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Having effectively dropped WoW once I hit 70 about... three months back, my account's really only been used by my wife. I'm now thinking of heading off and doing twenty or so quests and not handing them in so that when I do install Wrath I can just level up to 71 or so in a few minutes.

Cheap, maybe, but...

Saying that, though, does anyone know what system specs Wrath will need? If they're signficiantly higher than BC, I won't be able to run it on my PoS laptop - I can only just about run WoW with all the settings on low. I miss my late, lamented desktop - especially when I start lagging while doing quests :crying:

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Having effectively dropped WoW once I hit 70 about... three months back, my account's really only been used by my wife. I'm now thinking of heading off and doing twenty or so quests and not handing them in so that when I do install Wrath I can just level up to 71 or so in a few minutes.

Cheap, maybe, but...

Saying that, though, does anyone know what system specs Wrath will need? If they're signficiantly higher than BC, I won't be able to run it on my PoS laptop - I can only just about run WoW with all the settings on low. I miss my late, lamented desktop - especially when I start lagging while doing quests :crying:

It's been said that doing that (doing a bunch of BC quests and turning them in when Wrath comes out) won't get you much EXP. I can't remember, but I think someone said they did that on WoWInsider in the Wrath Beta and they didn't even get half a bar's worth of EXP.

Besides that, the quests in the Wrath zones are supposed to award a shitload of EXP.

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Holy SHIT, ret paladins on the PTR. I'm sure we're going to get nerfed to high hell but that was some of the most fun I've had playing WoW in a LONG time. I duoed Underbog with another Retadin and I swear there was almost NO downtime thanks to Seal of Light, Judgement of Light, Judgement of Wisdom and Replenishment.

Divine Storm is fucking crazy awesome.

Oh, and barbershops are expensive. I got a shave and a haircut for the "Shave And A Haircut" achievement and it cost me 12g. But I look cool now so hey.

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  • 2 weeks later...

System requirements for Wrath have been posted by Blizzard.

# PC:

* Windows XP SP3 or Vista SP1 (Windows 2000 no longer supported)

* Pentium 4 1.3 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 1.5 GHz (up from 800 MHz Intel/AMD). Dual-core recommended.

* RAM: 512 MB/1 GB for Vista, doubled from same as previous. 1 GB/2 GB recommended.

* Video: GPU with hardware transform and lighting and 32 MB VRAM, same as before. Recommended 128 MB VRAM.

# Mac:

* Mac OS X 10.4.11 (10.3 no longer supported)

* PowerPC G5 1.6 GHz or Intel Core Duo. Big change here: G4s are no longer supported. This one actually affects me, since I do have some G4 machines hanging around the house. Intel 1.8 GHz recommended.

* RAM: 1 GB, up from 512 MB. 2 GB recommended.

* Video: Hardware transform and lighting, 64 MB VRAM. On the face of it, this rules out the integrated graphics found on MacBooks and Mac Minis, but there's been no official word on it yet. 128 MB VRAM recommended

I can't comment on the Mac specs, but as far as the PC specs go I'm fairly certain you should be able to run WOTLK with XP SP2. SP2 was one of the sys reqs for Burning Crusade and I know plenty of people who ran it on SP1 with no problems whatsoever. The general consensus so far is that if you can run Burning Crusade fine, you should be able to run WOTLK with no hiccups. You might have to turn a few options down (new shadowing feature is supposed to be pretty intensive) but that's about it.

Edited by Cloudy Chance of PAIN
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Found a good way to make money with not much effort:

I have a Draenei Shaman (currently lvl 22), and noticed that people have been selling the moth pets from the Exodar on the Auction House for a fairly big amount....and people have been buying. So I started buying moth pets from the vendor and putting them up for sale in the auction house for a lot less (I'm selling 5 moths for what the others are charging for 1, basically). I only put up 4 to 8 moths at a time, but they've been selling out fairly quick. I'm going to try jacking up the price a bit and see what happens. (I usually only pick up and sell the blue and white moths - the yellow one is kind of ugly and it doesn't sell as well as the other two do)

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Updated my laptop with the new patch yesterday, and now I'm updating my desktop (only three patches since it last went on in May or thereabouts - shame one of them is 2GB).

Anyone else play as a Warrior? I've been Arms specced all the way, but have switched to Fury to use Titan's Grip. It's not as much fun as I was expecting - Fury seems to involve a lot of buffs and no attacks anywhere near as satisfying as Mortal Strike. It's like playing as a Paladin.

Am I missing something?

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Hey shut up, we deserve a little time being overpowered. :angry:

Still, though, they did nerf Ret DPS from Divine Storm. It does physical damage (which can be mitigated by armor) instead of Holy damage (unmitigated). I did Zul'Gurub with a few friends the night 3.0 went live and there were probably four other ret pallies there, and I don't know about them but I was doing upwards of 2500 damage every DS. Now I do a little less than half of that which yea, people are still gonna go "boo hoo too much" but it really nerfs our burst damage and gives the opposition a lot better chance of surviving in arenas/battlegrounds.

