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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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I've had a run of bad dates with four separate girlfriends (one in LS, two in SF and the divorcee cop woman in LV) what I could do with is a thread where people who know these things can give hints as to what time to turn up for dates, what to wear (if anything), how to drive, where to take them etc so not as to end up with a grumpy date...


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whoa.. i never noticed that

ok.. i've been going in and out of this read circle all Saturday (it's 3 hours away til Sunday now) and it keeps saying The Cluckin' Cock is not ready yet.. wtf?

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So I finished boat school and made my way down to SF. I got a wrong turn and spun into this port. I then came across a huge subamrine. It's massive. About 3 thimes the longest boat. I'm standing on top of it and I can' get in.

It's called the USS NUMNUTZ. It's sounds like a lie but it's not. if I had a camera I would take a picture.

For anyone who wants to find it. Go to the northeastern point of SF. There is a pizza place. To the left are a series of docks. On the last dock there should be a sub. Someone else find it so i don't look crazy.

I was there on a Wednesday at 20:00.

Edited by Krazy_K
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Yeah it's there, but it doesn't seem to matter about the times, I just showed up randomly and there it was. It's huge, but there doesn't seem to be a way of getting in, I had a swim about after K told me about it but nothing.

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Saw this ages ago, didn't think it was anything special.

What about this mini-sub thing that's supposed to be at the bottom of the aircraft carrier but isn't?

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Did you know you can steal helicopters and save them in your garage?

I was just chasing the courier by helicopter, and after gathering a three star wanted level (I shot a plane that wouldn't let me in 'cause it was locked :shifty:), a helicopter chase ensued, which is awesome in itself. Anyway, I lost the courier, didnt get any cash, so I thought I'd best go back and get rid of the police. Went to a pay and spray, but went past my own garage on the way and had another bright idea. Turns out, you can actually park a helicopter in your garage and save it like any other car!

As a result of my whirlybird theft, I now also have a police car complete with cop saved in my garage.

Anyone got any cool ideas on what to do with my helicopter?

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