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PS3 Vs Xbox 360


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i'm getting the 360 as soon as the first price drop happens...if microsoft is smart they'll time that with the release of the ps3. i might pick up a ps3 only to sell it on ebay for some extra cash. i didn't like ps2 because they both (yes, i bought two) ended up breaking on me within a year. my x box has yet to mess up and i've had it for over two years.

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I prefer the Xbox-exclusive games to the Nintendo-exclusive. And PS2 don't really have any exclusive games (and if they do, they're probably shite).

The 360's around now are apparently glitchy (as almost all batches of new consoles) so I'd wait for them to become freely availiable, cheaper and with more robust hardware/software.

The PS3 apparently has better specs, and the 'demos' they were showing were mind boggling, but it turned out that the 'demos' were basically just made up to reflect what performance would be like.

I also prefer trhe 360 design, Xbox Live (online service) and the customizable panels and stuff you have with the 360. And I don't think I could wait for the PS3 to be honest.

Your call.

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Proabably be best to wait either way. Games are ultimately the most important thing and we don't know much of what PS3 games will be like and to an extent 360 games. From some of the reviews i've seen they seem to be little more than spit shined Xbox games. It's what can be expected from a hurried launch I guess, Spring time is apparently when games making more use of the power availible should be out, Halo 3 namely.

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I never had a PS2 problem.

You all suck.

Echo'd. Well, almost. I only had one problem with my PS2, and that was when I tripped over it one drunken night. It's long since been replaced, and works perfectly.

Personally I'll be waiting till there's a good catalogue of games out for both, but I expect I'll probably get the PS3 first. Technical specs mean fuck all to me, as long as the game works fine and is fun to play, then I'll play it. Chances are my brother'll be picking up a 360 anyway, so it's all good.

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If you're going to be getting either you'll need to get a HDTV first, one that supports up to 720p. I've got the 360 and I tested it on an old television I have kicking about and it didn't look too great (like a beefed up Xbox game) but on my HDTV at 720p it looks freaking amazing. Call Of Duty and Kameo look stunning (especially some of the environments in Kameo). So I'd suggest buying a HD ready TV before actually considering buying a console if you haven't got one already.

Dead or Alive 4 is the next game to be released sometime in January for the Uk, think it's late December in the US and that looks stunning.

EDIT: Also, I made a profit on my 360. I ordered one with Amazon the first day it was available but due to a fuck up they sent out the later orders first. So I picked one up from Ebay at the weekend with an extra wireless controller and Kameo for £430. Now the one I ordered from Amazon has just dispatched and someone has agreed to buy it off me for £520 so I've made a £90 profit.

Edited by LBTN™
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Or if you've got a decent monitor you could try hooking up your console with a VGA cable. Would probably be annoying switching around cables all the time but it's an inexpsensive solution.

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Add me to the list of people who've never had PS2 problems.

As per usual, PS3 may not get the cream of the crop games wise, but aside from the few and far between they miss, they'll again get a massive amount of games in general. I'd rather buy a console for a very solid games catalogue than the odd one or two crackers with lots of meh thrown in.

So PS3 for me all the way.

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I've already got a 360 pre-ordered, the guys at the store said I should get it before Christmas.

I wish I could say I was with the PS2 crowd with never having problems, but the last two ones I had scratched the fuck out of my discs. Since I have a new slimline though everything is just peachy and I love my PS2(moreso than my original Xbox.)

Specs don't matter, just depends on how good the games are. I've never tried to be a fanboy of either because that shit gets retarded, if it's a good game I'll enjoy it, whether it's console-exclusive or not. I'll be getting all three probably, as long as the Nintendo one has a third party controller(which they do, it looks hellacomplicated to work it though.) I would agree that the PS3 will be a better console, plus it's supposed to have a better launch line-up(Metal Gear 4, Gran Turismo, Tekken, misc. others).

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Guest clintcasey

I also have never had a problem with the my playstation 2 the entire time I owned it. As long as your not being an idiot and storing it where it can't get proper ventilation, you don't drop it, and your hardware isn't faulty there is no reason why it shouldn't run for YEARS. Most problems that people have with the current Gen game consoles, excluding X-box 360, is that most people don't take very good care of them.

As for the question I intend on getting a playstation 3 deffinatly. Graphicly they'll be very close to one another, but being able to perform more calculations per secound also means better potential game physics and realism than X-box 360 games. The bus to the Blue Rey drive alone is 4 GB, yes that Byte with a capital B, not bit. Which also means more objects on the fly from the drive than X-box 360 will ever be able to manage without modification. Plus 360 isn't backwards compatible with most X-box games. Blue Ray is also capable of 100 Gigs of storage space on a dual layered disk, 50 gigs on a single, HDDVD which 360 uses runs up to about 5.2 Gigs. The difference is more space on the disk, which translates into more objects, and better detailed objects which can lead to a fuller playing experince if utilized correctly by the game designers. Better tools, means better games.

In short loading graphics that would cause an X-box 360 to lag/slow down, wouldn't cause PS3 to bat an eye. PS3 has a better list of titles comming out, over the long haul. And since most american developers won't limit themselves to just one console, such as EA, will have their titles available on Play Station 3 as well as 360.

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My PS2 fucked up once but it was under warranty.

I could never get into the XBox. I bought one but I just couldn't find anything about it that interests me. Whereas with my PS2, that has kept me going since it came out.

I'll be getting a PS3. I just hope to fuck the games aren't as much as the 360. Who would pay £50 for FIFA 2005? Not me.

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My first ps2 didn't work the first time I tried it. Got it replaced. That one lasted me 2 years until it just stopped reading discs and clicking. My step-dad went to get it repaired and the dumbass dropped it on the way out of the repair shop. Bought a brand new one, and that's lasted me just over a year and I'm getting the same clicking/not reading discs.

It does get moved about but what the fuck do you expect when there's me and my brother who both want to play it in our own rooms.

Even so, I'll be waiting for the PS3 rather than getting an Xbox. It's just what I'm used to. I probably won't get it on release either. I'll wait for the price to drop a bit.

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Guest The Legend

The 360 was way too rushed in my opinion, and not only that but it still has the old technical problems that the old XBOX had. Also, are there really any new features in the 360 from XBOX? Besides the improved graphics, they seem like pretty much the same thing for me.

In my opinion, XBOX 360 will go down as a flop, and I'll be getting my PS3 that I know will kick ass next year.

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