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Everything posted by kliq

  1. I started watching in February and I'm now on episode 12 of season 7. My first experience of Aaron Sorkin's work was the Newsroom (which I loved, despite popular opinion) so the dialogue in The West Wing almost seems slow in comparison. Have to agree about Two Cathedrals, it was fantastic, but my favourite run of episodes is the end of season 5 and start of season 6. Unbelievably tense.
  2. Yeah I'm experiencing really bad frame rate drops at times on the Wii U version, particularly in areas when there's a lot of enemies around the same location. I can sympathise with your second paragraph. I had a few moments like this when I first started playing last Monday and over the few days after, and was actually asking myself if it was the type of Zelda game I wanted to play as unlike others I had no real issue with the sandbox style of the previous games. This game felt like it gave too little guidance and the weapon system had me scratching my head as to why such a drastic change would be necessary. Now however after putting in around 10 hours play I'm really starting to enjoy it, and after doing a few bits of the main quests I'm engaged with the story a bit more now too which was another stumbling block for me originally as I was questioning why I was even doing what I was doing.
  3. I wouldn't be so sure. I'm pretty sure there is completed, unreleased music, based on information from George himself as well as other sources (a dance album that was almost certain to be completed back in 2012 for one), and the only reason for it being unreleased is because George was in no fit state to release and/or promote music for the last 3 years or so of his life. Rehab in Australia at the start of 2013, falling out of a moving vehicle shortly after that, an unexplained trip to hospital a year later followed by a year long stint in rehab in Zurich. There's a documentary about the release of Listen Without Prejudice due out at the start of March alongside a reissue of the album. If there's no new music before the end of the year I'll be very surprised.
  4. Thanks to everyone that has contributed to the hosting fund so far. Your kind donations have helped keep EWB online for another month. It really is much, much appreciated. Thank you again. 

  5. kliq


    http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/westworld-season-2-release-date-hbo-sky-atlantic-2017-2018-new-episode-count-renewed-a7418051.html Aiming for late 2017 but most likely to be 2018.
  6. kliq


    Also episode 7 spoilers: Hopkins has such presence. Really hope he sticks around for season 2, though I hear we're going to have to wait until 2018 for it. damshow hit the nail on the head when he said the show has so many layers, as I've rewatched a few of the early episodes already and have noticed a few things I didn't pick up on before. Although that's probably partly because I didn't have a clue what was going on.
  7. kliq


    When I heard the concept of Westworld back before the first episode I wasn't at all convinced. How wrong I was.
  8. Thanks for this. Got one today for my "wee brother" >_>
  9. Ahhh right gotcha. Thanks. What about Zygarde? I've read that it's just available via Mystery Gift over the Internet but then I saw something about a Nintendo WiFi event.
  10. Yeah how do these serial code distributions work? Because I've read that but then I've also read that Darkrai can be downloaded via mystery gift as well.
  11. Actually on this occasion he's not. He's already said he'll be back next year, and any post-match interviews I've read are surprisingly upbeat considering the manner of his defeat.
  12. What the fuck like. I really hope 2016 doesn't continue like this RIP Prince
  13. Can you link me to where you copied this from.
  14. Ahhh I (stupidly) thought the VC per match would go up once you started competing on Raw/SD/PPVs.
  15. I started out with all the best intentions, won the NXT title in July and played every match up until February. Then I started getting bored of constantly feuding with the same people (Balor and Owen mainly, the only time I've feuded with anyone different is when I've chosen a feud myself) so I started getting myself deliberately DQ'd or counted out to try and build certain heel personality traits but as that didn't seem to work I just started quitting the matches. I've defended my title twice, and the latest feud with Balor has resulted in around 10 singles matches back to back which I assume is because the feud isn't progressing because I've been constantly quitting the matches. My main aim at this stage is to hold the title for 365 days to Achieve that HOF goal, after that I'm gonna go for one of the main roster titles, but I'm starting to have serious doubts about playability. It would be nice if they mixed it up with some tag matches, or gimmick matches, but in the entire time I've been playing I've been in one triple threat and one fatal four way. I guess the whole joke about it being realistic is true, but it doesn't have to be like this, and it shouldn't be either. Like how the fuck do they expect anyone to achieve that goal of losing every match for 3 years? It would be soul destroying. There's so much good, but like in real life there's so much bad as well. As for the submission system, I just have no idea how to get it to work consistently, and that's the key word here. It seems I'm not in the minority either based on what I've read elsewhere. @stokeriño what's the backed up save shortcut?
  16. It's just a complete PITA to have to even go into them in the first place, there should be a way to skip altogether. I could understand it if they served a purpose, because in the 6 I've had I've been visible at ringside once and even then I couldn't do a single thing, but it's as if they were meant to and someone forgot to code it.
  17. I've finally started MyCareer, currently ranked #3 and I've had feuds with Breeze, Owens and now Balor. One thing I don't get is the point behind spectating your rivals match. You can't do anything can you? Seems completely pointless. Half the time I'm not even at ringside.
  18. Not too sure about Undertaker's swinging hair during his entrances. Also don't like the way it doesn't always have video content to support the next stage of the showcase mode, particularly with the jump from SummerSlam 98 to the title match in November. Especially considering what happened at Survivor Series and in the months leading to it. edit: thought they could still use the term "World Wrestling Federation" as well, just not WWF. Sounds weird to hear World Wrestling Entertainment championship.
  19. It's the "sweet spot" thing I can't figure out, much the same as the submission system. Don't want to turn shit off because I can't do it
  20. Forgot to mention that I'm struggling with the chain wrestling system also... I just do not understand how it works.
  21. Hmmm I'll have to have a proper look tomorrow, clearly I haven't been paying attention >_> cheers!
  22. Is that the purple bar? I noticed it depleting and refilling but didn't know what it actually referred to. I didn't even notice that I wasn't getting the R2 option, hitting the button is just force of habit now probably!
  23. So I got this for my PS4 for Christmas and got stuck straight into the showcase mode. Some initial thoughts: 1. As has already been mentioned - the submission system sucks, and I'm really struggling with it no matter what I do. Had to play the first Bret Hart match at least 15 times because he kept making me submit. Surprisingly the submission match was okay 2. Has the pinning system changed since '13? I'm struggling with that too 3. How can that horrible face model of Vince still be in use? And that ridiculous entrance walk? I know Vince's actual walk is over the top but there's no resemblance whatsoever. 4. The level of detail in the showcase is amazing. 5. Experiencing a lot of collision detection issues with trying to get in and out of the ring near the turnbuckles. 6. Did I read something about only having a limited number of reversals per match now? Because I'm noticing that the longer a match goes the harder it is to reverse anything, which combined with the submission and pinning systems is making the game extremely more hard than I feel it should be.
  24. Can donators check if they now have access to display name history within another user's profile?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. kliq


      A good workman never blames his tools @Kaney

    3. Kaney


      I wouldn't call you a tool >_>

    4. kliq
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