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24 Season 5

Green Demon

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Great episode tonight. If this is the end for Heller, he went out like a man, Logan is fitting into the role of Evil President better and better every week, and Reason #28 as to why you just shouldn't fuck with Curtis Manning.

Plus Chloe's line about how Buchanan's computer "kinda pathetic" was hilarious. Definitely the best episode in weeks.

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Shit, I missed last night's episode. Tried reading up on it on Wikipedia though. Heller ... you're a bitch. Thank God you're gone.

Hey, Heller went out great. It was a wonderful antithesis to every other time someone's life has been in danger and Jack just caves because he can't do that sort of thing; Heller didn't LET Jack cave and made the decision for him. He may have fucked up last week, but he went out like a man last night if he's really dead.

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Yeah, I like that idea. Jack/CTU aren't even aware of these men yet and I don't know how the show could introduce them and not make it sound rushed with only 3 (4?) episodes left.

My predictions would be:

Martha commits suicide

Logan is caught

Group flees

Setting up next season where it would be that group again with a new president and Jack back at CTU??

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I watched last night, even though I've only seen the first two episodes of this season and even though I was confused, I found it really enjoyable. From Chloe tasering the drunk to Jack being badass, I was entertained. Hopefully I'll be able to catch the rest of the season, then pick up this and season 4 (I'm REALLY far behind.)

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That taser bit was pretty cool. Chances of reprecussions tonight?

Anyone got predictions on tonight? Mine...

- Martha flirts with suicide, doesn't do it

- plane crashlands, at least 2/3rds passengers survive (if not everyone)

- mystery guy talking to Logan gets discovered, chase begins

- Logan gets found out

Edited by Lowerdeck
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I read something about tonight's episode, got it off IGN's 24 board so I don't really know how credible it is but here it is.

Supposedly, tonight features the most expensive cgi piece in 24 history as we witness the plane land on a freeway and we get to see it from Curtis' car.

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That was a great episode tonight. Wathced in Global-Halifax so it was on earlier than everywhere else.


Yeah, the plane landing on the freeway was awesome. Loved the episode tonight. With the mystery guys not being revealed yet, I'm really starting to think that these guys will be the enemy next season. Kind of predictable that Myles would end up going to help Logan but the show still made it seem shocking when they revealed it. How will Myles stop them though?

I hope that CTU ends up showing the evidence because if it is taken again, it's only going to prolong what we know is going to happen anyway. Can't wait to see next week and then the finale in two weeks. :D

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Guest Kliq Masterson

Just a reminder that 24 will start at 9:20 tonight because of Bush. Could be longer if he decides he's got lots to say.

It's on at the regular time in Canada though.

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