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TV Shows renewed and cancelled for 2006/2007

Bob Roberts

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People watch Yes, Dear? Mike O'Malley is somewhat entertaining, but I've never laughed once at the show, and I've seen quite a few episodes.

I'll never understand why they're cancelling Alias, but I assume it's kind of like Angel, the stars aren't going to put up much of a fight since they probably want to do other things.

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I may be in the minority, but I'm dissapointed that E-Ring, Four Kings, and possibly The Loop could be canned, as I like all three shows. I know Beatnik said to take it with a grain of salt, but still, if any of those three are cancelled, I'll be sad.

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I did not know they still made new episodes of "Yes, Dear". I've only saw what was on TBS. And "Yes, Dear" was my pre-work show. If I didn't watch it, I had a horrible attitude at work. Seriously.

I am still holding a grudge with FOX over "Arrested Development". I understand why it was cancelled, but as my favorite show ever, I am extremely saddened to see it end so soon. I don't understand how people did not like the show. I own Season 1 and 2 on DVD, and it's the only TV show other then the new Battlestar Galactica I have ever wanted on DVD. Hell, I skipped college just to buy "Arrested Development" Season 2 the day it came out, and spent several classes watching episodes of 1 and 2 during lectures on my laptop. It's the only TV show that has seriously had an impact on me, in the way I talk and do things. Because I want to be like Gob. And Buster. And Micheal. And George Micheal. And on and on...

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The returns of My Name is Earl, The Office, The War At Home, and How I met Your Mother - YAY!

The in-doubt status of Jake In Progress - BOOO!!!!!! I NEED STAMOS ON MY TV!

When Jake In Progress gets cancelled, Stamos will no doubt move into the ER role he had lined up before ABC shocked the entire universe by renewing Jake In Progress.

Plus, all this is still speculation, network upfronts are when shows are officially cancelled/renewed.

Considering that Jake In progress returned and was promptly removed from the schedule withint, what, two weeks, is a good sign that it is indeed going to be cancelled.


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I am still holding a grudge with FOX over "Arrested Development". I understand why it was cancelled, but as my favorite show ever, I am extremely saddened to see it end so soon. I don't understand how people did not like the show. I own Season 1 and 2 on DVD, and it's the only TV show other then the new Battlestar Galactica I have ever wanted on DVD. Hell, I skipped college just to buy "Arrested Development" Season 2 the day it came out, and spent several classes watching episodes of 1 and 2 during lectures on my laptop. It's the only TV show that has seriously had an impact on me, in the way I talk and do things. Because I want to be like Gob. And Buster. And Micheal. And George Micheal. And on and on...
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I am still holding a grudge with FOX over "Arrested Development". I understand why it was cancelled, but as my favorite show ever, I am extremely saddened to see it end so soon. I don't understand how people did not like the show. I own Season 1 and 2 on DVD, and it's the only TV show other then the new Battlestar Galactica I have ever wanted on DVD. Hell, I skipped college just to buy "Arrested Development" Season 2 the day it came out, and spent several classes watching episodes of 1 and 2 during lectures on my laptop. It's the only TV show that has seriously had an impact on me, in the way I talk and do things. Because I want to be like Gob. And Buster. And Micheal. And George Micheal. And on and on...

At this point, if you want to blame someone, blame Mitchell Hurwitz. They had a deal on the table for either Showtime or ABC (I can't remember exactly which one) which would have allowed them to continue the show on a full budget, but it was contingent on Hurwitz staying with the show. He walked, deal fell through.

Edited by desiredtoe
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  • 3 weeks later...

Take it with a grain of salt, but I believe I did hear that if NBC cancels Scrubs, ABC already has plans to pick it up (considering it's produced by a division of ABC, it seems likely...)

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