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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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GameFAQs.com? Wasn't that the site that Javert was plugging earlier before he got banned?

Anyway, I would die of an uber-orgasm for that list of legends (Razor Ramon, w00t) - but there is too many legends. I can swear I heard somewhere that the producers of this game wanted to focus on the now wrestlers (due to season mode etc.) and having a legends roster so big that its almost big enough to have it's own brand contradicts that.

Would be freakin' sweet though!

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That does it, THQ just sucks at this. They once had expansive rosters with great matches layout, an interesting control design, and a great season mode that was totally replayable because it was actually a season with a full show and like five matches per event. Of course, that was SD2, so...

Still, I was hoping that the "2 steps forward, 1 step back" rule would eventually apply. Unfortunately, that does not appear to be the case. Instead, we're stuck with 2 steps forward, 1 step back, 2 steps, 1 back, STALL. They can add all the features they want, but the season mode is probably going to be total shite, and the rest...


The N64 and the PS1 were the last systems to present great wrestling games. No Mercy, SD, SD2...man, am I glad I have NM and SD2, or else I would really be pissed.

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Matzat is that you? :shifty:

They once had expansive rosters

They have 'expansive' rosters, it's just filled with a lot of the wrong people. They've got a lot of good stuff this time round though, the roster isn't too bad. Sure, there's a few people who shouldn't be there, but there's a ton of people who've never been in before, regardless of how long ago they should have been in. To blindly say that the roster is rubbish without even playing it is pathetic. Just glancing at that list on page 4 I can see around twenty or so new faces to play with, but then again, we don't like letting facts get in the way of a good rant, do we?

an interesting control design

As far as I can remember, the series has always had the exact same control system, except for a few minor changes. I'm not sure if the four-grapple-types thing has always been there, but thats the only thing I can think of thats changed. And apparently SDvR06 is going to have a ton of new control systems like stamina-replenishment, the new irish whip system and so on. What exactly is wrong with this?

a great season mode that was totally replayable because it was actually a season with a full show and like five matches per event.

I'll agree with you that it looks fucking stupid to have three matches per card, and only one that you can actually interact with, but it's purely aesthetics. Does it matter if there's five matches, three matches or hell, one match? Not to me, it's the storylines that are important. And as far as I'm aware we haven't heard anything about season mode yet, so I don't see any point in bashing it. It could be the most orgasmic season mode you've ever set sights on, it might not be.

Still, I was hoping that the "2 steps forward, 1 step back" rule would eventually apply. Unfortunately, that does not appear to be the case. Instead, we're stuck with 2 steps forward, 1 step back, 2 steps, 1 back, STALL. They can add all the features they want, but the season mode is probably going to be total shite, and the rest...

Wow. Have you even read anything about the game, let alone played it? From what I've saw it looks to be the best SD game yet, and I'm far from being the biggest fanboy around. They've added ALL the old belts, so who gives a fuck about Season mode? Multiplayer is going to be awesome this year. They've added at least one more match type, and they've given us the old school steel cage on top of that. Most of the animations have been redone, so it's not only going to look new, it's going to feel new. They've added new little touches like having realistic entrance times, and opponents during entrances, and there's a hint of some good old ECW stuff being thrown in. To me that looks like five steps forward, but since I'm a nice guy I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume season is shitty. Five steps forward, one step back is pretty fucking reasonable to me.

Edited by Kaneanite
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I care about season mode enough to skip out on Smackdown VS Raw because it sucked. Considering that its the backbone of every Smackdown game if you want to simply play it by yourself, im sure that im not the only one that thinks this way.

They've added all of the old belts? Who really gives a fuck about those? A few extra textures. Yeah, I can feel the £40 jumping out of my pocket in anticipation of this revolutionary new edition in the Smackdown series.

Smackdown games have become like an EA sports game franchise. Every year theres a new one with a few minor improvments. You would have thought that with the amount of editions there have been that they would be the best games in their genre right now. Instead, every year theres enough room for meaningless aesthetic improvments and tiny steps in the right direction followed by a few bigger steps backwards. Quite frankly im getting bored of playing whats essentially the same game every year.

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I care about season mode enough to skip out on Smackdown VS Raw because it sucked. Considering that its the backbone of every Smackdown game if you want to simply play it by yourself, im sure that im not the only one that thinks this way.

