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Limp Bizkit. One of those guilty pleasures I like to keep secret.

I dunno if you can count this one but Less Than Jake as well. Almost everyone I know with the except of a few people just simply shit all over them. They make fairly brainless yet hugely entertaining and catchy music, I love it.

If you think Less Than Jake make 'brainless' music, try listening again. In a genre full of 'brainless' acts, LTJ are both lyrically and musically so far above its ridiculous.

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I think the justification there is "The only possible reason not to like this band is ignorance" rather than, "Blink 182 are a bit shit, but I've yet to come to terms with this" :P

I rather mean, (and this goes to Summers too) that people will write off their stuff just from listening to singles. People are also a little too uptight about some of their early stuff, and stuff in the middle as well. That's just what I find, I know you can think of it as immature, but someone can't be all serious all the time. And if you just don't like it, fine. But we're talking about bands that get trashed, and I took it as, for no good reason.

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Most people I know will give old Blink its due. That shit rocked. They fell off though.

I get some shit for liking KoRn, but they're still my favorite band.

I like limpbizkit too. Most people just dislike Fred Durst, which is understandable, but the music isn't that bad.

Some people have listed some strange fucking bands. No one hates Weezer, System of a Down, Guns n' Roses, TOOL, Cannibal Corpse, or a few other bands that have been listed. Or, at least, they shouldn't.

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Stuff like Limp Bizkit, or Linkin Park I can understand, but there's a fair share of people I know that despise Audioslave (And to a lesser extent Soundgarden) which I find disheartening, seeing as they are my favourite bands (contemporary and past) :P

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Guest *Doink*

Most people I know will give old Blink its due. That shit rocked. They fell off though.

I get some shit for liking KoRn, but they're still my favorite band.

I like limpbizkit too. Most people just dislike Fred Durst, which is understandable, but the music isn't that bad.

Some people have listed some strange fucking bands. No one hates Weezer, System of a Down, Guns n' Roses, TOOL, Cannibal Corpse, or a few other bands that have been listed. Or, at least, they shouldn't.

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I don't think the reason people don't like Muse has anything to do with "image and coolness". It tends to be because they just don't like Matt Bellamy's voice, or they over-complicate songs that could work a lot better if they were simpler, from my experience. And I don't mind them, but claiming that they're "unique and weird" is almost laughable.

For a commercial band, they are rather unique in sound, really.

I only like good music. Fact. >_>

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I don't think the reason people don't like Muse has anything to do with "image and coolness". It tends to be because they just don't like Matt Bellamy's voice, or they over-complicate songs that could work a lot better if they were simpler, from my experience. And I don't mind them, but claiming that they're "unique and weird" is almost laughable.

It's one of those rare occasions I'm going to say this, but I don't like Muse because, and here is the rare bit, I they have a horrible sound, simple as. I like the lyrics of some songs, but the music itself and vocals I tend to find I'd rather rub a cheese grater against my ears. It's rare I'll say I hate a band without backing it up with reasoning, but aside from what I said, I just plain can't stand them and find them to be one of the single most over-rated 'cool' bands ever.

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I don't think the reason people don't like Muse has anything to do with "image and coolness". It tends to be because they just don't like Matt Bellamy's voice, or they over-complicate songs that could work a lot better if they were simpler, from my experience. And I don't mind them, but claiming that they're "unique and weird" is almost laughable.

For a commercial band, they are rather unique in sound, really.

I did mean for a commercial band. While we're "treated" to songs like Kaiser Chiefs and whatever crap Pete Doherty's peddling - you've got Muse doing songs like Stockholm Syndrome, New Born (and moving away from singles) Microcuts which are completely against what the sound of popular bands is in contemporary times. I love how a lot of Muse's songs are complicated. It's much more innovative and exciting to listen to.

Also, yes - most people will listen to Fozzy on the first go because they're fans of Chris Jericho's wrestling. But after the first listen - especially of "All That Remains" - Fozzy become much more than "that band Jericho fronts".

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Most people I know will give old Blink its due. That shit rocked. They fell off though.

I get some shit for liking KoRn, but they're still my favorite band.

I like limpbizkit too. Most people just dislike Fred Durst, which is understandable, but the music isn't that bad.

