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I'm seriously thinking about grabbing a free trial to see how things have changed since I quit (several months before BC came out), since they don't seem to do free account re-activations much. I'd probably end up doing a server transfer if I did decide to start playing again (doubtful; I'm happy with CoX and can't afford to play both that and WoW, even using time cards), as I don't want to stick with Whipserwind and don't want to start over from scratch either.

Is it possible to still make money by farming leather and stonescale eels and selling them at the AH, or is the market for those dead?

Edited by GhostMachine
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Depends on the server, just like anything else on the Auction House. For example, on my brother's server it costs 10-15g for a Primal Mana but on the server I play on they're 30g. Likewise, there are other items that sell for super cheap on my brother's server of choice and are super pricy on mine.

Depends on the server.

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WoW sucks, just stopped playing. I now realize how much it sucks and what a waste of time AND money it is, to be honest.

Let me guess:

You're sick of either raiding or farming items you turn in for faction, couldn't make any decent money to upgrade your gear, or couldn't get anyone in your guild to get off their lazy asses and help you?

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Or he got his account suspended for doing something stupid.

But it appears that there isn't anymore WoW for me for some time. I just moved and when I log into WoW I have between 8000-10000 Latency which makes it unplayable. No free month for you Ruki.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, the Wrath cinematic is out. Old news, but hey. It's a fucking awesome cinematic.

Also, if you can find the video on youtube listen to the various emotes of the Death Knight races. Blood Elves have such an awesomely camp evil laugh it's unbelievable, and Orcs sound fucking awesome. Basically, all they did was put a sound filter over the regular voices to make the Death Knight voices and some of them came out great.

Dwarves, however..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just quit CoX (City of Heroes/Villains); logged on earlier to check on some items I had put up for sale in the game's consignment shop (same thing as a WoW auction house, more or less), only to find that it had been over a month since I had logged on to the game, and 62 days since I had actually logged on as one of my favorite characters. Not worth it to keep paying when I'm not playing, as this was the third time I've gone for over a month without playing in the last year.

Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually considering going back to WoW. I can't afford to pick up the Burning Crusade expansion at the moment, but I have a disk with a 10 day free trial of BC (meaning you can only level characters up to 1 pt from level 61 and any Draeni or Blood Elf characters you make during the trial are locked when it runs out until you buy the actual expansion) that I got a long time ago lying around.

Only thing stopping me? I uninstalled WoW when I quit over 2 years ago, and the thought of how long it'll take to download all the patches makes me nauseous. (Well, that and I'm not sure the game has anything for me anymore, as I don't like raid on a regular basis and would have to find a new guild (the one I was in when I quit fell apart a couple months after I stopped playing))

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Unrelatedly, the Wrath release date's been announced. So much for announcing it at BlizzCon, eh, Blizzard? It's November 13th.

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Well, I tried to install the disks last night, but the last disk wouldn't install; the drive just sort of froze up rather than running that last disk. Tried 3 times to do it, and it happened all 3 times - I even had to reboot the computer one of those times. If the workaround I got off the tech support part of the Blizzard's site doesn't work (copying the files on the disks into a folder and installing from there), I won't be playing WoW again, as I don't want to have to buy new disks and start all over again or mail them my disks and $10 for replacements.

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Just download the free trial of the Bliz site, and then update it with your account details and it starts to patch as normal.

Tried that, and it didn't work; tried to log in with my old account details and it said it wouldn't work with the trial version. Fortunately, the workaround did work, but I had to download the two oldest patches I needed off FileFront, as downloading through the Blizzard patcher was taking waaaay too long; the rest of the patches after I installed those downloaded and installed just fine.

Unfortunately, by the time I got done, I didn't have any time to play; I just walked around on my Hunter a bit and fixed the talent points for my 3 highest characters.

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GIANT FUCKING WRATH SPOILERS. I mean huge. It happens around level 72/73 so it's early into the xpac but don't READ BELOW IF YOU DON'T WANT IT SPOILED!

(These are the details for the Alliance part of the quest.)

