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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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I just beat the mission with the russians and I noticed that they took the "truck that jumps from overhead into the sewer tunnel" from Terminator 2.

Also, I have seen plenty of Vice City references,like logos and posters while joyriding and I have seen some guys with Tommy Vercetti's shirt in the streets near the beach.

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Can you tell me how the drug dealers look like and how to find them? I am looking for some fast cash....shit, I even got the guide today and it doesnt say anything about the drug dealers.

I do like the guide. If anyone is in doubt if it is worth a buy, well, I give it 10/10, well organized, the maps are better than the in-game ones and it has so many little details to help you get past rough spots, it's an awesome buy. Plus if you get the guide with the game, you get a $3 discount on the guide. You pay less than $15 for the guide which is not a bad deal

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Drug dealers are black men dressed in black with some gold chains. That's what they look like. You should know that from that one mission where you had to bust a dealer 'cleaning the hood'. Yeah he looks like that.

Anyways, now I have to do the body harvest mission..... :lol: Samuel L Jackson getting high...

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The picture is of a boy holding a super nintendo.. which is known for VERY NON VIOLENT games...

Nothing to worry about, obviously this person has never picked up a video game stick in there life. Just gotta say... "Fuck the haters." So far I think San Andreas is the greatest game ever made.. :pervert:

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By havving good stamina and a ripped body you also earn respect. Also from the guide:

Killing gang members(not yours) earns you respect points. So make sure to kill some people every once in a while. If you have your own gang with you, you loose points for every member that gets killed. One point if somebody else kills them and 3 points if you kill them. You also earn respect for tagging up other gangs tags and finding oysters among other things(oysters are like the hidden boxes in the other games, but can only be found underwater). Having good relationships with your GF is another thing that gets you respect

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The flowers are in the graveyard for that one mission where you gotta kill people with Big Smoke I do believe. On the right near the second getaway car.

Also, i don't know what use the flowers are, as I never was able to give them to her. I used the action button, and it just made me bitch slap her with the flowers... and then she said I abused her so the date was over..

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