managed to miss the five times YI mentioned him.
  13. New Green Day. Gets a meh from me so far. Nothing really catching my attention.
  14. I've caught it a couple times when I was half asleep. Wasn't too bad, but nothing I'd be bothered to miss.
  15. Jesus, what a series. Thankfully my Celtics pulled it out at the end though.
  16. The Dirk Pitt series by Clive Cussler would make a fantastic movie series. They kinda shat all over Sahara, but some things were done right. I think if you get a good directer and sign an actor on for a couple of movies to get some stability you could have a real good series, almost like a treasure hunting James Bond
  17. It would be fun to see the players put their skills to use early by ducking batteries as they try to have their photo op with the commissioner
  18. Hellfire

    2Pac - Alive?

    So what, I see Tupac AND Jackie Chan on a daily basis. Ones usually standing on a street corner with a bunch of his clones and the other is serving my pork fried rice. Studying for movie roles no doubt.
  19. I'm bored so I'm just slaughtering Rua on easy right now. I just hit him with an overhand right, then a left to knock him onto his back, then stood over him and just started lighting him up with uncontested punches to the head till I got the TKO. Fucking awesome. I can't wait till this comes out
  20. I'm pretty happy with New England's draft so far, but I'm still concerned about the lack of a LB. I hope they grab one with their last pick of the 2nd round. I'm really happy about the Ron Brace pick though, he's a hometown guy and can do a real good job combined with Vince Wilfolk
  21. I'm somewhat confused as to what the Pats are doing. I would've grabbed one of the big LB's left instead of grabbing a safety that quickly.
  22. Hellfire


    Day n' Night is excellent, one of my favorite songs this year(except for the Jim Jones remix, that guy is trash on everything he puts out). I Love College has been getting a shitload of plays around here too (again, fuck the Jim Jones remix, that guy is seriously out to try to ruin rap. We get it, you love ballin and fast cars. You're still a douche.) That Lady Gaga song is the most homosexual song in the world but I cannot help but to sing it in my car. I felt dirty the first time but at this point I don't even give a shit anymore. How does she go from looking hot to looking like a transvestite from one pic to another though? It sort of disturbs me.
  23. Fast & Furious 3/10 - Fucking terrible. I don't care about Mexican drug cartels, I want to see people racing ridiculous cars and crashes. This shit barely had any racing and the cars were fucking lame. Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift was the shit, and this just ruined it.
  24. That's really pretty cool. I had to listen to the song first and it sounds somewhat similar. I love when people make music out of everyday things like that, it gives it a whole new dimension.
  25. Hellfire

    The Ocarina of Rhyme

    Really? I couldn't stand that second track. The Jay-Z track is real good though. Aesop Rock's track is ridiculous though. Totally works with his style of flow.
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