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Miami Vice

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Everything posted by Miami Vice

  1. I watched it at a friends house a few days ago, it was great. When they spoof the diabities commercial from TBS, I swear, I have never laughed so hard in my life.
  2. Miami Vice

    Prison Break

    I'll PVR it and give it a chance. PVR = Canadian version of Tivo
  3. Al Pacino > * I knew he was old but I thought he was in his mid fifties, not sixty five.
  4. The Eagles reunion concert. Best concert I've ever seen.
  5. I want season tickets to The Bluejays. One day they will be mine. As for actule season tickets, I have none.
  6. The Edge should be top 10 easiely. There's more holes in this list then swiss cheese.
  7. If I do bring myself to buy one it'll be the full monty. Doesn't make sense to go any other way.
  8. Quality card and a good machine. I love WoW and play it almost everyday. Battlefield 2 is also an excellent game.
  9. Please tell me this was just a wise crack? Are they really shooting a Miami Vice movie? If so... I'm almost scared to ask... who is cast or being considered for Tubbs & Crockett? ←
  10. I forgot about this. I saw an ad for it a few weeks back and thought it looked good. I'll be watching it tonight.
  11. If you think this movie ruined a great T.V show wait until the Miami Vice movie.
  12. It's expensive. My buddy just started and for the game and a two month game card it cost him over $100 Canadian. ←
  13. Yea, I hear the Timesplitters game is an excellent co-op game.
  14. I just finished The Godfather by Mario Puzo. Now I'm reading Bobby Heenan's auto-biography again.
  15. So I couldn't stay away. After quitting the game in April, tonight I re-joined. I'm a Rouge Orc on Silvermoon and having a hell of a lot of fun. I think us EWBer's should try to all get on the same server and form our own Clan. Would anyone else be interested in that?
  16. I enjoy the beat of your songs but the lyrics, well, not so much. Either way I wish you a lot of success.
  17. I can't wait to see where they go in Season 3. I just hope that is the same date the show will be aired on CTV in Canada.
  18. The Owner mode was very good this year but it left some things to be desired. The saddest part is Owner Mode laid a solid foundation for a better one to be built on, but EA can't make Baseball games anymore.
  19. Similar look, but clearly a fake.
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