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Picked up my historial re-sim which is heading into 1944, the 74th season in league history.

Lou Gehrig never suffered a tragic illness and as such is still playing three years after he passed away in real life.  He's played his entire career for the Pirates and won the NL MVP award seven times, he finally transitioned into a part-time role at 40 years old but is continuing to stick around.  He's got around 635 home runs, making him the all-time leader ahead of Babe Ruth who had a HOF career with the Reds and then slummed it for two seasons as a part-time player on the Tigers.  Ruth finished at around 575 home runs which put him miles ahead of everybody but Gehrig just never slowed down.

Joe DiMaggio had an amazing start to his career with the Boston Braves but seemingly hit a wall in his mid-20s, while Dom DiMaggio has had a far more distinguished career with the Philadelphia Athletics.

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Started a game as the Rays (Renamed to 'Lightning', cause my game) in 1998, when they're totally fresh. Included numerous leagues:

Nippon Professional Baseball
Korean Baseball Organization
Chinese Pro Baseball League
Cuban Baseball League
Mexican League

So in short, there is an ton of ballplayers. Meaning, opportunities to really do moneyball are increased substantially. 

I gutted the team, getting rid of what were some truly awful memories of trying to get into baseball, and starting buying out whatever talent from the foreign leagues I could so I could at least field a competitive team. Right now, the Lightning are 75-22 just after the All-Star Game. And here's the part I'm laughing at: 



I spent one million dollars total to pick up Fuijii and Park, and they're playing for the league minimum, and they're outperforming three of MLB's top pitchers in 1998 both in-game and in real life. 

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Adding onto the prior post...

I have mixed feelings on the international players. On one hand it's great that there are multiple leagues generating talent and letting players continue their careers (Cliff Floyd ended up in Japan after the league had enough of the fire sale bullshit). On the other, it's letting me moneyball the fuck out of the game. 

For example, before the '99 season, I began shopping around my shit players (mostly rookie prospects who's time would be better served getting an actual job), trading for slightly better prospects, and then trading those prospects, etc. My minor league system now has no players below 40 potential (on the 20-80 scale). When I can, I have the other team retain as much of the salary as possible. 

Before I stopped playing for the night, I had the opportunity to trade some rookie prospect this process provided for me to the Yankees for Derek Jeter, and they're willing to retain his entire contract. I may take them up on the offer, and then immediately shop Jeter for the best non pitching prospect I can get...or say fuck it and use him as leverage to trade for Barry Bonds or Larry Walker. 

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  • 1 month later...

It's between Christmas 2042 and New Years 2043.  My Arizona team missed the playoffs last year, but did nice coming back from a dreadful 4-19 start to finish 86-76.

It also helped that Colorado, who lost the 2041 World Series, had a huge fire sale right after.  SF regained the NL West crown, as I finished 2nd for seemingly the 8th season in a row.

It's nice that I have continued success in spite of having a $150m budget and a fan interest level usually in the 60s.  But I wish that also led to higher budgets and more fans.  I just traded my 3 WAR starting SS to the Mets cause he accepted a qualifying offer I couldn't afford.  The Twins asked about my closer slash 4th OF, and I'd like to unload him too due to his injury history.


Pittsburgh beat Seattle in the 2042 Series.

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  • 1 month later...

I think FHM is steadily getting better but they had a long time to perfect OOTP. I think they’ll get there in the next couple years.

I assume the team who works on FHM is different. I know the guy who does OOTP has a passion for baseball. I would hope FHM leader has the me passion for hockey.

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1 hour ago, Krabby said:

Whats the big drawback to FHM?

Visually it's still EHM style whereas OOTP has moved to become a more 3d style when simming games. The AI is also still not where it should be. I mean there are issues with OOTP when it comes to trades and such, but FHM is worse on that. Some of the screens are not as easily accessible. Like it takes too many clicks to get to some places...and then if you're not familiar with the game already, finding said screens can be annoying as well.

It's come a long way in the last two years which is why I think that it's about a couple years away from being the premier hockey sim.

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2043 season: I finished tied for 2nd in the NL West, 82-80.  Missed the wild card by a couple games.  My starting LF, Jose Garcia, won his second MVP.

I just traded my starting RF, 2B, SP2, and my top setup guy (plus my 4th best pitching prospect) for the reigning AL MVP slash Cy Young winner.  So now I have both reigning MVP's, and two Cy Young candidates.

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