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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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Infernus and Feltzer are very common at night in Ocean Flats

Patriot by the military duck. Steal it and run like a bitch to pay and spray. Took me 7 tries to be able to do it sucessfully since the cops usually blew up the Patriot before I managed to get there, but it is possible.

Admiral can be found parked by Jizzy's Club in San Fierro. Also inside the place where you and Ceasar steal the cars that lead to the wicked police chase.

Remington are common in Willowfield and El Corona in Los Santos. Make the cross country trip using the rail road tracks as guide and it's easy.

Sentinel can be commonly found at night close to Jizzy's Club.

I am on the second board and I need to find a Cheetah and a Stafford. Help please?

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(Yeah. I've started trying to do the Robbing Uncle Sam mission or whatever it's called.)

Also, I'm surprised at how I'm continually failing on Life's a Beach since I play DDR all the time and all.

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I'm in the middle of the Riot in Los Santos right after getting Cesar his house back.


How the FUCK did you pass "Vertical Bird"? *SPOILERS SPOILER SPOILERS*

I usually get in the ship, kill all the military guards, then blow up 2 of the 3 Hydra jets so I only have one coming after me, but the thrusters are fucking annoying on the Hydra. I was trying to gain altitude but because I couldn't work the thrusters properly I wound up diving into the sea. The ONE TIME I've destroyed the spy ships, my plane was smoking because of the bastard fucker army that comes after you, then I GOT RIGHT TO THE AIRSTRIP ...and I'm gently easing it down...but no. BAM! Crashed right into the airstrip, wasted. MOTHERFUCK I HATE THIS MISSION.

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I just failed the Ceasar Vaialpino (sp) mission, where you have to bounce the low-rider in time with the music. I only just lost (by around 50 or so points I think), thats good for me considering how shite I tend to be at such kinda games.

I also hit the gym a bit too.

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I never have been able to get the hang of the bounce-offs, but I can score 7,000+ on the dance mini-games like during "Life's a Beach" and at the clubs, I don't understand why though, as it's the same exact thing more or less. :ohwell:

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I don't think the graphics will be that much better. The PS2 graphics have suprised me at times. Try driving a Hustler or a similar car, and tell me it dosen't just... 'fit'.

And a custom soundtrack for SA will suck ass. The songs and radio stations are in there for a reason, to set the scene and also give you other information.

Plus, X-Boxes suck because their Microsoft, and Microsoft sucks.

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How the FUCK did you pass "Vertical Bird"?

The thusters shouldn't really be a problem, just hold x when you enter the Hydra so you gain height, then move the right analogue stick up sothe thrusters move backwards. I never had to bother with the jet that comes after you, it never came close enough to me. I had to make loads of passes though to shoot the boats which was a bastard.

Oh, and don't forget to press R3 to lift the landing gear :P

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I like you haven't done many missions. The latest mission I've completed is Doberman. I'm now one-by-one gaining territories. Once I have them all I'll do some more missions. I want to do Vigilante, Taxi and Pimp missions but I daren't in case my hood comes under attack in the middle of it.

Edited by HolokastTheIkon
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