Some people have listed some strange fucking bands. No one hates Weezer, System of a Down, Guns n' Roses, TOOL, Cannibal Corpse, or a few other bands that have been listed. Or, at least, they shouldn't.

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I don't think the reason people don't like Muse has anything to do with "image and coolness". It tends to be because they just don't like Matt Bellamy's voice, or they over-complicate songs that could work a lot better if they were simpler, from my experience. And I don't mind them, but claiming that they're "unique and weird" is almost laughable.

For a commercial band, they are rather unique in sound, really.

I did mean for a commercial band. While we're "treated" to songs like Kaiser Chiefs and whatever crap Pete Doherty's peddling - you've got Muse doing songs like Stockholm Syndrome, New Born (and moving away from singles) Microcuts which are completely against what the sound of popular bands is in contemporary times. I love how a lot of Muse's songs are complicated. It's much more innovative and exciting to listen to.

Also, yes - most people will listen to Fozzy on the first go because they're fans of Chris Jericho's wrestling. But after the first listen - especially of "All That Remains" - Fozzy become much more than "that band Jericho fronts".

If Muse are unique and quirky, so are (or, I should say were) are the likes of the Kaiser Chiefs and Franz Ferdinand, the whole art-rock movement was fairly fresh sounding when it started. And, in my experience, Doherty doesn't get that much airplay, I only hear Babyshambles tracks played anywhere fairly infrequently, and The Libertines are alright. The media haven't really latched on to Doherty's music, more just his image.

I don't know, I've just never found Muse to be that original or inventive. They're fairly generic hard rock, it's just that Matt Bellamy's vocals and, to a lesser extent, piano playing make them stand out somewhat. If Stockholm Syndrome was sung by a generic deep-voiced rock singer, it wouldn't be anything special at all. I don't mind Muse at all, just to clarify, I just don't think that they're anywhere near as good as their fans tend to make them out to be. Wonderful live performers, though.

As for the Fozzy point, I personally think that "All That Remains" is by far Fozzy's weakest album, and shows just how far downhill Rich Ward has come since the first album, and certainly since the heyday of Stuck Mojo (although "The Duke" solo project is far worse). Fozzy are just a generic metal band, and would never have got anywhere without Jericho, especially when you consider that the first two albums were glorified covers records. The whole Fozzy backstory certainly helped, but without Chris Jericho they wouldn't have got anywhere.

And as for whoever said Oasis, I don't think I've ever heard a bad word spoken against them personally.

That amazes me. Just so you don't feel left out, though, here's some:

Oasis are one of, if not the most, over-rated band in the history of British music. Their entire early career was built on shamelessly stealing riffs from T-Rex and The Beatles, and attaching lacklustre nonsensical lyrics to them, and then living off the back of one half-decent album and the shitload of press coverage brought to them by having a complete cunt for a frontman. Anyone who honestly thinks they're anything close to the greatest band in the world, or that they've done anything to remotely change music in any way, shape or form, is simply deluded.

Will that do?

Edited by Skumfrog
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As for me, Limp Bizkit. I don't see what's supposed to be so bad about them really. In fact, I'd like somebody to come in here and tell me. I'm not saying it's the best music in the world but it's far from the worst, and incredibly catchy shit.

I'm sure 99% of my college *cough*WANKERS*cough* would easily jump on that oppotunity. Limp Bizkit are the second band I ever got into (1st: Lightning Seeds) since hearing "My Way" as the theme to Wrestlemania X7 and thought it was a great song... It still is as I listen to it right now. The only black mark in terms of their music they have is Rollin'. I think it comes down to how people sometimes care too much of the image and go: "I don't listen to Limp Bizkit because Fred Durst is a wanker" without even listening to the music.

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or that they've done anything to remotely change music in any way, shape or form, is simply deluded.

But, whether that is true or not, in a world where impact on pop culture has almost become more important, relative to Oasis that above statement sadly becomes pretty irrelevant.

Plus...what bands don't steal riffs/ideas? Not everything is unique and original these days.

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True, and there's nothing wrong with stealing riffs in itself, the DIY nature of some music is what makes it great, and that's a large part of it. It's the combination of that with the band, and it's fans', insistence that they're far better and/or more important than they actually are.

I don't think Oasis have even had that much of an impact culturally, to be honest. You get a few cunts at karaoke nights pretending to be Liam Gallagher, and that's pretty much the extent of it.

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