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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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I was hoping for someone more cheflike

I might give him a Chef's outfit as an entrance attire. The name itself is just supposed to be goofy and not make sense. Although I do call his finisher the Sweet & Sour Power Driver.

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give hime a bunch of martial art type moves as well as some armbars and such

for special give him either tajiri's special kick . tajiri's kick rush , The Chick Kick or the super kick(anyone except shawn michaels super kick)

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Yeah, for specials I ended up with the Buzzsaw Kick and the Rear Naked Choke. The kick combos aren't powerful enough...

Here's my champs...

World Heavyweight - Christian

WWE Championship - Monty Brown

World Tag - Chuck Norris & Big Al (me)

WWE Tag - British Bulldog & Owen Hart

Intercontinential - Samoa Joe

US Championship - Eddie Guerrero

Cruiserweight - Christopher Daniels (nearly all of my best matches have been for this belt.)

Womens - Trish....undefeated....and undefended.

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I have yet to make the Chuck Norris CAW, but my jaw dropped when I first saw it, and I definitely plan on making it eventually, but tweaking his outfit. (I don't want him dressed like Walker, Texas Ranger - I hate that show with a vengeance)

I'd make most of his striking attacks (and all of his combo attack) kicks, and give him the Martial Arts and Brawler categories, and either Old School or the Martial Arts category again. All of his submissions would be Headlocks or Arm Wrenches.

For finishers, I'd give him either the Tajiri Karate Rush that doesn't end with a Spinning Wheel Kick or the Steven Kick as his primary, and either that Tajiri Karate Rush or Finishing Punch as his secondary.

All of his signature moves would be kicks, though.

Then I'd make a Jackie Chan CAW and spend an hour using him to kick Norris' ass in various matches.

Well, Jackie Chan or an original CAW named Wet Paper Bag. :P

Its sad. I've actually created a lot more Divas (all my own original creations) than male wrestlers.

Probably making up for the fact that it was hard to make a decent looking Diva in the previous game. Then again, there are a lot of people making Diva CAWs.

If I had an AR Max with the USB drive, I'd upload a save somewhere. I may get one, but it'll be a few weeks.

(I should really type out the formulas for my Gabe Blankenship and Valeria Cage CAWs one of these days; I'm damned proud of both of them; too bad I can't take pics, or I'd definitely post them)

Edited by GhostMachine
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I made a killer CAW last night. Gave him the SSJ haircut, but black, with black and green face paint. I couldn't think of a name, so I just started puting in random letters (that would make sense), and Vudoki was born. Can't wait to show him off in the US/Canada League.

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Damn, I just had an awesome 6-man battle royal for the Cruiserweight title, well not so much the whole match but the end of it. It was me (Gregory Helms) against Nunzio, Chavo Guerrero, Paul London, Brian Kendrick and the champ Kid Kash.

Kendrick goes first, not sure how, but then it gets interesting as Nunzio is eliminated by Kash after a brainbuster, straight away followed by Paul London, eliminated by me after the shining wizard. While the ref's counting the pin on that, Kash hits a sit-out powerbomb pin on Chavo, and the ref goes and counts him out right away. Just as Kash gets up, I run and hit the running neckbreaker and pin Kash to win the title! That's four eliminations directly after one another in the space of less than a minute.

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Best Royal Rumble ever, Christian comes in at Number 20 but Carlito hits him with the Neckbreaker out of nowhere, London hits the 450 and Taker his Punching Sequences.

Christian gets his ass handed to him as Taker body presses London out of the ring, Big Show, a bunch of CAWS and AJ Styles come in next, Christian gets murdered by Styles through out.

Show takes out Taker when suddenly Christian gets up and Brainbusters everyone in the ring until his stamina runs out.

He then gets up and tries to Brainbuster Show who he cant lift Big Show goes for the Body Press but takes too long, CAWS take out Show, Christian takes them out.

Turns and gets The Landing Pin which does no damage, AJ climbs to the top rope for Spiral Tap, Christian gets up charges and crotches AJ, as AJ stumbles to the ground Christian quickly lifts him up and hits a Brainbuster, he never noticed Hurricane and Hassan in the corner.

They run at him as Hurricane takes The Unprettier, Hassan gets hit with The Running Diamond Cutter move Christian bundles out AJ and Hassan and starts taunting.

Hurricane gets up from behind and throws him out.

Just Awesome

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