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Anyone doing Inscription? I dumped Tailoring for it on my BE Mage (he was already an Herbalist, and his Tailoring wasn't real high) and am enjoying it. I hate the research cooldown being 20 hours, but I think its good for the market; stops a total flooding of minor glyphs. I'm getting 30g a pop for Glyph of Blinding Speed (the only one my Mage can make until about 7 hours from now), but I do have to buy the herbs to make the ink (my Mage is still in Ghostlands and not a lot of the herbs used to make the ink are found there).

I've made well over 150g selling moth pets on my 22 Draenei Shaman the last couple of days. My Shaman has over 200g right now. (Not bad, since my 63 NE Hunter has about 360g)

I want the skunk pet, but 50 vanity pets is a lot. Especially since the pet achievements has driven the prices of vanity pets up. (I made a Mechanical Squirrel on my Warlock yesterday and sold it for almost 4 times what it used to go for)

Anyone witnessed any city leader raids, since they have the achievement that gives the Black War Bear mount? I witnessed about 30-40 Horde kill Velen in the Exodar last night. Someone was trying to organize an Alliance raid yesterday, but could only get about 20 people so it didn't happen. (I want to see an Alliance raid try to take out Sylvanas, just for the laughs)

Edited by GhostMachine
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I'm just plugging away selling any motes I find. Two-thirds of the way to epic flight goodness.

I'm a bit annoyed that I seem to have to keep my mounts on my action bar, though - I didn't mind having them in my bags, where they only took up 2/80 spaces, as oppoed to 2/20 or so on the action bar... Shame I can't move them back.

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Mount macros have been a part of my action bars for a long time now so I'm used to that. I can see how it'd be irritating though, I guess.

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I'm just plugging away selling any motes I find. Two-thirds of the way to epic flight goodness.

I'm a bit annoyed that I seem to have to keep my mounts on my action bar, though - I didn't mind having them in my bags, where they only took up 2/80 spaces, as oppoed to 2/20 or so on the action bar... Shame I can't move them back.

if you turn all the action bars on there's like 60 slots

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How much money have I been making selling moths on the AH? Well, last night my main character bought his epic mount, finally. I transferred a little over 300g to my main from the character I've been selling the moths on, then went and bought the mount, and the Shaman has made a little over 50g since then.

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Anyone had any luck fighting the Headless Horseman in the Scarlet Monastery? I'm lvl 65 (Hunter), so I can't use most of the loot yet (but I can bank it until I am 70), and did about 7 fights in a group yesterday. He dropped rings every fight, and the only other loot that dropped was the broom (I got it because no one else wanted it, and its usable by 60s) during the third or fourth fight and the Horseman's Helmet and the Hallowed Helm the last fight. (The Horseman's Helmet went to the Paladin since he was the only plate wearer in the group, and I didn't bother rolling for the Hallowed Helm) I have two of the rings in the bank as trophys (they're the caster rings - only one Ring of Ghoulish Delight dropped and I didn't roll because the other Hunter actually needed it) since every one else already had the rings.

The Horseman's Helmet looks great (and the fact it does the Horseman's laugh when the wearer clicks on it is a bonus), but it really looks awesome on male Taurens, because of the way their head is placed. It makes them look like a monster rather than a bull-man. Looks lame on Elves (BE and DE) because you can still see their ears somewhat. Haven't seen it on any other Horde except an Orc, but the only Alliance race I haven't seen it on is Gnome. Surprisingly, I don't think I've seen it on any female characters at all, despite their being a good # of female Paladins on the server.

Where is the moth seller? I went looking for him, but he wasn't where I remembered.

No idea where they are if its a Horde vendor, but on the Alliance side the moth seller is in the Exodar in the Crystal Hall area, and its a female. She's on the way to the Shaman trainer who is upstairs in that area.

Do the red moths I see on the AH come from a Horde vendor? I see them on the AH occasionally, but the vendor in Exodar only sells blue, white and yellow (and I think the yellow one looks awful - I do sell yellow ones, but I don't own one).

Unfortunately, I'm not making as much money selling moths now as I was. Some people have caught on and started undercutting me. I was selling the moths for 5g a pop to begin with, and now am getting around 2g 50s to 3g for them, depending on who else is selling. I put up about 14 at a time.

However, I've got a BE Mage who is now filthy rich (for his level, that is - he's lvl 18, and has over 250g) thanks to Inscription. The prices people were paying for glyphs for the first few days was outrageous (the prices for herbs shot up, too, but even buying the ones I couldn't farm myself I was still making a profit), but have gone waaaay down now. My BE's Inscription skill is 143 and likely will stay there until I can farm the herbs. Its not worth paying 40g for a stack of herbs when I will be lucky to make 2 or 3 g from selling the glyphs I get from using the ink I make out of the herbs.

(I have given away some Rogues Decks I made for free and have 2 cards from the Swords deck sitting in my bank until I feel like making more cards - the Swords Deck isn't really worth making, really, even for skill-ups)

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I got the Horseman's Helm yesterday afternoon. It dropped on the second or third try, and the rest of the time Ring of Ghoulish Delight and Witches Band dropped. Drop my fucking Squashling so I can get the Hallowed title, fucker.

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