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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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I actually made $4500 in one night by moving from house to house around Willowfield(close to the place where you deliver the goods, If I am not mistaken it's in the same street where you get the low rider mods) and yes, I only picked off TV's, VCR's and stereos.

I also stole a microwave from one house. BTW, is there any indicator that tells you when the people inside are awake? I tried robbing a house in Smoke's neighborhood only to stumble into a bunch of Ballas watching TV.

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$20 for a TV, VCR and PS2 (anachronism if i ever saw one).

Which makes you wonder : Will it be an X-Box on said systems version? If so, how long would it take to lift that out? :P

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For the "Gray Imports" mission, it was kinda funny to me, I chased the guy out, he got in his car and I followed on the bike. Well, you know how he usually drives done in that ravine thing? I rammed him with the bike and he hit the slanted side of the ravine and flipped. Then he DIDN'T GET OUT as his car burned and BANG~! mission passed.

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Grove Street Represent

Digital camera? I was thinking of taking a pic of mine, but I'd have to borrow a digicam from someone.

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I don't see it as a waste, mainly because there are not all that many things to spend money on at this point in time for me, and even when there are i'd just have ten times the amount I needed. Money is unbelievably easy to build up. I never lose my car, because that's what a garage and not driving like a lunatic is for.

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It's some backwards ass hick town that I imagine is similar to where Cloudy lives.

We don't have a gunstore, but otherwise yes >_>

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Eat about three big meals when your fat is low and you should be fine for a day or two. I do this and it never burns muscle anymore, with the exception of when I was hunting down tags earlier today and wouldn't let him eat until I had all 100.

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My muscle, stamina, and cycling are maxed. Driving and bike aren't far. Sawn off is almost Hitman.

I recommend everyone max their cycling skill. The bunny hops are extremely helpful for shortcuts, killing large groups of individuals, and wasting time.

On the subject of hookers, I haven't had any luck picking them up in everyday cars, but in the lowriders i've modded they approach me without any horn honking.

Edited by That One Guy
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To give you an idea of how long this game is, I was just talking to DBD on MSN and he said that he's 54% done and doing missions in Las Venturas. By the time I reached 54% on GTAVC I had completed the game and it took me months to do so.

Jeez, imagine how long SA will take me :thumbsup: :wub:

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... You're slow, fella.

Getting 100% for the first time in Vice City didn't even take me months. Having a guide factored in, but meh.

Though, as far as this game taking ages goes... yeah. You only get 50% for completing all the missions, which seem to me to be much more difficult then in the previous versions.

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There's a little food mart in Los Santos that I recommend everyone go to, though I am too lazy to get an exact location. Get on the bike there and do the courier missions, you make shitloads of money, and can literally be lost for ages and still complete them with 5 minutes left on the clock. Easy as fuck. When completed you have an asset making $2,000 a day.

Advice: If you miss with a package, ride over it before getting another. You'll get it back. Running out of packages is probably the only way to fail these fellas.

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