They've added all of the old belts? Who really gives a fuck about those? A few extra textures. Yeah, I can feel the £40 jumping out of my pocket in anticipation of this revolutionary new edition in the Smackdown series.

Smackdown games have become like an EA sports game franchise. Every year theres a new one with a few minor improvments. You would have thought that with the amount of editions there have been that they would be the best games in their genre right now. Instead, every year theres enough room for meaningless aesthetic improvments and tiny steps in the right direction followed by a few bigger steps backwards. Quite frankly im getting bored of playing whats essentially the same game every year.

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Can't be arsed going through all the pages, but have they said anything about defending titles in exhibition matches? Or does the addition of new titles that you're all on about mean something completely different? Exhibition title matches were ace, added a little more meaning to just a simple match with a mate. If I remember rightly they took the feature out with JBI, something to do with season mode.

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Guest MDickie

The problem is though Matzat is that over 100 wrestlers would mean over 100 storylines and over 100 voice overs as well as 100 different movesets and about 100 different themes. Yes you can have many high quality wresters in the game but graphics and models are nothing compared to the fact that each wrestler would have to be individually created with its own personality/moves/themes/etc.

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you are telling me that a game like Final Fantasy X is imposible... besides that i never realy saw to much of a point in the voice over anyway, it barly ads anything to the game, they lost a lot of the bit that was there for the season mode wen they switched from texted based to voice over.

And as i said, there have been games with over 100 (actualy over 130) Wrestles, and belive it or not thes games actualy had more than just one moveset for every wrestler and tons of extra preset movesets (another 100 at least, that dos count for more logic and character presets that are more deep than SD aswell) for the editor.

If you belive the could not do more in terms of roster you are a fool, it already has been don and if they don´t do it it just means they don´t want to make the eford.

Edited by Michael Matzat
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So Kaneanite talks about no one caring about the season mode despite several people in here bringing this up as something that seems to continue being a flaw in the Smackdown series, and you are telling me that people were more worried about the game not having the all of the belts in?

Way to take it out of context (Y)

I waqs replying to the guy who said that season mode was going to be shit, despite the fact he'd heard nothing about it. So I brought up the point that if you think one player mode will be bad, at least you'll have two player mode which will be good, from the sounds of things.

They've added all of the old belts? Who really gives a fuck about those? A few extra textures. Yeah, I can feel the £40 jumping out of my pocket in anticipation of this revolutionary new edition in the Smackdown series.

Who really gives a fuck about all the different arena? Is having the new Wrestlemania 21 arena going to make the game ten times better than having a generic one? Of course not, but it's a small detail that makes the game feel more realistic. If no one 'really gives a fuck' about a few extra textures, then why were loads of people asking for a create-a-belt mode? Why were people pissed off about there only being two belts you could fight for in SDvR? If you wanna go the full hog, lets get rid of all the PPV arenas, and just have Raw and Smackdown ones. Is that variety enough? And La Resistance, Paul London and others, who needs them? We have CAW, why waste time adding a few extra textures?! Hell, why not just send out a demo with a few wrestlers and get it out before half the roster leaves the company!

That was the point he was trying to make.

Not quite, but nice try. The point I was making, if you bothered reading first, was that I saw plenty of reasons why the game might not be quite as bad as Nick Adams was trying to say it would be.

Of course the game is going to be pretty much the same as last years game. The fucking sport is the same as it was last year. When the WWE decide to get rid of pinfall decisions and start booking buck naked matches, THEN you can expect a radically different game. If you think THQ or whoever should stop making updated games and just settle for one huge game thats the best in the genre, then complain to them about it. You should know by now that thats not going to happen with the Smackdown series, so why bother moaning about it?

Don´t you get me started !

*pushes Matzat into flamewar* :P

I'd love to see a WWE game with a complete roster, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that it's not likely to happen anytime soon, and moaning about it in a thread on some totally unrelated internet forum isn't going to do much. Call me a fool if you want, but I'd rather make the best of what I've got, instead of complaining about something I can't change.

Edited by Kaneanite
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I was looking on Play and stumbled upon SD 2006, in the description it says:

fully customizable 3D locker room (first time ever in 3D)

Care to fill me in on what that means? Is it some kind of sims esque mode where you decorate the locker room with your WWE $'s or something like that?

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