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Big Brother 6 (UK)


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Goddamn I don't believe it. Science was one of only two entertaining people left, and now he's gone. God damn it. It's the same thing as what happened to Victor last year. He was quite popular, then he had that huge arguement with Emma and got sent out on his ass. Science did the same thing, but with like five or six extra people >_>

Anthony MUST win. Eugene if that fails. Derek used to be my favourite, but now he's a little bitch. And anybody apart from the former two winning would suck dick anyway, although I suspect it's gonna be one of the gays because that's how the voting public tends to work.

And it sucks, too.

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While I like Anthony, it'd be so heel style badass if he won and then told everyone he was playing a game the whole time and hated everyone in the house  :)

The public are a disgrace. If I want to watch near to naked women, I'll fucking order playboy. Who really gives a shit about Orlaith? She does close to fuck all actually. Derek has turned into a right little git too, it's so obvious how sly that guy is yet the housemates seem to blind to realise. If it wasn't for Anthony, Craig would have been gone a long time ago, his crying is getting so damn annoying. I personally don't mind Makosi either, she's far from being the worst in the house. I just cant believe the public would vote out Science when really they loved him just last week, and due to him speaking his mind against the house, the fucking people vote him out.

Big Brother could have so worked round that too. They should have taken him out and brought him back in the next day or something, just to piss off the ones that wanted him out. Maybe I'm just too much of a Science fan, but god all three of my choices (Roberto, Science and Mary) have just gone when they were all top notch entertainers. Anthony must win now.

Public, please don't disgrace yourselves any further by doing what you did last year, voting in a bloke who really wants to be a woman.

Pretty much exactly my thoughts.

Let's get married. :wub:

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

While I like Anthony, it'd be so heel style badass if he won and then told everyone he was playing a game the whole time and hated everyone in the house  :)

The public are a disgrace. If I want to watch near to naked women, I'll fucking order playboy. Who really gives a shit about Orlaith? She does close to fuck all actually. Derek has turned into a right little git too, it's so obvious how sly that guy is yet the housemates seem to blind to realise. If it wasn't for Anthony, Craig would have been gone a long time ago, his crying is getting so damn annoying. I personally don't mind Makosi either, she's far from being the worst in the house. I just cant believe the public would vote out Science when really they loved him just last week, and due to him speaking his mind against the house, the fucking people vote him out.

Big Brother could have so worked round that too. They should have taken him out and brought him back in the next day or something, just to piss off the ones that wanted him out. Maybe I'm just too much of a Science fan, but god all three of my choices (Roberto, Science and Mary) have just gone when they were all top notch entertainers. Anthony must win now.

Public, please don't disgrace yourselves any further by doing what you did last year, voting in a bloke who really wants to be a woman.

Edited by muddatrucker
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Did anybody watch last night's show? That was disturbing. Now if this was Big Bro USA then they would be a warrant for Craig's execution. Sick son of a bitch.

Anyway hopefully Orlaigh gets booted. To be honest I couldn't give a fuck who goes.

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How the fuck is Orlaith still there? Just how. She adds fuck all whether she's hot or not. While I'm no Kemal fan, at least he fucking does something for the show entertainment wise here and there. Orlaith just does fuck all unless she's drunk and acting a bit slutty, which still isn't all that much.

Good god, can the public disgrace themselves even more? Fair dues she's not amazingly boring, but entertainment wise she adds nothing. First Science, now Kemal? Who next, Anthony? What the heck, let's just have someone like fucking Craig win it shall we? :shifty:

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