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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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Got the game Sunday, and the default AI\difficulty is definitely fucked up. Check this out:

I was doing a Buried Alive match as Undertaker facing Mark Jindrak on Easy setting, and he kept reversing moves and hitting ground attacks (mostly that lame ass multiple elbow drops attack where he stops to do his hips shake taunt before the last one) a lot more than he should have. Not only that, but when I had most of his body red, he kept breaking free whenever I tried to put him the casket - I barely got the bar halfway most of the time. It took about 5 tries to get him in the casket the first time, and he managed to escape when I tried to close the lid. I finally managed to win by getting him in the casket a second time and doing the casket finisher.

I'm definitely gonna have to adjust the difficulty sliders, because that's just seriously wrong.

So far, I've beat the RAW season using Hulk Hogan, and am pretty far into the Smackdown season - Just started Road To Wrestlemania - as Mankind. (I should have used someone else, I guess, because I wanted to get the ECW storyline)

Two things I thought were funny during the Smackdown season so far:

When I had the match vs. Orlando Jordan after the Hardcore match vs. RVD, I won mostly by using Irish Whips into the corner followed by the 10 Punches and Mudhole Strikes and managed to hit 3 groin punches in a row one time. (I really hate that Buckwheat\Don King looking no-talent) I stored a finisher and hit the Double Arm DDT and the Mandible Claw back to back, and pinned him - JBL's arguing with the ref wasn't enough for the piece of garbage to kick out.

I played the full Royal Rumble (chose the Iroman Match for the last pre-RR match and ended up owning Heidenreich - I entered at #28), and before I entered, Scotty 2 Hotty managed to eliminate Chris Masters and Kurt Angle back to back.....by himself! (He then got eliminated about 30 seconds later, but I forget by who - may have been Kane)

What I can't figure out is, why isn't the Mandible Claw a submission move in this game?

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I played a LMS match last night. AJ Styles (me) vs. Kane for the WWE Title (Styles was champ) on Legend difficulty.. I swear to God, you can't put Kane down for ten. The match went on for over an hour, and the longest I could keep Kane down was with a DDT onto a chair for a seven count. I eventually just forgot about it and turned the PS2 off and went to sleep. Oh well.

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I played a LMS match last night. AJ Styles (me) vs. Kane for the WWE Title (Styles was champ) on Legend difficulty.. I swear to God, you can't put Kane down for ten. The match went on for over an hour, and the longest I could keep Kane down was with a DDT onto a chair for a seven count. I eventually just forgot about it and turned the PS2 off and went to sleep. Oh well.

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Now that was weird, in the Rumble Daivari had stored a finisher and CAW Dalip Singh came in the new guy WWE Signed, I knocked out Eugene and Masters and used dirty tactics until I got a finisher so Daivari goes for his Low Blow but I reverse by grabbing his hand and twisting into a hammerlock then I just Gorilla Press him out brilliant.

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I've had an 18 second match. I forget what I was but I think it was between AJ Styles (Me) and Matt Hardy in a ladder match.

Match starts

Matt goes outside to get the ladder

Comes back in and climbs it

I go up the top rope so I can try a flying move to knock him down

I do some flying chop thing, miss and sell an injury to my knee

Matt grabs title, wins.

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It obviously wasn't the stripe that was catching your eye around there :pervert:

Here's a question, does anyone use PPV mode?

And another, I'm looking just to mess around with this game and not play Season all the time when I play it, whats fun to play?

Edited by Cole27
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Exactly, if your gonna oggle polygons at least have Lita or Trish on screen or something.

Which reminds me, whilst I was online the other day '619gurl' or something similar came into the room and started a Fulfill Your Fantasy match.

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It obviously wasn't the stripe that was catching your eye around there :pervert:

Here's a question, does anyone use PPV mode?

And another, I'm looking just to mess around with this game and not play Season all the time when I play it, whats fun to play?

I used to use it a lot in SDvR05, but now if you want a title match it's simply billed as 'title match' I don't really bother. I hate making a bunch of title matches then when it comes to playing the thing forgetting who you wanted in what match type. I can't figure out the logic in treating title matches as their own match type.

So far the only PPV I've made and enjoyed playing was my recreation of ONS, which turned out remarkbly well.

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