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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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It's kind of scary how similar TGC and my Avengers tastes are. :shifty:

It's kind of scary how similar TGC and and MPH and my Avengers tastes are. :shifty:

Oh, and so this isn't so postwhorish, the 4th Simonson/Art Adams FF member was the grey Hulk. At least they knew how over-the-top they were being and had the masthead changed to "The World's Most Commercialist Comic Magazine".

There are few runs from my youth that I absolutely COULD NOT miss and would ride my bicycle to the next county to get:

Avengers from # 241 to about # 280. I just couldn't take Dr. Druid as leader.

Captain America from Nomad in # 282 to the end of Cap-Wolf in # 407. Man I hated Cable back then. He was shoe-horned into everything. Fuck, that run covers 1983 til 1992, from riding my bicycle at 11 to driving home from college at 19. Ouch.

Fantastic Four under Byrne from "Trial of Galactus" # 256 on through to Simonson, finally giving up during the She-Thing era # 317. Ugh.

Oh, and what was worse? The WCW/ECW InVasion or Marvel's sodomization of the Ultraverse?

Edited by TheRaySays
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Guest Mr. Potato Head
Oh, and what was worse? The WCW/ECW InVasion or Marvel's sodomization of the Ultraverse?

I never really liked the Ultraverse...

...but I never really liked WCW. :shifty:

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I just got done reading The Watchmen and I'm incredibly excited about the movie. Rorschach is a motherfucking badass and I have been quoting him all day. I hope they include every god damn one of his scenes in the comic into the movie coming out because they're all gold. All of the characters in fact seemed really strong and while I had my suspicions of who was behind all the evil taking place in the middle/toward the end, it felt like a good kind of surprise when I was right.

Two complaints though that REALLY I hope in the end I'm going to end up overlooking.

As one other member commented in this thread, hated the pirate stories. Really bogged things down for me and I ended up skimming or skipping a lot of the pirate stories.

The second thing was the lack of closure at the end. I'll put a my real complaint in spoilers so anyone who wants the ending to be a surprise doesn't have it spoiled for them.

What the fuck? Ozymandias just gets away with it? I thought Silk Spectre/Laurie should have killed him when she shot him. And if not killing him then, cuz granted, it was fucking awesome revealing that he caught the bullet, she should have shot him while he was meditating. And also, anytime Manhattan/Jon would be predicting the future, I really, really wanted someone to prove him wrong. Like when Laurie told Jon the argument was over and she wasn't crying, I wanted that to completely fuck him up mentally. And Jon at the end... ugh, again, I get why they did it, but it felt like Poochie on The Simpsons. "I have to go now. My planet needs me." And I get that Silk Spectre and Nite Owl live happily ever after due to Ozymandias' evil act, but what actually ended up happening to Ozymandias and Rorschach?

So, overall, GREAT story and I have a man-crush on Rorschach, but not a fan of the ending.

Edited by Inner D Monz
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Thank you for putting that in spoiler tags. Usually I don't mind spoilers, but I will be getting that book sometime between Monday and Wednesday, and I don't want it to be spoiled. What's this about pirate stories though? Ugh. I might just have to skip those as well.

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To Inner D. Monz. Watchmen spoilers.

Uhh.. Rorschach was willingly slain by Manhattan. Ozymandias brought the world peace and delayed WWIII, and Rorschach wasn't willing to keep the secret. Ozymandias' plan killed thousands, and to Rorschach world peace wasn't a good enough reason. Or something.

I doubt it'll spoil anything, but the "pirate comics" in Watchmen is the "Tales of the Black Freighter", which is the brainchild of a comic writer who's been missing for a year, or something. It doesn't really matter, and like Monz, I skipped most of that shit.

Be sure to read the stuff like the police reports, papers on Manhattan, and the autobiography of the Nite Owl. It's pretty cool stuff.

Edited by Tristy
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About the Watchmen Ending:

Rorschach decided that world peace or no, Veidt still murdered innocent people. I was kind of surprised that Rorschach was the one that saw Veidt as a murderer, given his thoughts on Truman and the atomic bombings. I thought it was an interesting change in heart for Rorschach.
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What the fuck? Ozymandias just gets away with it?

Who's to say he did? This isn't a shot at you but it amazes me how many people miss out on the one moment in the book that makes the ending all that more spectacular; Rorschach's journal. That ending is extremely ambigiuous, there's a reason Rorschy posted that journal to a newspaper...
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wow the pirate stuff is usually really well liked. I'd say don't skip anything. It all has a meaning for being there.

I liked the pirate stuff too, but I have to say it feels like it ruins the flow when reading first time, if anything I'd say read it all a second time through with the extras afterwards like a "Directors Cut/Extra Footage".

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The only thing that messed up the flow in the book was that little piece between chapters 11 and 12, which would have worked brilliantly as a cliffhanger in the comic books but made me deliberately skip it because you NEEDED to see what came next.

The pirate things didn't bother me because the story was progressing at a slow pace around the time it started and it was usually in the same sections as other character building stories. Was an intresting read and will probably make more sense the next time I read it (most of the time you miss a single line of dialogue that is the foundation of the story >_<)

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I think part of the problem is the change in the way comics are read and packaged. When Watchmen came out, it was in monthly installments, and is structured to be read as such. Nowadays, most people burn through that shit in a weekend, even skipping over the "slow stuff" to see what happens next. Sadly, I think that takes away some of the power of the work, not that you have to ration it out over the course of a year, but even taking your time on a second read through, you'll find the pacing works better.

The Tales of the Black Freighter were an interlude, but now it feels like "Get the fuck outta the way, I want more Rorschach!"

Just an observation.

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Completely agree with TheRaySays. If I were only reading the stories once a month I probably would have spent more time on the pirate stories but I really was just all about the "give me more Rorschach!"

And when I first watched Jon blink Rorschach out of existence I thought he killed him too, but his line to Ozymandias "You need'nt consider Rorschach. I strongly doubt he'll reach civilization." it made me think, oh, he just teleported Rorschach to fucking Punjabi jungle or something where he'll likely die before he finds civilization again.

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For those interested here is a preview of the upcoming Deadpool solo series slated to start September 3rd.

I'm no massive Deadpool fanboy but I've always enjoyed him. Completely lost interest during the Cable & Deadpool team up (mainly cause I despise Cable) but this book looks promising. Great looking art and I'm generally interested in reading his interactions with various Skrull, which could make for some funny encounters.

Edited by Drifter_2000
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