"During the Cinematic (which isn't in the Beta just yet) something happens involving members of the Undead's Apothecary Society lead by Putress. They rebel against the Horde alongside Varimathras, and kill the Horde and Alliance members at the Wrath gate including Highlord Bolvor Fordragon. Alexstrasza comes and tells you to send Fordragon's shield to King Wyrnn and tell him the grim news. My photo album picks up when Wyrnn tells you to accompany Jania to Thrall.

A couple of notes. After returning (I didn't get a ss of it) King Wyrnn says that he will reclaim the Undercity for the Alliance. I didn't catch the beginning of the assault because it looked like it was bugged and I went into the Undercity. After a few minutes I noticed the Alliance is battling in the sewers and I ran back. The Horde quest line takes out Varimathas while the Alliance takes out Putress."

http://photo.xanga.com/Marthman/albums/f07ff23624383c There's a photo album of the quest going down from an Alliance's perspective.

This makes me SO MUCH MORE hyped for Wrath. Seriously. This means that (more spoilers!)

Varimathras was probably never on the Horde's side anyway, and the Royal Apothecary Society are loyal to him (and, probably, Arthas or the Burning Legion).

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Holy fucking epic, Batgirl.

So me and this rogue friend of mine did our 2vs2s today and the first few we did - the first four - we did naked, /dancing and generally making asses out of ourselves. We lost. Then the rogue geared up and I stayed naked, and I would run up to the other team, start /dancing and they'd start DPSing me down (I'm a paladin, a little hard to kill) and then I'd bubble at the last possible moment, heal all the way up and the rogue would absolutely own one of the team members before I died and then he usually owned the other team member, effectively 1-manning arenas. It was fucking epic fun. I can't imagine how many people probably complained to Blizzard about it, even though I'm pretty sure it's a valid tactic. Though I am a little worried about people getting pissed and opening a ticket about us or something.

Hopefully they won't though.. we're in the 1200s/1300s bracket - an awful bracket, we just do arenas for points and not to win - and I don't think anyone else would cry too much if they died to one rogue. Besides, I would hope they find it funny because that was the point. I hope at least one team went away laughing at us.

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He's a fuck-off-great Daemon that was Kil'Jaeden's bitch for ages. Then Sylvanas 'spared his life' in exchange for 'his undying loyalty' when the second Burning Legion attack went tits-up. You know how Daemons are with loyalty.

One of his brothers headed up the Scarlet Crusade, getting repeatedly ganked by a load of level 60's in Stratholme ¬_¬ (notice how Varimathras was very insistent you should slaughter everyone in the Scarlet Monastery, but never once mentions Stratholme (or Hearthglen) when the time comes...).

Sylvanas killed the other one in front of him.

I'm not entirely surprised Varimathras took the first opportunity to get revenge. It also helps explain why he was so ungodly shit at his job. :P

Besides, for such a powerful daemon, he was rather quiet during the opening of the Dark Portal, don't you think? "Help the Forsaken against the Burning Legion? Nah, I reckon I'll stay here in relatively-tactically-insignificant-these-days Tirisfal and... er... watch."

I bet he's still a badass when he wants to be though.

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Yeah, Reil

I figure he still serves Kil'jaeden. Before you, Thrall and the Horde NPCs kill him he says something about failing his master and then there's a distant voice that chides him for, well, failing. Putress (who is, apparently, the leader of the Royal Apothecary Society introduced in Wrath) is apparently loyal to Varimathras and serves the same master along with most of the RAS.

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Picked up BC and started a Draenei Shaman yesterday. May try a Blood Elf, but haven't decided which class. Won't be a Paladin, though; I already have a low lvl Human one.

Not too thrilled with Brewfest, but I do want to get enough tokens to pick up the permanent keg on two of my characters. 600 to get the mount is nuts - especially since that just gives you the right to buy it and you actually have to pay money for it.

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Can you actually buy the mount this year or not? Nobody wants to make up their mind about that. At first it was "Alliance get Rams, Horde get Kodos" and then it was changed to "Coren Direbrew drops the Ram and the Kodo" but lately I've heard people talk about buying the mounts this year so what's the fucking deal? I'm almost 99% sure that you can't buy the mounts this year.

EDIT: Ah. If you did the quest LAST YEAR to get a mount you can redeem it this year.

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