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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Endless Ocean is massive for me - probably the only thing I care about in there. It's been a cult classic for a long time since the Wii release and so far it's the only Nintendo release that I really think I'll be picking up this year. Although seeing Pocket Card Jockey playable on modern hardware is nice too.
  2. apsham

    WWE 2K24

    Full roster is out - and it's not shock, but Brock and Vince are no where to be seen thankfully.
  3. apsham

    WWE 2K24

    They've almost never gotten Bayley right - I don't know why.
  4. apsham

    WWE 2K24

    The mode isn't really a selling point for me - they can get it as close as they can but there'll always be little things that just make it all feel off. I'm at least happy that those modes have moved away from doing all the forced spots before certain bits will activate IIRC, that was always the worst.
  5. In short - the head of the business unit and FF's current brand manager Yoshinori Kitase plays things veeeeeeeeery close to the chest with his vision for what Final Fantasy should be and his only justification for a remake is that it has to be leagues larger than what it is remaking. He's pretty obsessed with making FF7 something that is entirely in line with what a 'modern game' is from his perspective. And that means three games worth of content (no matter how padded it is, but that's just my personal feelings about the remake) along with other phone games and the like branching off it.
  6. It's my ploy to get more action in this thread. I can't believe I've been found out.
  7. I saw that Paradise Killer was on sale for the Series X - I originally played it when it came out on Switch back in 2020 or so, and I realized I had entirely forgotten the major plot points so I decided to pick it up and play it again. Love that game - went ahead to complete it again and 100% the achievements.
  8. I started on this, while also laying on the couch with my cat on top of me... with a weighted blanket so I only made it a couple of days past Ruki. I know I wrote about my inability to play these games unless I do it perfect with a guide. I intended to play P3 Portable and the other others before this landed - but I convinced myself to just play this guideless since there wouldn't be one right away (well... the game seems pretty 1-to-1 so far from what I remember from Portable, so that might not be true - but I've talked myself into it) so I'm gonna give it my best.
  9. Someone really, really has to figure out what kind of dirt Kojima has on the industry because good lord. Also why does the puppet sound like a character from Pyjama Sam?
  10. I feel bad because I'm almost 100% sure that this is going to kill Rocksteady - but then again, they're leagues away from where they were for the original Arkham games.
  11. For reference of what a Wrestling Empire one might look at - well, NewLegacy is doing their Royalist of Rumbles shows this month and they started with Empire.
  12. It would have to be a Fire Pro game, or Wrestling Empire. With Fire Pro - unmodded and what not since I doubt you'd wanna go through that whole pain process - creating characters would be fairly time consuming with some parts locked behind DLC and what not, if we're talking World. Wrestling Empire, a helluva lot quicker - especially with being able to give random movesets and what not. But the characters probably won't look... super like they're supposed to. But the matches will be wildly unpredictable at least.
  13. The modern version has a few assists that make going through the battles easier, all things considered so it shaves some time off - but it's also just such a great game overall that time just flies anyways.
  14. Hive mentally destroys me. Every time I think I've made a good move, it's quickly punctuated by my wife ending the game in the very next turn.
  15. 1. On the Series X, I don't really have any issues with performance playing just myself. Adding co-op into it locally changes that up, but it's still good for the most part especially for what it lets you do. 2. There's currently a fairly bad bug going on for the Xbox that seems to be wiping saves tied to the Cloud save feature that should hopefully get sorted soon. 3. Some of what you are seeing could be earlier bits of gameplay, etc. Many think that this game came out a bit too early, with an ESPECIALLY rough act III. There was a big patch recently that kind of cleaned that up big time, and added some features to the end of the game that likely should've been there in the first place.
  16. I believe it has the original composer and director so fingers crossed.
  17. Absolutely one I was hoping for, I watched the whole show because they said they were going to say something - haha. I'll have it installed for tomorrow morning at least.
  18. I've been playing since the 2.0 update and man, what a world of difference. They fixed a ton of things that I was sure they would never get around to - fundamental game systems that were MASSIVELY flawed like you having to switch what you were wearing, and using new guns every 5 seconds were fixed entirely. The skill tree is so much better, and just everything about the world feels a helluva lot better now. I would recommend jumping in when you get the chance - it's full realized now, and even just yesterday they dropped the 2.1 patch that added some neat QOL features. But yeah, I would 100% suggest starting over if you're in the right place to, but in your case Kaney, they offer 1 free FULL respec so you can fix your tree up however you like.
  19. If you like this, feel free to check out Ambiguous Amphibian as well. https://www.youtube.com/@ambiguousamphibian He has a lot of videos that revolve around Rimworld, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Project Zomboid, etc. He does series as well, or just one off videos and they give me a ton of interesting ideas on how to play games like this.
  20. apsham

    GTA VI

    I like the vibe of it a heck of a lot more than GTA V. Just as long as the main cast doesn't have a Michael or a Trevor I think it'll be fine. Always liked the Vice City setting more too.
  21. Some of the sequences on the back end didn’t look amazing at all. I’ll agree that the practical stuff was a nightmare to shoot, but at the same time it’s hard to argue against - and this movie wasn’t really screaming to get made, so it’s easy enough to pass for me. I didn’t real care about Mad Max until Fury Road, and I don’t think it’s something that could be replicated either so I’m happy to just leave it be.
  22. apsham

    WWE 2K23

    That's going to be their shit going forward too. 2K gonna 2K.
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