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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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Someone help me figure out some commentary.

With Cole and Tazz on Cole says something when you're attacking your oppenent, the usual Cole fair, something along the lines of 'PINEBUSTER!' probably. Anyway, Tazz then proceeds to chip in with 'That and fifty cent'll get you a cup of coffee.'

I don't get it.

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I'm having a fued between Austin Lee (my CAW) and Rene Dupree, for the US Title. Lee was the champion going into the fued, and Dupree shockingly won it in a TLC match. Austin Lee then proceeded to win a 6-man battle royal for a rematch at the title. After a long, gruesome match that nearly ended in a double KO (both got up at 9), straight after getting up, Austin Lee nailed a quick shining wizard for the 3-count. Great fun.

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Yesterday I was having a match between my Joey Mercury CAW and Scotty 2 Hotty, and the crowd starting chanting BORING!!!!!! LOL

Anyone else had this? How do you get this chant or is it random?

Scarily enough, most of my matches get the boring chant from the crowd...

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Yesterday I was having a match between my Joey Mercury CAW and Scotty 2 Hotty, and the crowd starting chanting BORING!!!!!! LOL

Anyone else had this? How do you get this chant or is it random?

Scarily enough, most of my matches get the boring chant from the crowd...

For some odd reason, that seems to be the chant for matches involving a CAW. I suppose it's THQ's cruel practical joke since our CAWs just aren't as cool as the WWE SUPASTARZ!

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Yesterday I was having a match between my Joey Mercury CAW and Scotty 2 Hotty, and the crowd starting chanting BORING!!!!!! LOL

Anyone else had this? How do you get this chant or is it random?

Scarily enough, most of my matches get the boring chant from the crowd...

For some odd reason, that seems to be the chant for matches involving a CAW. I suppose it's THQ's cruel practical joke since our CAWs just aren't as cool as the WWE SUPASTARZ!

That might be it then, as I'm nearly always using my CAW

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I had it in the last match I just had, Kobashi vs Styles.

Basically, the easiest way for it to happen is to do your finisher when both your opponents and your stamina are low, as it will wipe you both out.

The match between my Kobashi and Styles was class, he hit me with a few Styles Clash's (they suck, but meh), Peles, various other twisty shit, my Burning Hammer finish knocked us both out, he kicked out of a powerbomb reverse of a frankensteiner twice even though he was half dead, kicked out of the half nelson suplex, only to go down to a stiff DDT in 19 minutes.

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I don't think you can get them in Last Man Standing matches. Can you?

But yeah, I get it a bunch of times. Last time was after I hit a bubba bomb I think

I am not 100% sure if it was a Last Man Standing match or not, but I think it was.

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Weirdest thing just happened to me, I was stomping on Samoa Joe with my Christopher Daniels CAW and out of nowhere Daniels pins him. Not only did this phantom pin happen, IT WORKED! Now, I was working over his head the whole match, but it was really cool because it felt like there was an actual injury to Joe and he had to end the match right away. I realize that more than likely isn't the case, but it seemed awesome.

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I have had it in a Last Man Standing Match, A Buff Bagwell Blockbuster on Kane pretty much wiped us both out I managed to get up and hit a Blockbuster to the outside and he popped right back up so I smashed him with The Chair for the duke.

I find it annoying that even Torrie Fucking Wilson pops back up after The Overcastle

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Well, I only have two or three Rising Star challenges to go after finally figuring out how to receive two finishers and win the match. Just go into the Chamber with five faces and enter last. The five faces will constantly jump off the turnbuckle/Chamber and max their momentum. Within 30 seconds of exiting the cage, I took a Five Knuckle Shuffle and Hogan's Atomic Leg Drop and my head went yellow, and then just held on for the win.

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