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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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ok just run into a weird problem . my friend has his own memory card with his profile on it etc with champions as he sees fit. and I have my memory card with my own profile and champs. anyways he loaded up his memory card and went to show me his champions and it came up on the screen saying the title holder couldn't be found (something similar) all the wwe championships were reset to default.

Also we like to have double title matches but it says titles will not switch profiles does this mean (for example if I had a profile on his memory card and used it and won the belt it wouldn't transfer to that profile ?) because after the match it shows the title being awarded to me and saved to my memory card

also I still can't play slobberknocker without my first opponent freezing in place. anyone else experienced this ?

unlike last years game I'm finding out that I'm liking this game the more i play it .after about 4 weeks of playing last years game I got bored.

I'm also liking how its a little more difficult to hit top rope moves . no longer do they lay still like last year when you did the fivestar frogsplash.

I'm also liking the some of the reanimated moves including the new near moves from the top

I really hate that victoria wasn't included in the roster but with the excellent caw mode this year she'd be easy to create.

had any Oh shit moments ?

I've had 2 recently. I was doing a armagedon hell in the cell . I chose my guy and my friends stable The Bad Ass Americans. after about 25 minutes we all climbed to the top of the cell. Everybody ends up falling except me and my friends caw. I had 2 specials so I stole his special and Super kicked him off the cell and followed up with a near leg drop from the cell. tried for the pin but it was broken . I end up getting 2 more specials up and he has 2 also . I try to hit the sweet chin music again but he reverses it and quicjkly hits the SCM to get the pin. it was weird because I thought if you reverse a special it takes away for specials but undoubtedly not.

2nd moment was again in a cell . this time I had another caw against jericho. we were up on top on the edge of the cage and I hit the the rack pancake , but instead of finishing the move , my caw just dropped y2j off the cell. it looked amazing

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I've had that happen before, the whole "didn't use up a finisher to do something a finisher would do." Same situation although I was the one that reversed it.

And to be a bastard, I created a stable with one of my CAWS with all 3 Hogans and the created wrestler, aptly named "Ultimate Hulk Hogan." He's the tallest you can get, ripped all the way, and has pretty dark skin and comes out in American Flag apparel. Anyway they are all in the same stable together, and is named "Hogan Knows Best." I made a championship called the Ultimate championship and of course, Ultimate Hogan has it.

One thing that is a bitch to do to your friends is to play as Hulk Hogan and do his down plus X attack. If your opponent tries to hit you Hulk Hogan will do his Hulking up thing and I found you can do it most of the time without getting reversed. If your opponent is off the ground a bit but isn't fully standing up you can do the same attack and it looks like Hulk knocks the opponent down because of his "24 inch pythons."

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I neeeeed an alternate finisher for RVD. The Frog Splash is awful.

Any suggestions?

Samurai DDT? Essa Rios used to do it I think, i'm not sure what it's called on the game. Probably DDT 28 or something.

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umm give him facebuster 3( the double underhook facebuster or one of the martial arts combo moves

Is that The Angels Wings move? I want to save that for Christopher Daniels.

I'll probably try a martial arts combo.

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I hate how whenever I'm in the 'ECW Arena' the commentators say 'Buenous Nachos Welcome to Canada' or whatever.

It's not in Canada, it's the Hammerstein Ballroom and it's in the Manhattan Center Studios in Manhatten, New York.


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I prefer the second, although his face is a bit weird. The second guy didn't really explain how to make the beard properly either, so mines is a little off, and the skin type he gave him (The really really ripped one) looks as though he's been lying in pig shit on his back. Never made the first one.

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